let off
- 放(炮、烟火等); 免罚; 宽恕
grant exemption or release to;
"Please excuse me from this class"
- 1. The mother said she would let off her son washing the dishes if he could finish his assignment before supper.
- 母亲说如果儿子能在晚饭前完成作业,她就不让他洗碗。
- 2. She was let off with a warning.
- 她被从轻处罚,只是受了个警告。
- 3. A resident of his neighbourhood had let off fireworks to celebrate the revolution.
- 他邻里的一个居民燃放了烟花来庆祝革命。
- 4. We always let off fireworks.
- 我们总是会放烟花。
- 5. They let off strings of firecrackers to welcome the visitors.
- 他们燃放了许多鞭炮欢迎来访者。
- 6. Jane: Come on. I think you need to let off some steam.
- 简:来吧,我觉得你应该把愤怒发泄出来。
- 7. Eastern Libyans now have plenty of opportunities to let off steam.
- 东利比亚人目前有许多机会发泄这种不满。
- 8. Assume your friend wants to let off steam, not necessarily ask for a plan of action.
- 很可能你的朋友只是想向你发发牢骚,并不期望一份行动计划书。
- 9. Last night was the final opportunity for city residents to let off fireworks this year.
- 昨晚是正月十五,春节的最后一天,也是城市居民今年燃放烟花的最后机会。
- 10. Then he chased the thief, frightening him at the same time, "Stop or I will let off the gun!"
- 然后他追赶盗贼,一边还吓唬他:“停住!不然我开枪了! ”!
- 11. But after dusk Tehranis emerged in thousands to build fires in alleys and let off firecrackers.
- 夜幕降临后,成千上万的德黑兰人出现在大街小巷点燃篝火,燃放爆竹。
- 12. There was Kroa who belched like a pig and always let off a loud fart when he sat down to table.
- 那位克罗打起嗝来像头猪,一坐下来吃饭总要先放一个大屁。
- 13. A lot of his organization's clients thought they were going to be let off because they were innocent.
- 他的机构的相当多委托人都曾认为自己会被无罪释放。
- 14. Yet what the industry and its defenders demand is, of course, precisely that it be let off the hook for the damage it causes.
- 然而,水力压裂行业及其捍卫者所要求的,却正是对自身造成的损失一推了之。
- 15. Every night young men toting AK-47s still gather in Martyrs' Square, formerly Green Square, to let off a few celebratory rounds.
- 原来的绿色广场变成了烈士广场,提着AK - 47的年轻人每晚依旧在这里集结,鸣放一番以示庆祝。
- 16. "It's entirely possible that people can look at all those stories and in some emotional way let off steam," said Mr. Hackett of people.
- “人们完全有可能通过观看这些故事,在某种情感层面上发泄自己,”《人物》杂志的哈克特先生说。
- 17. Security officers and police intervened to break up the brawl and Jamie was let off to leave with Kate - though stopping off first for their meaty kebab treat.
- 治安员和警察介入后分开了双方,让Jamie和KATE一起离开,不过他们是去了烤肉店。
- 18. Why - he was standing over the whey-tub to let off the whey, and the shade of his face came upon the wall behind, close to Izz, who was standing there filling a VAT.
- 我是说——他站在装奶清的桶的旁边撇奶清,他的脸的影子落在身后的墙壁上,正好在伊茨的旁边。
- 19. Our tutor tried to dispel my illusion with sound advice and a resounding slap: "you're crying to go to school now, you'll have to cry a lot more to be let off later on."
- 我们的家庭老师试图以一句睿智的忠告再加一记响亮的耳光来驱散我的幻想:“你现在哭着闹着要进学堂,将来恐怕你更要哭着闹着离开那呢!”
- 20. The best family friendly hotels have plenty of safe, spacious grounds where children can let their imaginations run wild as they let off steam before or after a long journey.
- 好的酒店会有开阔安全的场地供孩子们嬉戏玩耍,让他们在旅行中充分释放想象空间。
- 21. The rain had let off and the fog shifted a little though the weekend traffic had worsened-the city dwellers heading out to the country the country dwellers heading into the city.
- 雨停了,雾也散了一些,周末的车流却变得更糟糕了——城里人往乡下走,乡下人往城里走。
- 22. But most of the time, arguments are just a way to let off steam when parents have a bad day, don't feel well, or are under a lot of stress - kind of like when you argue with them.
- 但是大多时候争吵只是一种发泄方式,当父母过了糟糕的一天,感觉不好的一天或者压力很大的一天,就像你和他们争吵时的原因差不多。
- 23. Home Office boffins justify the six-year retention of innocents’ DNA with research showing that people who are let off after an arrest are more likely than the general public to be rearrested.
- 总机构的科研技术人员证明,保留无辜者的DNA6年的做法是正确的。研究表明,经逮捕后释放的人比一般大众更有可能被再次逮捕。
- 24. Let me help you off with your coat.
- 我来帮你脱大衣吧。
- 25. Skim the scum off the jam and let it cool.
- 撇去果酱上的浮沫,让它冷却。
- 26. Skim the scum off the jam and let it cool.
- 撇去果酱上的浮沫,让它冷却。
- The boys were itching to let off their fireworks.
男孩子们急著想放烟火。 - I'd like to know when they'll let him out.
我想知道他们什么时候放他。 - A cry sprang to his lips, a prayer to be let off.
他几乎要哭叫起来,就象是祈求免罚的祷词,要夺口而出了。 - The old woman prayed to be let off.
这个老太太祈祷被宽恕。 - Still, they are prepared to be forgiving and let bygones be bygones - so long as Japan admits to that part of the history.
- let off steam 放掉不用的蒸汽(发泄...
- let off 放(炮、烟火等)...
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