- adj. ... 式的
- 动词fashion的过去式和过去分词形式
planned and made or fashioned artistically;
"beautifully fashioned dresses"
- 1. His clothes were curiously old-fashioned.
- 他的衣服式样陈旧古怪。
- 2. She scorned their views as old-fashioned.
- 她对他们的观点嗤之以鼻,认为陈腐过时。
- 3. Marie seemed to revel in his old-fashioned chivalry.
- 玛丽好像沉醉于他那套对女人的老式礼节中。
- 4. An old-fashioned bell tinkled as he pushed open the door.
- 当他推开这扇门时,一个老式的门铃发出叮当声。
- 5. Singer Brett Anderson inspires old-fashioned hero worship.
- 歌手布雷特•安德森唤起了老式的个人崇拜风潮。
- 6. It was one of those old-fashioned gramophones that winds up.
- 那是一台上弦的老式留声机。
- 7. The interior of the house was furnished with heavy, old-fashioned pieces.
- 房内陈设着些笨重、老式的家具。
- 8. His novels belong to a great but vanished age. They are, in short, old-fashioned.
- 他的小说属于一个辉煌但已逝去的时代。一句话,已经过时了。
- 9. The modern-day sex symbol has now taken the place of the old-fashioned hero of yesteryear.
- 当今的性感偶像已经取代了往昔过时的英雄形象。
- 10. The old-fashioned field work would be more popular.
- 老式的野外工作将会更受欢迎。
- 11. It was a graveyard of the old-fashioned Western kind.
- 这是一个老式的西部墓地。
- 12. Can't you see the old-fashioned gas lamp hanging from the ceiling?
- 你没看见天花板上挂着的那盏老式的煤气灯吗?
- 13. Old-fashioned phones matter when wireless networks break down in disasters.
- 当无线网络在灾难中发生故障时,老式手机显得至关重要。
- 14. "I love the beautiful, handcrafted, old-fashioned quality of neon," says Blance.
- 布兰斯说:“我喜欢那些美丽的、手工制作的、老式的霓虹灯。”
- 15. Does this mean you should turn off the shower and go back to old-fashioned baths?
- 这是否意味着你应该关掉淋浴,重新使用老式的浴缸呢?
- 16. About 68% of those surveyed disagree with the opinion that reading is boring or old-fashioned.
- 约68%的受访者不同意阅读是枯燥的或已经过时的观点。
- 17. About 68% of those surveyed disagreed with the opinion that reading is boring or old-fashioned.
- 约68%的受访者不同意阅读很枯燥或已经过时了的观点。
- 18. That is why technology companies are partnering with educators to bring back good, old-fashioned play.
- 这就是科技公司正在与教育工作者合作,复兴优秀的老式游戏的原因。
- 19. Unlike the blades on old-fashioned propeller engines, these blades spin around at the back of the engine.
- 与老式螺旋桨发动机的叶片不同,这些叶片在发动机的后部旋转。
- 20. I can just imagine a scene with a typist sitting on an old-fashioned typing chair, her back aching, exhausted.
- 我可以想象这样一个场景:一个打字员坐在一把老式的打字椅上,她的背很疼,很累。
- 21. Unfortunately, many of the original stained glass windows were thought to be old fashioned and they were actually destroyed, replaced by painted glass.
- 不幸的是,许多原来的彩色玻璃窗被认为是老式的,它们实际上被破坏了,取而代之的是彩色玻璃。
- 22. Forty percent of that powers old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs—a 19th-century technology that wastes most of the power it consumes on unwanted heat.
- 其中40%的电能用于老式白炽灯——这是19世纪的一项技术,它所消耗的大部分电能都浪费在制造多余的热量上。
- 23. She fashioned a pot from the clay.
- 她用黏土制成一个罐。
- 24. She fashioned the clay into a pot.
- 她用黏土制成一个罐。
- 25. His views were derided as old-fashioned.
- 他的观点被当作旧思想受到嘲弄。
- 26. Old-fashioned sexist attitudes are still common.
- 老套的性别歧视态度仍然很普遍。
- 27. The house was dull, old-fashioned and in bad condition.
- 那幢房子阴暗、老式,并且破烂。
- 28. My parents are old-fashioned about relationships and marriage.
- 我父母对男女关系和婚姻问题思想保守得很。
- 29. She has some old-fashioned values and can be a strict disciplinarian.
- 她有一些守旧的观念,可能还是个严守纪律的人。
- 30. There's something charmingly old-fashioned about his brand of entertainment.
- 他的娱乐品牌有种迷人的传统味道。
- Small cylindrical beads made from polished shells and fashioned into strings or belts, formerly used by certain Native American peoples as currency and jewelry or for ceremonial exchanges between groups.
贝壳串珠由磨光后的贝壳制成的穿成链或带状物的小圆柱形珠子,早先某些美洲土著民族用其作为货币与珠宝或用于部落之间礼仪交换之物 - He fashioned the clay into a pot.
他用粘土做成一把壶。 - In a dignified, noble fashion befitting or characteristic of a lord.
高傲的,贵族的以符合老爷或作为老爷的尊贵的、高贵的方式的或具之特点的 - He fashioned the clay into a jar.
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