- 专横的
- 傲慢的
- 逞威风的
- 压倒性的
- 支配的
- 飞扬跋扈的
- 架子十足的
- 自大的
- 厉害的
- 盛气凌人
- 傲慢无礼
- 骄傲自大的
adj. (形容词)
expecting unquestioning obedience;
"the timid child of authoritarian parents"
"insufferably overbearing behavior toward the waiter"
having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy;
"some economists are disdainful of their colleagues in other social disciplines"
"haughty aristocrats"
"his lordly manners were offensive"
"walked with a prideful swagger"
"very sniffy about breaches of etiquette"
"his mother eyed my clothes with a supercilious air"
"a more swaggering mood than usual"
- 1. It also reintroduces much-needed levity to an act that can be overbearingly self-serious.
- 它也再次对这可能会是不可一世的惺惺作态之举(overbearingly self - serious),引入急需的轻率。
- 2. The bad companion relation causes the bad behavior habit of the infant easily, also causing infant become from the bad personality of vulgar, apathetic, apathetic and overbearingly rude etc.
- 同伴关系不良容易引发幼儿的不良行为习惯,也导致幼儿形成自卑、孤僻、冷漠、骄横等不良的性格;幼儿教师和家长都要努力帮助幼儿建立起良好的同伴关系。
- 3. The bad companion relation causes the bad behavior habit of the infant easily, also causing infant become from the bad personality of vulgar, apathetic, apathetic and overbearingly rude etc.
- 同伴关系不良容易引发幼儿的不良行为习惯,也导致幼儿形成自卑、孤僻、冷漠、骄横等不良的性格;幼儿教师和家长都要努力帮助幼儿建立起良好的同伴关系。
- No one liked his overbearing manners.
没有人喜欢他那傲慢的样子。 - His overbearing insolence angered everyone.
他的傲慢无礼激起了大家的愤怒。 - The aging actress was very high-strung and overbearing.
这位上了年纪的女演员非常紧张,而且骄傲自大。 - He's so overbearing that no one wants to work for him.
他那么蛮横,没人愿为他工作。 - Everybody was indignant at such an overbearing manner.
用作形容词 (adj.)
- overbear 威压
- domineering 专横的
- arrogant 傲慢的
- bossy 专横的
- haughty 傲慢的
- arbitrary 任意的
- imperious 傲慢的
- dictatorial 独裁的
- masterful 傲慢的
- autocratic 独裁的
- oppressive 压迫的
- boastful 自夸的
- pompous 傲慢的
- proud 自豪的
- swaggering 动词swagger的现在...
- disdainful 鄙视的
- lordly 高傲的
- authoritarian 权力主义的
- prideful 自傲的
- sniffy 嗤之以鼻的
- supercilious 目中无人的
- subservient 卑屈的
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