- adv. 垂直地;笔直地;纵向地
straight up or down without a break
in a perpendicular manner;
"this red line runs perpendicularly to the green line"
- 1. Price has risen perpendicularly.
- 价格直线上升。
- 2. It seemed at times that we were climbing almost perpendicularly.
- 有时我们好像几乎是在垂直向上爬。
- 3. These vessels entered the cortex perpendicularly to the cortical surface.
- 这些血管都垂直于小脑皮质的表面进入皮质。
- 4. Why should that apple always descend perpendicularly to the ground, thought he to himself.
- 为什么苹果总会垂直地落在地上,他心中想到。
- 5. Their aring original is to perpendicularly fly, at this time fly of orbit already gradual to ground flection.
- 他们本来是垂直地飞着,这时飞行的轨道已经逐渐向地面弯曲。
- 6. The results show that velocity agrees on the whole Wyllie equation as wave propagates perpendicularly to water surface;
- 实验结果表明:波垂直水面传播时,速度与时间平均方程的结果基本一致;
- 7. A type of surface wave in which particles oscillate horizontally and perpendicularly to the direction of wave propagation.
- 一种面波,质点水平地振动,并垂直于波传播的方向。
- 8. The new building's volume – a double-storey, compact bar – is positioned perpendicularly to the existing historic building.
- 新建筑是一个双层结构,外立面用简洁的栅格形式表达——垂直安置在现有历史建筑之上。
- 9. A bolt hole is formed in the shaft body in such a manner as to substantially perpendicularly intersect the axis of the shaft body.
- 螺栓孔以与所述轴体的轴线基本上垂直相交的方式形成在所述轴体中。
- 10. Why should that apple always descend perpendicularly to the ground, thought he to himself... Why should it not go sideways, or upwards?
- 他心想,为什么苹果总是垂直落到地面?
- 11. Once initiated, cracks would propagate perpendicularly to the loading direction and the specimens exhibited transgranular fracture.
- 裂纹形成后垂直于加载轴方向扩展,试样呈穿晶断裂。
- 12. They are set high on the skull and carried perpendicularly at the inner edges with as little bell as possible along the other edges.
- 耳位高且竖立,内边缘与另一耳朵内边缘的延伸线尽可能接近小的钟形。
- 13. Based on the variable structure control theory, a guidance law that can perpendicularly impact on the target was proposed in this paper.
- 基于变结构控制理论,提出了一种垂直命中目标的导引律。
- 14. A plurality of straight, non-interleaving ribs extend substantially perpendicularly from a first and second lengthwise side of each radiating structure.
- 连续的多元化,非交错肋骨大幅延长垂直从第一和第二每个辐射结构纵向的一面。
- 15. The perpendicularly rotating siamesed wind wheel has the advantages of simple production and processing, easy installation, high intensity and low cost.
- 本实用新型生产加工简单、容易安装、强度高成本低。
- 16. A second endwall extends generally perpendicularly from the playing surface and is located on an opposite side of the playing surface from the first endwall.
- 第二端壁,所述第二端壁通常从所述游戏表面垂直地伸展并且定位于所述游戏表面的与所述第一端壁相反的一端;
- 17. The crack arresting problem in a thin current carrying plate was studied for the situation of providing a DC current perpendicularly toward the crack direction.
- 研究了带有有限长裂纹的导电薄板在垂直于裂纹的方向上通入直流电流时,裂纹的止裂问题。
- 18. Light's new trick is fancier than a boring push: It created the more complicated force called lift, evident when a flow in one direction moves an object perpendicularly.
- 但是光的新特性比单纯的推力要高级:光能产生这种更复杂的作用力-提拉力,很显著的例子是一个方向的光通量可以使物体垂直移动。
- 19. Usually being located at the middle of the cristae of vertical semicircular canals, the eminentia cruciata protrudes perpendicularly to the long axis of the crista.
- 十字隆凸通常位于上、后半规管壶腹嵴的中部,与壶腹嵴的长轴垂直。
- 20. Forequarters Shoulders fine, long and sloping, well laid back and well knit. The elbows hanging perpendicularly to the body and working clear of the side in movement.
- 肩部纤细,向后延伸而又恰到好处地收拢,肘部与身体垂直,易于运动。
- 21. The composite film is formed by coating perpendicularly-aligned carbon nanotubes with a polymer selected from poly (vinyl acetate), poly (isoprene), or blends thereof.
- 通过用选自聚乙酸乙烯酯、聚异戊二烯、或其共混物中的聚合物涂布垂直定向碳纳米管,从而形成复合材料膜。
- 22. Such surfaces reflect most of the bats' echolocation energy away from it, but some energy hits the surface perpendicularly, sending an echo back directly beneath the bat.
- 这样的平面反射了大部分蝙蝠的声波,但是有一部分能量垂直撞击到表面上,声波回传至蝙蝠。
- 23. The scale of the project appears to be somehow uncertain due to the use of massive pieces of wood, overlapped perpendicularly in order to allow the visual relationships.
- 由于大量木构件的使用以及视觉上不断的垂直重复,该项目的规模显得隐约有些模糊。
- 24. Using the slider to drive a metal bar to cut perpendicularly the uniform magnetic field in the center of a Helmholtz coil, induction electromotive force could be produced.
- 利用滑块带动金属杆切割亥姆霍兹线圈中心区域匀强磁场的磁感应线,可以产生感应电动势。
- 25. About the 15th of May the keel of the new vessel lay along the dockyard, and soon the stem and stern-post, mortised at each of its extremities, rose almost perpendicularly.
- 5月15日前后,新船的龙骨已经搁在造船所了;不久,船首材和船尾材也已用榫头分别接在龙骨的两头,几乎直立起来。
- 26. Seen from front or rear, the forelegs, as well as the hind legs below the hock joint, move perpendicularly to the ground, with some tendency towards a single track as speed increases.
- 从前面或后面观察,前腿,也包括后腿飞节以下部位,运动时完全垂直于地面。当速度增加时,有单一轨迹的趋向。
- 27. Instead of using one sensor to measure the direction, this system uses three perpendicularly mounted sensors to measure one direction so as to avoid the sensibility loss on small angle.
- 在方向的测量中使用了三个传感器代替传统的单个传感器测量以减小加速度计与磁通门计在较小角度时灵敏度的下降。
- 28. The spacers 56 are not limited to extended generally perpendicularly from the internal face 46, to being integrally molded with the air cowl 44 or to having a generally cylindrical-shape.
- 间隔件56不限于从内部面46处大致垂直地延伸,以及与空气通风帽44一体模塑成型或者具有通常的圆柱形状。
- 29. Electric field applied perpendicularly to the layer of quantum wells can change the optical properties(abstraction, reflection and photoluminescence)of semiconductor quantum well structures.
- 而在垂直于量子阱平面的方向外加电场可以显著的改变半导体量子阱结构的光学性质(如吸收、反射、光致发光等)。
- 30. Electric field applied perpendicularly to the layer of quantum wells can change the optical properties(abstraction, reflection and photoluminescence)of semiconductor quantum well structures.
- 而在垂直于量子阱平面的方向外加电场可以显著的改变半导体量子阱结构的光学性质(如吸收、反射、光致发光等)。
- This red line runs perpendicularly to the green line.
用作副词 (adv.)
- sheer 极轻薄的
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