- vt. 多卖
- 1. This year the newspaper has outsold its main rival.
- 今年该报的发行量已超过了它的主要对手。
- 2. But Bush Halloween masks apparently outsold Gore's.
- 但是,布什万圣节面具明显好卖过戈尔面具。
- 3. For many years, Packard outsold Cadillac by a wide margin.
- 许多年来,柏加的销量远远领先于凯迪拉克。
- 4. Cars outsold trucks and SUVs for the first time since 2000.
- 轿车销量自2000年以来第一次超过卡车和SUV。
- 5. Last quarter marked the first time Apple's tablet has outsold its iconic MP3 player.
- 就在上一季度,苹果的平板电脑销售量首次超过了MP3播放器。
- 6. Maybe this is why Canon has outsold all the other compact cameras, combined, for years.
- 或许,这就是为什么几年来佳能小数码相机的销量比其他所有品牌的销量加起来还要多。
- 7. A single Honda model, the CR-V, outsold all the Subarus in 2007 by selling 219, 160 units.
- 本田单单凭旗下的一个牌子CR-V就已经比全部斯巴鲁在2007年的总销量还要多出219160辆.
- 8. Although tea was expensive, it cost less per cup than coffee, and before 1825 tea outsold coffee.
- 尽管茶很贵,每杯的价格还是比咖啡低。1825年之前茶的销量就超过了咖啡。
- 9. It is moving and it has outsold all its rivals at last week's new film trade for placement of orders.
- 在上周新片订购交易会上,其拷贝销量超过其他影片。
- 10. He tried using it to make ice cream, and before long his ice cream business outsold the rest of the dairy.
- 于是他尝试把这些过剩的奶油造成冰淇淋,不久之后,他的冰淇淋业务超过了他的奶制品业务。
- 11. But, if you look at our Numbers since launch until now, we have outsold the DS by approximately 900,000 units in North America.
- 但是,如果你看我们从发售以来到目前为止的数据,我们在北美洲已经比DS多卖出了大约900,000。
- 12. The popular console has also outsold Sony's Playstation 3 and Nintendo's Wii consoles for 11 out of the last 12 months in the U.S. (GeekWire)
- 在美国市场,过去一年中有11个月,微软这款畅销游戏机的销量均超过了索尼公司(Sony)的Playstation3和任天堂公司(Nintendo)的Wii等游戏机。
- 13. Published by Simon &Schuster on October 24, the book outsold the next bestselling book of the week, John Grisham's "The Litigators, " by more than three to one.
- 该传记于10月24日由“西蒙与舒斯特”出版社正式发行,至今,其周销量是排在销量榜第二位约翰·格里森姆所著《诉讼律师》一书的三倍。
- 14. The Wii’s success speaks to the wisdom of that decision; it has outsold Microsoft’s Xbox 360 and Sony’s PlayStation 3 to become the world leader in console sales.
- Wii的成功证明了这个决定的英明之处: Wii 的销量超越了微软的Xbox 360和索尼的PlayStation3 ,成为全球游戏机界的领头羊。
- 15. Fifteen years ago Volvo outsold Audi in China, but these days the German premium brand's sales in the country dwarf Volvo's, which were only 22,000 cars last year.
- 15年前沃尔沃在中国的销量超过奥迪,但这些日子德国高档品牌在中国的的销量使去年仅销售22000辆车的沃尔沃相形见绌。
- 16. General Motors has ruled the auto industry for so long that industry statisticians scrambled to figure out when it last was outsold in a quarter by another automaker.
- 通用公司已经在汽车领域统治了这么长时间,以至于工业界的统计人员无法意料到他最后会在一个季度内被另一个公司赶超。
- 17. Even though Packard outsold Cadillac that year, the company was concerned because its 1934 sales (6,552) were only a fraction of the 44,634 cars Packard sold in the boom year of 1929.
- 即使销量超越了凯迪拉克,但柏加公司依然感到非常焦虑,因为1934年的销量(6,552辆)只能称得上是1929年景气年份销量(44,634辆)的一个零头。
- 18. Amid steep gas prices, Toyota Motor Corp. rode its reputation for fuel-efficient cars to a double-digit sales increase in July and outsold Ford in the U. S. for the first month ever.
- 最近汽油价格猛涨,以生产的省油汽车著称的丰田汽车公司7月份销售量出现两位数的增长,在美国本土的月销量首次超过福特汽车公司。
- 19. Even though Packard outsold Cadillac that year, the company was concerned because its 1934 sales (6, 552) were only a fraction of the 44, 634 cars Packard sold in the boom year of 1929.
- 即使销量超越了凯迪拉克,但柏加公司依然感到非常焦虑,因为1934年的销量(6,552辆)只能称得上是1929年景气年份销量(44,634辆)的一个零头。
- 20. This would be the first time any overseas market has “consistently outsold” GM’s domestic market in the carmaker’s 102-year-old history, said Michael Albano, a Shanghai-based spokesman.
- 通用上海公司发言人,迈克尔,阿尔巴诺说:“这是在通用汽车102年历史上,首次在海外的销售超过本土销售。”
- 21. This would be the first time any overseas market has "consistently outsold" GM's domestic market in the carmaker's 102-year-old history, said Michael Albano, a Shanghai-based spokesman.
- 通用上海公司发言人,迈克尔,阿尔巴诺说:“这是在通用汽车102年历史上,首次在海外的销售超过本土销售。”
- 22. The three Detroit automakers were outsold for the first time ever by their Asian rivals in May, and a sedan was the top-selling vehicle in the United States for the first time in 16 years.
- 五月份,底特律三大汽车制造商的销量头一次被亚洲的竞争对手超过,而轿车十六年来首次位列全美汽车销售榜首。
- 23. In a British study, sales teams used one of three headsets - left, right, both ears - for a day's selling of insurance by telephone. Those who wore the headset on their left ear outsold the others.
- 在英国开展的一项调查中,电话销售保险的小组使用了三种耳机——左耳机,右耳机,双耳机——一天下来,使用左耳机的销售人员业绩最好。
- 24. In a British study, sales teams used one of three headsets - left, right, both ears - for a day's selling of insurance by telephone. Those who wore the headset on their left ear outsold the others.
- 在英国开展的一项调查中,电话销售保险的小组使用了三种耳机——左耳机,右耳机,双耳机——一天下来,使用左耳机的销售人员业绩最好。
- The Japanese can outsell any competitor in the market.
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