offset paper
- 平版机上浆纸,胶版纸
- 1. The influence of offset paper and ink performance on print gloss was studied.
- 考察了胶版纸、油墨的性能对印刷光泽度的影响。
- 2. The performance of modified AKD sizing agent in surface sizing of offset paper was introduced.
- 介绍了改性烷基烯酮二聚体(AKD) 中性施胶剂在表面施胶中的使用效果。
- 3. A partition is made of high quality craft paper, hot rolling or a partition using offset paper.
- 分隔板有采用优质牛皮纸,热滚压成形或采用胶版纸作分隔板。
- 4. Methods The paste way of transparent offset paper was used to examine vermiform mite in some college students and its cause analysed.
- 方法:透明胶纸粘贴法对部分大、中专学生进行蠕形螨检查并分析原因。
- 5. This study primarily examined the influence of different types of coating binders, their combinations, together with other pertinent variables on coated web-offset paper blistering.
- 本文主要研究了涂料配方中不同类型的粘结剂,它们的组合及其他有关因素对卷筒轮转胶印涂布纸起泡性的影响。
- 6. DP2000is a copolymer emulsion for surface sizing which produced by polymerization used to size many different types of paper, including offset paper, writing paper and coated board.
- 通过分子设计采用分段聚合方法制备聚合物表面施胶剂DP2000。
- 7. In application, we uniformly select to use the ancient styled Mengken paper (light offset paper) decorated with outer beach scenes of different times to give an additional sense of historical deposit.
- 在应用上,纸张统一选用复古特色的蒙肯纸,配以不同时期的外滩风光,以增添其历史感。
- 8. Bleeds are necessary because most printing devices, including offset printing presses, can't print to the edge of the paper.
- 由于大多数打印设备(包括胶印机)无法打印到纸张边缘,因此必须使用出血。
- 9. Indirect printing Process where the printing surface is not in direct contact with the paper, e. G. Offset printing, pad printing, etc.
- 间接印刷印版并不直接与纸张接触的印刷方法。例如柯式印刷、移印等。
- 10. The paper presented a software demodulating system of BPSK zero-IF signal containing carrier offset.
- 本文针对有载波偏移的零中频bps K调制信号提出了一种软件解调系统。
- 11. This paper proposes a new approach to construct offset surface.
- 本文提出了一种新的等距面构造方法。
- 12. There is no discernable offset on the paper.
- 这张纸上没有明显的污损。
- 13. The ways of estimating the frequency offset and Doppler spread width in WCDMA system are studied in this paper.
- 本文主要研究了WCDMA(宽带码分多址)系统中频偏和最大多普勒频偏的估计方法。
- 14. In an example of experiment, the analysis and uncertainty evaluation results of both DC gain and offset of LDV by using the method in this paper is presented.
- 通过一个实例,给出了激光测振仪信号处理电路直流增益和直流偏移指标不确定度分析和评定结果。
- 15. It USES heat and pressure to transfer an offset imprinted image or design from a piece of white transfer paper to the desired object.
- 透过数码方式把影像输出在白色底转印纸上,再以适当的温度与压力把影像转印在不同材质表面上。
- 16. An kind of optimal design of elliptic gears for the paper-transferring mechanism with variable speeds is introduced in this paper to meet the need of high-speed offset press.
- 研究了适合于高速胶印机的纸张输送机构———椭圆齿轮变速输纸机构的优化设计问题。
- 17. In this paper, the characteristics of modern offset printing, offset printing to modern quality control methods, ways to achieve study.
- 本文结合现代胶印的特点,对现代胶印质量控制的方法、实现途径进行学习研究。
- 18. This paper is given a arbitrary straight offset method, which is the most suit - able method in construction survey on express highway and curved buildings.
- 任意直线支距法是由本文提出的一种特别适用于高速公路和曲线建筑物施工测量的新方法。
- 19. By means of the theory elastic wave, this paper demonstrates direct field's being offset under fluid fluid matrix by secant integral in well.
- 本文利用弹性波理论对流体——流体模型下直接场被井内流体割线积分抵消进行了证明。
- 20. Carbon paper, self-copy paper and other cop - ying or transfer papers (other than those of heading no. 48.09), duplicator stencils and offset plates, of paper, whether or not put up in boxes.
- 复写纸、自印复写纸及其他拷贝或转印纸不包括税目48.09的纸、油印蜡纸或胶印版纸,不论是否盒装。
- 21. This paper investigated the timing and frequency offset estimation algorithm of OFDM burst transmission systems.
- 本文研究OFDM分组传输系统的符号同步与频偏估计算法。
- 22. High quality newsprint and offset printing paper can be produced with mixing aspen CTMP and some reinforcement chemical pulps.
- 用杨木ctmp浆与其它化学浆配抄可以制得良好的新闻纸和胶印书刊纸。
- 23. This paper presents mainly an outline of the present status of offset printing plate materials in China and their future development trends.
- 本文主要归纳介绍我国胶印印刷版材目前的概况及今后的发展趋势。
- 24. With the methods of theoretical analysis, this paper reveals and researches the result of frequency offset and dynamic bandwidth of a filter network in its amplitude-frequency characteristic.
- 本文通过理论分析揭示并探讨了滤波网络扫频测量时幅频特性的频率偏移和动态带宽现象的成因。
- 25. The paper presents tool offset in the process of CNC lathe machining, and expounds computational method of tool offset when CNC lathes do not possess the function of tool-radius offset.
- 全面介绍了数控车床加工过程中的刀具补偿,并且对数控车床不具备刀具半径补偿功能时的刀具补偿计算方法进行了阐述。
- 26. This paper provides a systematical research about the web-offset -printing machines.
- 本文对卷筒纸胶印机进行了系统的研究。
- 27. This paper presents a theory of the cutter radius offset for the CNC system based on the real analysis.
- 本文基于实分析,为CNC系统提出了一种刀具半径补偿的理论。
- 28. This paper adopts a strategy of fitting offset to adjust time, to conquer the impact of network delay and jitter on clock synchronization effectively.
- 该文提出采用拟合偏差方法进行时钟调整的策略,以有效克服网络延迟和抖动对时钟同步的影响。
- 29. Th is paper discusses the effect of components of offset ink such as pigment, bind er and additives on the quality of deinked pulp.
- 介绍了胶印油墨的化学组成中颜料、连结料和附加料对废纸脱墨浆质量的影响及其相应关系。
- 30. Th is paper discusses the effect of components of offset ink such as pigment, bind er and additives on the quality of deinked pulp.
- 介绍了胶印油墨的化学组成中颜料、连结料和附加料对废纸脱墨浆质量的影响及其相应关系。
- According to the product should be regulated properly controlled General coated paper, uncoated paper appropriate tapered thickness control.
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