guide line
- 方针; 指导原则
名词 guideline:
a light line that is used in lettering to help align the letters
a detailed plan or explanation to guide you in setting standards or determining a course of action
a rule or principle that provides guidance to appropriate behavior
- 1. Excellent quality is our persistent guide line!
- 追求卓越的品质是帕诺人一贯的准则!
- 2. The goal is our way forward, a beacon for our guide line direction.
- 目标就是我们前进道路中的一盏明灯,为我们指引方向。
- 3. Maximal pull velocity may be a sensitive guide line to evaluate maximal power.
- 最大上拉速度可以作为评价卧拉峰值功率的敏感指标。
- 4. This is particularly useful to put kind (in the center outline) and scan (guide line).
- 这对放样(中间轮廓)和扫描(引导线)尤其有用。
- 5. The reliability of the CAN bus is always an important guide line for the CAN bus design.
- CAN总线网络的可靠性历来是CAN总线网络设计时需要考虑的一项重要指标;
- 6. The sections should be appropriately sized to control the hair and to see the guide line.
- 分区大小应适中,以控制头发并找到引线。
- 7. The guide line is taken from the side, working until no hair reaches the square on the side.
- 从侧面开始起引导线,一直到没有头发能带到侧面的方形。
- 8. An instantaneous field of view is a importance technology guide line of the head - up display.
- 瞬时视场是平视显示器的重要技术指标之一。
- 9. Section on the top front area, over direct all the section to golden point, station guide line.
- 在顶部前区的发丝都提拉到黄金点,固定色际线。
- 10. Teat results indicates that the smart car is able to track the guide line accurately and stably.
- 测试结果表明智能车能准确稳定地跟踪引导线。
- 11. However, we can use LEED for Homes as a guide line to build our complex and design interior Spaces.
- 但我们可以用LEED住宅认证的标准进行住宅和室内的设计。
- 12. Research the change rule of some important physical chemistry guide line in the processing salty duck egg.
- 研究了用咸蛋腌制液加工咸蛋过程中几个重要理化指标的变化规律。
- 13. This is the pricelist but it serves as a guide line only. Is there anything you are particularly interested in.
- 这是价格表,但只供参考。是否有你特殊感爱好的商品?
- 14. This is the price list, but it serves as a guide line only is there anything you are particularly interested in?
- 这是我们的价格表,只是提供参考,如果你们对哪个产品有兴趣可以参照这个价格。
- 15. This is the pricelist, but it serves as a guide line only. Is there anything you are particularly interested in.
- 这是价格表,但只供参考。是否有你特别感兴趣的商品?
- 16. This is the price list, but it serves as a guide line only. Is there anything you are particularly interested in?
- 这是价格表,但只供参考。是否你们特别感兴趣的商品? ?
- 17. This is the pricelist, but it serves asa guide line l only. Is there anything you are particularly interested in?
- 这是价格表,但只供参考。是否有你特别感兴趣的商品?
- 18. This is the price list, but it serves as a guide line only. Is there anything you are particularly interested in?
- 这是价格表,但只供参考。是否有你们特别感兴趣的商品呢?
- 19. Conclusions the guide line exchange method can raise the successful rate of the tree-ways and two-capsula intubation.
- 结论导丝交换法置入三腔二囊管能显著提高三腔二囊管置入的成功率。
- 20. Theoretic Reductionism is a positive guide line to promote science and a fundamental to achieve science′s unification;
- 理论还原论是促进科学进步的积极纲领,是实现科学统一的基本途径;
- 21. Nowadays, it becomes the civil behavior guide line for actively participating in physical exercise and improves the body health.
- 如今,积极参加体育锻炼,强身健体,已经成为一种全民行为准则。
- 22. The QFD method reflects the market leading function, the guide line to exploit the products on the basis of the customer's need .
- 质量功能展开体现了以市场为导向,以顾客需求为产品开发唯一依据的指导思想。
- 23. The first part of this article presents the guide line of routing protocol design, and gives an overview of research in this area.
- 本文的第一部分从自组网的特点出发,介绍路由协议的设计要求和研究现状。
- 24. The key idea of this consciousness is the advantage of subjects and the consciousness should become the guide line that the journal pursued.
- 学科优势是名刊意识的核心理念。名刊意识应当成为高职学院学报极力追求的准则,成为编辑人员的一种理念。
- 25. The factory always carries out the guide line that "there is better quality and sincere service today, there will be a wider market tomorrow".
- 本厂始终以“今天有更佳的质量和诚信的服务,明天才有更大的市场”为质量方针。
- 26. With the research on morphological theory, a realtime guide line recognizing algorithm and multi-branch road seclection method are put forward.
- 结合形态学连通性理论,提出了一种导引线实时识别方法和多分支路径的提取方法。
- 27. The optical system guide line for biochip scanner based on CCD is proposed. A novel CCD biochip scanner is developed in terms of the guide line.
- 最终提出了CCD型生物芯片扫描仪光学系统的设计准则,并依据这一准则设计构建了一种新颖的CCD型生物芯片扫描仪。
- 28. Elastic statics mainly relates to the connection between force and transmogrification, elastic body's invalidation, the guide line of design in invalidation.
- 弹性静力学主要涉及力和变形之间的物性关系,以及弹性体的失效、与失效有关的设计准则。
- 29. Thought the guide line in this strategy next, in the last few years my company has realizes the high-tech personnel occupies total number in company30% quota.
- 在这一战略思想指引下,近几年来我公司已实现了高科技人员占公司总人数30%份额。
- 30. Thought the guide line in this strategy next, in the last few years my company has realizes the high-tech personnel occupies total number in company30% quota.
- 在这一战略思想指引下,近几年来我公司已实现了高科技人员占公司总人数30%份额。
- This line of conduct seems advisable to me.
这一行动方针对我来说似乎是很可取的。 - The government is taking a tough line on drug abuse.
政府对滥用麻醉药品采取强硬方针。 - Research the schools of your choice,using this guide.
用这项指导原则调查你所选择的学校的情况。 - This has become the highest guiding principle for our lives, there's nothing else to guide us in this spiritually empty era!
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