in places
- 在某些地方; 到处
- 1. The soundtrack is fuzzy in places.
- 这电影声带有些地方模糊不清。
- 2. Some of them live in places quite a long way from here.
- 他们当中一些人住在离这儿相当远的地方。
- 3. Large dunes make access to the beach difficult in places.
- 在有些地方大沙丘使得靠近海滩很难。
- 4. Plaster had fallen away in places, exposing the brickwork.
- 有些地方的灰泥脱落了,露出了砖。
- 5. Wheat is grown in places which have cold winters and warm, dry summers.
- 小麦生长在冬季寒冷、夏季温暖干燥的地方。
- 6. Even now the snow along the roadside was five or six feet deep in places.
- 即使现在,路边的雪有的地方有五六英尺深。
- 7. Some of these painted walls are preserved in places to a height of one meter.
- 有些粉刷过的墙壁被保存在一米高的地方。
- 8. Telemedicine also allows for better care in places where medical expertise is hard to come by.
- 远程医疗还可以为医疗专家难以到达的地区提供专业护理。
- 9. Boss said he believes human beings will be able to show that there is life in places besides earth in his lifetime.
- 博斯说,他相信在他有生之年,人类将能够证明地球以外的地方存在生命。
- 10. Forests are spreading in almost all Western countries, with the fastest growth in places that historically had rather few trees.
- 几乎所有西方国家的森林都在扩大,过去树木相当少的地方增长最快。
- 11. They were designed to be put in places where these beings could manifest themselves in order to be the recipients of ritual actions.
- 它们被设计出来是为了放置在一些地方,神灵会在那里显灵,成为宗教活动的受祭者。
- 12. In places, the water table is declining at a rate of a meter a year, necessitating the periodic deepening of wells and the use of ever-more-powerful pumps.
- 在一些地方,水位正以每年一米的速度下降,需要定期加深井并使用更强大的水泵。
- 13. I mean, for one thing, the project established a lot of…uh like community art centers and galleries in places like rural areas where people hadn't really had access to the arts.
- 我的意思是,首先,这个项目在一些地方建立了很多……嗯,社区艺术中心和画廊之类,比如在农村地区,那里的人们没有机会接触艺术。
- 14. The snow was knee-deep in places.
- 有些地方的雪已齐膝深了。
- 15. The copper pipework has corroded in places.
- 铜管有几处受到了腐蚀。
- 16. In places the path can be wet and slippery.
- 这条小径有些路段又湿又滑。
- 17. The paint was peeling off the wall in places.
- 墙上有几处油漆剥落了。
- 18. Monkeys shed large quantities of hair in places where they sleep.
- 猴子会在睡觉的地方掉下大量的毛发。
- 19. His clothing was of rich stuff, but old, and slightly frayed in places.
- 他的衣服的材料很贵重,但有些旧,有些地方还有些磨损。
- 20. Vegetables can be grown many times in places where you could never grow wheat or grain.
- 在不能种植小麦和谷物的土壤上,蔬菜可以长好几季。
- 21. It doesn't do much good for farmers in places like sub-Saharan Africa to produce more food if they can't get it to hungry consumers.
- 对于撒哈拉以南非洲地区的农民来说,如果他们不能将更多的粮食送到饥饿的消费者手中,生产更多的粮食并没有多大好处。
- 22. Corvids and some mammals have the ability to plan for the future, to store food for instance, in places where they can find it later.
- 鸦科动物和一些哺乳动物有未雨绸缪的能力,比如把食物储存在它们以后能找到的地方。
- 23. Around 9 in 10 people in low-and middle-income countries live in places where they regularly experience dangerous levels of outdoor air pollution.
- 在低收入及中等收入国家,大约十分之九的人生活在室外空气污染经常达到危险程度的地方。
- 24. To avoid interferences, and keep the telescopes sensitive, radio telescopes are built in places where there are no human radio waves or electronic signals.
- 为了避免干扰,保持望远镜的灵敏度,无线电望远镜被建在没有人为的无线电波或电子信号的地方。
- 25. The machine was designed to be used in places like transport stations, airports and places of interest where quick and exact announcements are needed most.
- 这种机器被设计用于最需要快速且准确的公告的地方,如运输站、机场和名胜古迹。
- 26. We may be on the verge of a new era, when the PC will get up off the desktop and allow us to see, hear, touch and manipulate objects in places where we are not physically present.
- 我们可能正接近一个新时代,届时个人电脑将脱离桌面,让我们能够在自己不在场的地方看到、听到、触摸和操作物体。
- 27. Unfortunately, the signposting isn't very good in places and you do need good map-reading skills to avoid becoming disoriented, which happens to visitors a little too frequently, I'm afraid.
- 不幸的是,那儿标志都不是特别清晰,你们得具备非常好的读地图的技巧来避免迷失方向——恐怕这种情况对游客来说已经很常见了。
- 28. To achieve this mapping, you may include conditional compilation #ifdef in places where you access the registers.
- 为了实现这种映射,您可以在访问寄存器的位置包括条件编译#指令。
- 29. To achieve this mapping, you may include conditional compilation #ifdef in places where you access the registers.
- 为了实现这种映射,您可以在访问寄存器的位置包括条件编译#指令。
- Chicken fighting is very popular in some places.
斗鸡在某些地方很流行。 - People who smoke cannot travel in certain parts of the train.
吸烟的人不能在火车的某些地方走动。 - She clumps about in her heavy boots.
她脚穿厚靴迈著沈重的步子到处走。 - The chill of autumn is in the air.
- in high places 在上层人士中间,在高...
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