- 坦率的
- 直言不讳的
- 直率
- 毫无保留的
- 直言无讳的
- 坦白无隐的
- 动词outspeak的过去分词
adj. (形容词)
given to expressing yourself freely or insistently;
"outspoken in their opposition to segregation"
"a vocal assembly"
characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion;
"blunt talking and straight shooting"
"a blunt New England farmer"
"I gave them my candid opinion"
"forthright criticism"
"a forthright approach to the problem"
"tell me what you think--and you may just as well be frank"
"it is possible to be outspoken without being rude"
"plainspoken and to the point"
"a point-blank accusation"
- He is an outspoken critic of the government.
他是一个直言批评政府的人。 - His outspoken remarks made him an easy target for the opposition.
他那番直言不讳的言语使他成了反对派的主要抨击对象。 - Uncle Frank is an outspoken man.
弗朗克叔叔是个坦率的人。 - My boss is an outspoken critic of my ideas.
用作形容词 (adj.)
- outspeak 大胆、直率地说, 在...
- frank 坦白的
- candid 率直的
- blunt 钝的
- forthright 直截的
- straightforward 易懂的
- open 开着的
- aboveboard 光明正大地
- vocal 声音的
- direct 直接的
- unrestrained 无限制的
- shy 腼腆的
- unreserved 坦率的
- reserved 保留的
- opinionated 固执己见的
- honest 诚实的
- straight-from-the-shoulder 直截了当的
- free-spoken 直言无隐的
- plainspoken 老实说的
- point-blank 近距离平射的...
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