false attack
- 假进攻
- 1. Also be assured that we are fully aware of the plan of the dark Ones to stage a false attack, and we will make sure that it fails.
- 也请确信我们完全的清楚黑暗势力的计划在上演一场错误的攻击,但是我们也可以保证这会失败。
- 2. After his death, his family put out a statement that he had been an 'honest businessman' who never had a chance to defend himself against a 'relentless attack of innuendo and false allegations.'
- 在他死后,他的家人在声明中表示,彭日成是一位诚实的商人,他受到了含沙射影和虚假指控的无情攻击,从来没有机会为自己辩驳。
- 3. Once an attack is activated, everything from account hijacking, changing of user Settings, cookie theft and poisoning, or false advertising is possible.
- 一旦激活了攻击,就可能发生从截获帐户、更改用户设置、窃取和篡改cookie到虚假广告在内的任何事情。
- 4. In other words you attack might be a correct attack, you're not saying something false about this person but the truth of what your saying has no barrier at all to what he is saying, that's a fallacy.
- 换言之,你的攻击可能是个正确的攻击,对于这个人你们没说错,但是你们说的真理没有边界,关于他所说的,是个谬论。
- 5. Marriage is like playing basketball, attack, defense, sometimes even false action.
- 婚姻就像打篮球,有进攻,有防守,有的时候还要有假动作。
- 6. At present there are still too many people with power, who have collaborated in the false terrorist attack who can exert pressure upon those anxious to release the truth.
- 目前,仍然有太多的拥有权力的人们,与虚假的恐和谐怖袭击的论调合作,他们能向那些渴望发布真相的人们施加压力。
- 7. They sailed under false colors until they were close enough to attack.
- 他们一直挂着这种虚假旗帜,直到他们足够靠近对目标船只发起袭击。
- 8. This paper analyzes current solutions and proposes a protocol to solve false destination sequence attack in AODV by introducing an algorithm of reputation rating updating.
- 该文针对AODV协议中的虚假目的序列号攻击以及已有解决方案中的缺陷,引入信誉值更新算法,设计一种基于AODV的入侵识别协议。
- 9. So, it's necessary that apply alert correlation methods develop several IDS coordination modes to analysis alerts and build distinct attack scenarios and reduce the volume of false alerts.
- 因此,通过应用告警相关方法开发入侵检测系统的协作模块,通过分析关联告警产生清晰的攻击过程描述,通过生成综合告警来减少假告警的数量提高检测效率非常必要。
- 10. Second, the expert system adopted currently by most intrusion detection products have high false alarm rate because the network attack means change variably.
- 第二二,当前绝大多数入侵检测产品采用的都是专家系统,但网络攻击手段变化多样,导致误报漏报率太高;
- 11. It is an imperative issue that reduces the false negative rate and false positive rate in attack recognition.
- 降低攻击识别中的漏报率和误报率是现在一个急需解决的问题。
- 12. Use your wits and judgement to outmanoeuvre the menacing birds who are waiting to attack every false move.
- 使用你的才智去判断野人出现的错误,等待这个时候去攻击它们。
- 13. What kind of contractions is "false" and won't attack array shrinkage and childbirth?
- 什么样的宫缩是“假阵缩”而不会发作而分娩呢?
- 14. And an off-line simulation experiment shows that it can improve the prediction ability of the IDS, and reduce the false alert and find the potential attack.
- 实验证明该算法提高了网络的预警能力,减少了对误报的响应,并能发现分析引擎的漏报情况。
- 15. Pirate ships often flew the flag of a friendly country as they sailed toward the ship they planned to rob. They sailed under false colors until they were close enough to attack.
- 在海盗船驶向其他轮船的时候,常挂着友好国家的旗帜,实际上计划抢劫。
- 16. Pirate ships often flew the flag of a friendly country as they sailed toward the ship they planned to rob. They sailed under false colors until they were close enough to attack.
- 在海盗船驶向其他轮船的时候,常挂着友好国家的旗帜,实际上计划抢劫。
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