law book
- [法] 法律学书籍, 法学课本
- 1. For example, he wants to learn about the law, and told his father he wants to read the complete law book! I'm also very curious about how he'll turn out.
- 例如说他想学法律,他跟爸爸说要看六法全书,我也很好奇他以后会变成什么样子。
- 2. In that book, he examined Japanese society through the lens of law.
- 在那本书中,他从法律的角度审视了日本社会。
- 3. There's a good explanation for the phenomenon in the book The Formula: The Universal Law of Success by Albert Laszlo Barabasi.
- 阿尔伯特·拉兹洛·巴拉巴斯(Albert Laszlo Barabasi)所著的《公式:成功的普遍法则》(the Formula: the UniversalLaw of Success)一书对这一现象作出了很好的解释。
- 4. The book analyses why women kill and how the law treats them.
- 这本书分析了妇女为什么杀人以及法律如何处置她们。
- 5. In that book he examined Japanese society through the lens of law.
- 在那部书中,他以法律为镜头,用其检验日本社会。
- 6. "It's a 'buy one, get one free' deal," said Douglas Kenney, a professor at the University of Colorado Law School and the editor of an upcoming book that explores the nexus of water and energy.
- “这就像是‘买一送一’的交易”,道格拉斯·肯尼说,他是科罗拉多州大学法学院的教授,同时也是一本探讨水资源与能源之间关系的书的编辑。
- 7. That's the message behind Is Marriage for White People?, a new book by Stanford Law professor Ralph Richard Banks.
- 这就是斯坦福大学法学教授拉夫·理查德班克斯的新作,《结婚是白人的专利吗》这本书的中心。
- 8. Microsoft and the British Library, which by law purchases at least one copy of every book published in the UK, have been scanning the books over the past three years.
- 根据法律要求,微软公司和大英图书馆通过至少购买一本在英国出版的图书方式,把图书扫描成电子版工作已经进行了三年以上。
- 9. As Geoffrey Robertson and Andrew Nicol explain in their excellent book Media law, England's defamation laws date back to a statute created in 1275.
- 就象杰弗里·罗伯逊和安德鲁·尼科尔在他们的绝佳著作《媒体法》中解释的那样,英国的诽谤法可追溯到1275年制定的一个章程。
- 10. Afterward, Joshua read all the words of the law — the blessings and the curses — just as it is written in the Book of the law.
- 随后约书亚将律法上祝福,咒诅的话,照着律法书上一切所写的,都宣读了一遍。
- 11. This is one of the themes of “ Red Families v. Blue Families, ” a provocative new book by two law professors, Naomi Cahn and June Carbone.
- 两位法律教授内奥米卡恩和琼.卡波恩的《红色家庭与蓝色家庭》是一本颇具争议的新书,该书的主题之一便是关于“红色家庭”与“蓝色家庭”的争论。
- 12. It seemed as though he had for a soul the book of the natural law.
- 仿佛他在灵魂方面有一部自然的法典。
- 13. Despite these problems, things are not really so bad, argues Dan Hunter of New York Law School, who is writing a book about the social significance of virtual worlds.
- 尽管出现这些问题,但事情仍不是太糟,美国纽约法学院的丹•亨特(Dan Hunter)讲道;亨特先生目前正在撰写一本关于虚拟世界的社会意义的书。
- 14. The surprisingly bad result for Jaroslaw Kaczynski's Law and Justice came after the former prime minister made anti-German remarks in a newly published book.
- 前首相在他的新书中发表反德言论以后,JaroslawKaczynski领导的法律正义党就一直麻烦不断。
- 15. He would give a book worth 40 shillings to anyone who could deduce Kepler's laws from the inverse-square law.
- Christopher Wren打赌如果有人能用平方反比定律推论开普勒定律,他就会将一本价值40先令的书送给这个人。
- 16. The best selling book today, No.1 best seller all over the world, that's right, the secret, the secret to success is, what they call, the law of attraction.
- 当今最畅销的书,全球销量第一的,没错,就是《秘密》,成功的秘密就是,人们所说的,吸引力法则。
- 17. If you do not carefully follow all the words of this law, which are written in this book, and do not Revere this glorious and awesome name — the LORD your god.
- 这书上所写律法的一切话是叫你敬畏耶和华你神可荣可畏的名。
- 18. Five large book firms are suing Google for violating copyright on material that it has scanned and, although out of print, is still protected by law.
- 五大书局目前正在指控Google因扫描一些读物而违反了版权,这些读物虽然已经绝版但仍受到法律的保护。
- 19. The book publisher shall bear the civil liability in accordance with the provisions of Article 47 of this Law if he fails to publish the work within the time limit specified in the contract.
- 图书出版者不按照合同约定期限出版,应当依照本法第四十七条的规定承担民事责任。
- 20. As I mentioned, you were already very successful in the field of law at the time that you decided to write your book.
- 就像我之前提到的,在您决定写这本书的时候您在法律界已经非常成功了。
- 21. In 1709, expressly to combat book piracy and "for the encouragement of learned men to compose and write useful books," Britain enacted the world's first copyright law.
- 1709年,明确与图书盗版开战,并“鼓励有学问的人构思、书写有用的书”,由此,英国出台了世界第一部版权法。
- 22. What is written in the statute book is not necessarily an indication of how the law will be applied, however.
- 但法规书上规定的并不必然预示着如何适用法律。
- 23. Take this Book of the Law and place it beside the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God. There it will remain as a witness against you.
- 将这律法书放在耶和华你们神的约柜旁,可以在那里见证以色列人的不是。
- 24. And Joshua recorded these things in the Book of the Law of God. Then he took a large stone and set it up there under the oak near the holy place of the LORD.
- 约书亚将这些话都写在神的律法书上,又将一块大石头立在橡树下耶和华的圣所旁边。
- 25. The Supreme Court's judgment is expected in a few months, probably around the time that the Law Commission, a body that tidies up the statute book, comes out with its own proposals for change.
- 最高法院将在几个月内给出判决,时间可能就是法律委员会——专门编撰法典的机构——给出修改建议的前后。
- 26. Yes, I'd like a book about law.
- 是的,我想找一本关于法律的书。
- 27. Yes, I'd like a book about law.
- 是的,我想找一本关于法律的书。
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