freedom from control or influence of another or others
- 1. Others feel that it's some kind of freedom and independency.
- 也有人认为,它的某些种类的自由和独立性。
- 2. And it provides a platform independency, application transparent realization.
- 并设计了平台无关、应用透明的实现方式。
- 3. The network morals have characteristic and so on openness, independency, polytropism.
- 网络道德具有开放性、自主性、多元性等特点。
- 4. The advantage of CORBA is the reuse of method, but XML is the independency of the data.
- CORBA的优势是在方法的重用上,而XML是在数据的独立性上。
- 5. Independency is the fundamental premise of objectivity and fairness, is the requirement of internal audit.
- 保持独立性是实现客观公正的前提条件,是内部审计的本质要求。
- 6. To build systematic and direct organizational mechanism of internal auditing is to maintain its independency;
- 应建立系统、垂直领导的内部审计组织机制,以保持内审机构运行的独立性;
- 7. Workflow system need improve on the isomerous system integration application, reliability and independency of platform.
- 在新的应用环境中,工作流系统需要在集成异构系统应用、可靠性和跨平台性上做改进。
- 8. Methods 80 hemiparetic stroke patients were classified into 2 groups:the independency group and the non-independency group.
- 方法80例脑卒中患者依据户外步行自立性评价分为两组:步行自立组与步行非自立组。
- 9. A new cost function based on the diagonalization of correlation matrices is proposed to measure the independency of output signals.
- 提出了一种新的基于相关矩阵对角化的代价函数作为衡量输出信号独立性的测度。
- 10. Random variable, permissibility, independency and interrelation, which are easily confused, are common concepts in probability statistics.
- 相容性、独立性、相关性是概率统计中几个常见的易混概念,针对这几个概念加以辩析。
- 11. The more we reduce our use of coal, oil, and gas and the more we increase energy independency, the less we risk fights over energy and resources.
- 我们越多削减煤炭、石油和天然气的使用,越能增加能源的独立性,由能源和资源引起冲突的风险越小。
- 12. As social people, human should manifest independency, freedom and creativity as the main body in production practice and consumption activity.
- 人作为社会的人,在生产实践和消费活动中,都应体现出作为主体应具有的自主性、能动性、创造性。
- 13. Students are the subject in education process, and their subject consciousness is manifested in independency, activity, creativity and restrictiveness.
- 学生是教育过程的主体。学生的主体性表现为自主性、能动性、创造性和受制性。
- 14. Combined input and cross point queue have advantage due to relative independency. it can be more parallel due to its independent and distributed memory.
- 组合输入交叉缓存交换机以结构上存储的相对独立性而占有优势,能获得更高的并行性。
- 15. The system complies with the standard framework of J2EE, which guarantees platform-independency, business-extensibility and reusability of the software.
- 技术上遵循J2EE的标准框架,保证了系统的跨平台性以及业务层的横向和纵向的扩展性及软件的可重用性。
- 16. The system takes professionals as its main body, professional institutions as underpinnings, characterized by independency, altruism and self-regulation.
- 该体制以专业人士为主体,以专业组织为核心,以独立性、利他性和自律性为基本特征。
- 17. Thus, we should bring up students' self independency and creativity and set up the comfortable and warm educational environment in the process of education.
- 因此,人具有教育需要性,人具有可教育性和可塑性,在教育中应发挥人的自主性和创造性,设立安全舒适的教育气氛。
- 18. Fundamentally, the human and subjectivity has the following several characteristic: the independency, self-consciousness, the initiative, the creativity and the freedom.
- 从根本上说,人的主体性具有以下几个方面的特点:自为性、自主性、自觉性、主动性、创造性及自由性。
- 19. To validate the independency of data, we can using the average autocorrelation function of error swatch, it can also offer thereunder to ameliorate the method of disposing data.
- 利用误差样本平均归一化自相关函数,可以对所抽取的数据独立性进行验证,同时为改进数据处理方法提供依据。
- 20. But its basic trend is still towards adherence to marriage ethics, an increase of independency and tolerance, and the pursuit of the diversification of the love and marriage mode.
- 但应承认,基本趋向仍恪守婚恋道德,但自主性、宽容性均在增强,追求婚恋方式的多样自由。
- 21. With the features of platform independency, easy extendibility, good interactivity and data semantic description and transform ability, XML is fit for mutual medium of data source.
- XML具有平台性无关、可扩展性和互操作性,具有数据语义描述和传送能力,是理想的数据源交互媒介。
- 22. Furthermore, it is pointed out that this scheme has characteristic of conference member non-blocking and conference independency, with advantages of flexibility, stability and low latency.
- 同时指出本方案具有会议成员无阻塞特性和会议不相关特性,并具有灵活性、稳定性及时延方面的优点。
- 23. This model has relatively independency in dealing with data transition, using SQL command as label in XML document and integrating database connection and SQL command building in the middleware.
- 结果表明:这个模型在处理数据转换时具有相对独立性,可将SQL命令作为XM L文档的标签,并将建立数据库连接和生成SQL命令整合在中间件中。
- 24. Taking competition in scientific research as an example, the article shows that individual factors need more independency, and the organizational structures need more changeability in modem society.
- 文章并以科研竞争为例,说明现代社会组织中的个体要素具有更多的主体性,组织结构更加灵活多变。
- 25. Taking competition in scientific research as an example, the article shows that individual factors need more independency, and the organizational structures need more changeability in modem society.
- 文章并以科研竞争为例,说明现代社会组织中的个体要素具有更多的主体性,组织结构更加灵活多变。
- The government takes uncompromising attitude towards independency.
政府在独立的问题上采取了毫不妥协的态度。 - Further, it brings me up the ability of independency and good habits of living.
用作名词 (n.)
- independence 独立
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