had to
- 不得不
- 1. We had to fictionalize names.
- 我们不得不把名字小说化。
- 2. Davis had to salvage his pride.
- 戴维斯不得不挽回自己的尊严。
- 3. They had to leave at midnight.
- 他们不得不半夜离开。
- 4. I had to have a hysterectomy.
- 我不得不做子宫切除手术。
- 5. We had to work by candlelight.
- 我们不得不借助烛光工作。
- 6. She had to have a Caesarean.
- 她不得不接受剖宫产手术。
- 7. We had to take the engine apart.
- 我们不得不卸下引擎。
- 8. We had to wait all day long.
- 我们不得不整天等候着。
- 9. He had to walk all the way home.
- 他不得不一路步行回家。
- 10. We had to ask him to leave.
- 我们不得不让他离开。
- 11. He had to tie her hands together.
- 他不得不把她的双手绑在一起。
- 12. He had to leave in a hurry.
- 他不得不赶快离开了。
- 13. Police had to break up the crowd.
- 警方不得不驱散人群。
- 14. We had to fire him for dishonesty.
- 他不诚实,我们不得不开除他。
- 15. He had to have both legs amputated.
- 他不得不锯掉双腿。
- 16. I had to strain to hear.
- 我不得不努力地听。
- 17. He had to go to Germany.
- 他不得不去德国。
- 18. I had to find somewhere new to live.
- 我不得不找个新住处。
- 19. George had to cut grass all afternoon.
- 乔治不得不整个下午都割草。
- 20. They had to move into temporary accommodation.
- 他们不得不搬进临时住所。
- 21. I had to swerve to avoid a cat.
- 为了避免轧到一只猫,我只好猛然将车转向。
- 22. We had to cut back production.
- 我们只得减产。
- 23. She had to coax the car along.
- 她得耐着性子发动汽车往前开。
- 24. We had to stop every few miles.
- 我们每走几英里就得停一停。
- 25. We had to smash the door open.
- 我们只得用力把门撞开。
- 26. I had to have my appendix out.
- 我只好把盲肠切除了。
- 27. We had to leave on the morrow.
- 我们明天就得离去。
- 28. The tree had to be sawn down.
- 这棵树只好锯倒。
- 29. I had to scour out the pans.
- 我得把这些锅擦干净。
- 30. I had to do some quick thinking.
- 我得迅速思考一番。
- The doctor had to hold his broken arm with a plaster cast.
医生不得不用石膏绷带来固定他断了的胳膊。 - I had to pay a 500 deposit to the landlord before I could move into the house.
我得付给房东500英镑押金才能搬进房里去。 - They had to wade knee-deep through mud and debris to reach the victims.
他们须通过齐膝的烂泥和堆积物,磕磕绊绊来到遇难者身旁。 - Occasionally she had to take sleeping pills.
她偶尔不得不吃安眠药。 - He had to support his seven children, to say nothing of his wife and parents.
他要养活自己的七个孩子,更不必说还有妻子和父母了。 - The boy got very emotional when I had to leave, and started to cry.
当我不得不离开时,这个孩子情绪异常激动,忍不住哭了起来。 - He and his wife had to move from one country to another.
他和他的妻子不得不从一个国家移居到另一个国家。 - The police had to employ force to break up the crowd.
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