further on
- 进一步深入, 向前
- 1. Two miles further on we came to a small town.
- 我们又走了两英里,来到了一座小镇。
- 2. How will the company be doing ten years further on?
- 十年以后公司的情况将如何呢?
- 3. He came to a halt at a crossroads fifty yards further on.
- 他在50码远的十字路口停了下来。
- 4. The entrance is on the left 200 yds. further on up the road.
- 入口在前方路左200码处。
- 5. He declined to comment further on the date of any decision.
- 他拒绝就这项决定的日期做进一步的评论。
- 6. Though America seems further on the road to economic recovery.
- 尽管美国似乎在复苏的道路上走的更远。
- 7. Well I'd better get on the road. I'll write again further on.
- 好了我该上路了,我会继续写下去的。
- 8. You'll better understand the utility of names further on in the article.
- 在本文中您将更进一步地深入理解名称的使用。
- 9. Further on in the report, Google says competition will have a long-lasting effect.
- 在报告中,Google进一步指出竞争将产生深远的影响。
- 10. Three hundred paces further on, he arrived at a point where the street forked.
- 走了三百步后他到了一个岔路口。街道在这里分作两条,一条斜向左边,一条向右。
- 11. The breakdown is always preceded by partial discharge phenomena that we shall analyze further on.
- 这种击穿一般为局部放电现象,对此我们将在后文中进一步分析。
- 12. The researchers are using the data to survey the body's interior before chipping away further on the fossil.
- 研究人员使用上述数据来调查被进一步削弱前的化石的内部。
- 13. Point out to the stout man that the bins further on are empty and offer to put his bag there as you move on.
- 告诉那位矮胖的男人前面更远一些的行李箱是空着的,并主动帮他把包放过去。
- 14. Local police confirmed that they had arrested a woman for trespassing, but would not comment further on the case.
- 当地警察确认他们已经以擅自入室的罪名逮捕了该妇女,但是并没有对此案例进行更进一步的评论。
- 15. First, avoid one-word answers because the interviewer expects you to proceed further on an open-end question.
- 第一,不要用单音节词回答问题,因为面试官希望你面对开放式问题时能够拓展答案。
- 16. If you want to know what the hot looks will be a decade further on, don't ask a designer: talk to a scientist.
- 要想了解未来时尚的热点,别问设计师,要问科学家。
- 17. In a further White House briefing on Wednesaday, Carney refused to comment further on the details of the combat.
- 在周三白宫的深入情况报告中,Carney拒绝深入评论冲突的细节。
- 18. But if you want to know what the hot looks will be a decade further on, don't ask a designer - talk to a scientist.
- 不过,如果你想了解未来十年的时尚热点,别问设计师,要问科学家。
- 19. Titled borders provide information about groups of components. (We'll discuss component groups further on in the article.)
- 有标题的边框提供了关于组件组的信息(我们将在本文中进一步讨论组件组)。
- 20. The central bank has not published such an estimate before, and did not comment any further on the implications of the figure.
- 央行此前从未公布这种估算,也未就该数据的意义做进一步的说明。
- 21. America's pledge to negotiate further on this issue may have seemed more credible because the door is now ajar for Virgin America.
- 由于大门现在已经向维珍美国敞开,美国在就此问题进一步磋商中的担保似乎更加可靠了。
- 22. Both companies declined to comment further on the integration process, which will go a long way to determining the deal's success.
- 两个公司都拒绝就整合过程就进一步的说明,此次整合将需要很长一段时间才能决定成功与否。
- 23. I'm just going to go a little bit further on -rupert Murdoch bought the Times of London in 1981 that was twenty-seven years ago.
- 我会讲得深入一点,鲁珀特·默多克在27年前的1981年,收购了伦敦的《泰晤士报》。
- 24. I was standing between the embankment and the road, there were fields around me, and fruit trees, and further on a nursery with greenhouses.
- 我站在路堤和公路之间,周围是田野,果树,再往前是一个带有温室的苗圃。
- 25. If one doubled this cape, one arrived a few paces further on, in front of a door which was all the more mysterious because it was not fastened.
- 假使我们也拐弯,向前再走几步,便到了一扇门前,这门并没有关上,因而显得格外神秘。
- 26. Individuals regularly went nine steps on the path with a 110-byte DNA; it seems that a longer DNA allowed them to go further on the path as a matter of course.
- 个体有规律地以110字节dna在路径上走9步;作为必然的结果,更长的DNA意味着允许个体在路径上走得更远。
- 27. So again we have a deductively valid argument but it's not deductively valid in actually we're a lot further on in modal logical then we are in deontic logic.
- 所以我们有一个演绎的有效论点,但是这不是演绎有效的,实际上我们模态逻辑有很多要讲的,然后我们再讲道义逻辑。
- 28. Building further on this foundation, the next article in this series will discuss XML encryption and XML signature, and will provide a step-by-step guide to using them.
- 在这个基础上更进一步,本系列的下一篇文章中我将讨论xml加密和XML数字签名,并提供使用它们的详细指南。
- 29. Even so, Mr Mermelstein reckons prime residences are at least 50% dearer in London than in Manhattan, though America seems further on the road to economic recovery.
- 即便如此,Mermelstein先生认为尽管美国似乎在复苏的道路上走得更远,但是伦敦高档住宅至少比曼哈顿高50%。
- 30. Even so, Mr Mermelstein reckons prime residences are at least 50% dearer in London than in Manhattan, though America seems further on the road to economic recovery.
- 即便如此,Mermelstein先生认为尽管美国似乎在复苏的道路上走得更远,但是伦敦高档住宅至少比曼哈顿高50%。
- Keep on past the church; the stadium is about half a mile further on.
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