in one go
- adv. 一下子(一举;一次;一气)
- 1. They ate the packet of biscuits all in one go.
- 他们一下子把那包饼干全吃光了。
- 2. I'd prefer to pay regularly in small amounts, rather than have a large amount to pay in one go.
- 我宁愿定期小额付款,也不愿一次性大额支付。
- 3. If you have emails or memos to write, do them all in one go.
- 如果你有电子邮件或者备忘录可以写写,就一口气全部做了。
- 4. If you have emails or memos to write, do them all in one go.
- 如果你有电子邮件或者备忘录可以写写,就一口气全部做了。%。
- 5. If he or she blows out all the candles in one go, the wish will come true.
- 如果他(她)一口气把蜡烛全部吹灭的话,许的愿望便会成真。
- 6. If he or she blows out all the candles in one go, the wish will come true.
- 如果他或她一口气吹灭所有的蜡烛,愿望将会实现。
- 7. And zebra grain render pants visual perception super, lovely era in one go.
- 还有斑马纹的打底裤视觉感超强,可爱韩国风一步到位。
- 8. You certainly couldn't eat it all in one go anyway, it wouldn't be a romantic moment.
- 无论如何,你都肯定不可能一口气吃掉这只牡蛎,何况那样做的话,也肯定不那么浪漫。
- 9. Experts say bingeing is a disorder where suffers can consume 10, 000 calories in one go.
- 专家说,暴食是一种病症,患者一次能吃掉1万卡路里热量的食物。
- 10. This is a shame because over a lifetime we spend about four years queuing (hopefully not all in one go).
- 不过遗憾的是,一辈子你在排队上花掉的时间总共将近四年(幸好不是一次排队就要这么久)。
- 11. It would be better to read a line into a temporary buffer and then copy this to user space in one go.
- 比较好的方法是读取一行到临时缓冲区,然后将这一行一次性拷贝到用户空间。
- 12. But the world has twice, at Kyoto and at Copenhagen, tried to deal with the problem in one go, and failed.
- 但国际社会在京都,在哥本哈根都曾试图通过一揽子解决问题,不过两次都失败了。
- 13. Psychologists believe that people who use their holiday allowance in bursts rather than all in one go are happier.
- 心理学家认为,分次休假的人比一次性把假休完的人从度假中得到的快乐更多。
- 14. The pluglet environment provides a mechanism for registering a pluglet (if it is not already registered) and executing it in one go.
- pluglet环境提供了一步注册和运行pluglet的机制(如果还没有注册)。
- 15. We tried to type this all in one go and accidentally used standard brackets, which wiped out all everything we'd done up to that point!
- 我们试着一次性输入全部这些内容,偶然使用了单独的括号,这会使所有抹杀掉所有我们已经做对的事情!
- 16. It's important to avoid binge drinking and it's better to have a small amount of alcohol regularly rather than large amounts in one go.
- 重要的要避免酗酒,最好是有规律地每次饮一点点。
- 17. The top of the box was sealed with wide brown parcel tape, Jacob managed to get his fingernail under the end and peeled off the tape in one go.
- 箱子的顶端是用褐色的包裹胶带封起来的,雅各布用指甲把胶带的一头抠起来,一下子把胶带整个扯开。
- 18. Mr Salmond is by instinct a gradualist, believing that Scottish sovereignty is most likely to be obtained bit by bit rather than in one go.
- Salmond是一个本能的渐进主义者,认为苏格兰主权最可能一步一步实现而不是一蹴而就。
- 19. This application creates an entry for a user named Bob and also stores Bob's preferences (that is, attributes) in the entry, and it does both steps in one go.
- 这个应用程序为名为bob的用户创建了一个条目,并且还在该条目中存储bob的选项(即属性),它用一个操作就完成了这两个步骤。
- 20. As opposed to implementing the whole specification in one go. He suggests certain capability subsets that can be implemented such as Querying, Service metadata, batching etc.
- 与一口气实现所有规范相反,他建议先实现某些特定的子集,如查询、服务元数据、批处理等。
- 21. Google has also played catch-up to Microsoft in offering ways to search for and digest more images in one go, and has trailed in adding some tie-ins to social networking sites.
- Google也跟随微软,提供多种搜索方式,页面一次搜索显示更多图片,另外也增加了社交网络网站的一些链接。
- 22. Which means, if you deliver more than 1 activity from development stream to integration stream in one go, there will still be single delivery activity created on the integration stream.
- 这意味着,如果您从开发流程交付了不止一个活动到集成流程,那么对于集成流程都会创建单独的交付活动。
- 23. The study showed that people who drink every day and consume about 3 bottles of wine a week are at a greater risk of serious liver disease than those who drink lots in one go but then take breaks.
- 研究表明,比起偶尔酗酒的人,每天喝酒并且一周喝掉大约3瓶酒的人患严重肝脏疾病的风险更大。
- 24. Seven is unique in one detail of its construction; it brings the killer onscreen with half an hour to go and gives him a speaking role.
- 《七宗罪》在其结构的一个细节上是独特的;它在结束前半个小时才把杀手带到荧屏上,并给了他一个富有深意的角色。
- 25. My sister just happened to have one and she can't go since she has got some sort of conflict in her schedule.
- 我姐姐刚好有一个,她不能去,因为她的日程安排有点冲突。
- 26. My sister just happened to have one and she can't go since she has got some sort of conflict in her schedule.
- 我姐姐刚好有一个,她不能去,因为她的日程安排有点冲突。
- He drank a pint of milk in one go.
他一口气喝了一品脱牛奶。 - They ate the packet of biscuits all in one go.
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