pit against
- vt. 使 ... 相斗; 使竞争
- 1. In the second experiment meant to pit the mice's hunger against their fear, hungry mice were placed in a cage that had certain "fox scented" areas and other places that smelled safer.
- 在第二个实验中,老鼠要用饥饿来对抗恐惧,饥饿的老鼠被放在一个笼子里,笼子里有一些“狐狸气味”的区域和其他气味闻起来更安全的地方。
- 2. In the second experiment meant to pit the mice's hunger against their fear, hungry mice were placed in a cage that had certain "fox-scented" areas and other places that smelled safer.
- 在第二个实验中,老鼠要用饥饿来对抗恐惧。饥饿的老鼠被放在一个笼子里,笼子里有一些散发“狐狸气味”的区域和其他气味闻起来更安全的地方。
- 3. I'd like to manage at the very highest level and pit my wits against the best.
- 我希望在最高水平上管理,与最优秀的人斗智。
- 4. The debate will pit the industrial North against developing countries in the South.
- 这场辩论会使北方的工业国家和南方的发展中国家针锋相对。
- 5. These and hundreds of other struggles pit laws written during the industrial age against the law of Disruption.
- 这些以及许多其他斗争使得制定于工业时代的法律与颠覆定律进行了较量。
- 6. Most pit domestic firms against each other, but in recent years foreigners have found themselves on the receiving end too.
- 大多数是源于国内公司的相互竞争,但近年来,外国公司发现他们自己也成了被诉讼对象。
- 7. Pit a human being against a predator whose jaws, claws and brute strength can kill in an instant, and the outcome is going to be bad for the human.
- 一个人面对猛兽的血盆大口、尖牙利爪和可以瞬间致死的兽性力量,对人来说结果是糟糕的。
- 8. It faces a long and messy legal battle that will pit it against its partner - suggesting an unhappy outcome either way.
- 该集团面临一场旷日持久的棘手官司,将使它与合作伙伴反目成仇——对双方来说都不是一个愉快的结局。
- 9. Understanding that envy is a powerful motivator, many organizations pit their salespeople against one another for performance rewards.
- 要认识到,嫉妒是一种强有力的推动力量,许多公司通过绩效奖励来促进销售人员彼此竞争。
- 10. It is Field Marshal Rommel in the north who is our immediate enemy; Rommel once more will have to pit himself against his old conqueror, General Montgomery.
- 北部的隆美尔元帅是我们眼前的敌人,他将不得不再次面对自己昔日的对手蒙哥马利将军。
- 11. The fish was barbecued Yemeni-style by slicing it in half, smacking the whole thing against the walls of a fire pit and baking it to a black crisp.
- 烤鱼用的是也门式的烤法,先把鱼剖成两半,然后把剖开的鱼在火炉壁上敲击,直到烤成焦脆。
- 12. That election will pit an insurgent against an establishment Republican.
- 决胜选举将是叛逆的共和党人与传统的共和党人之争。
- 13. Others worried it would pit artists against their audience.
- 其他的组织担心这将使艺术家们站在听众的对立面。
- 14. Ash and company chance upon the Grass pokemon Tournament, an annual affair where trainers pit their herbaceous pokemon against each other in the spirit of friendly combative horticulture.
- 粉煤灰和公司的机会,草神奇宝贝大赛,每年都在那里培训基坑神奇的草本植物针对对方的精神,友好好斗园艺。
- 15. In our pursuit of happiness, we are constantly faced with decisions both big and small that force us to pit time against money.
- 在追求幸福的过程中,我们经常面临或大或小的抉择,迫使我们在时间与金钱之间做出判断。
- 16. To pit us against each one another and to tear us apart personally.
- 把我们放在沟坎里彼此对抗,以个人把我们撕裂分开。
- 17. It seems to pit managers and team members against one another.
- 该系统看来总让经理们和团队成员作对。
- 18. Both pit Stane's larger, more powerful Iron Monger armor against Stark's greater experience, and both also feature an exploding reactor as a prominent feature of the battle.
- 两个版本都描述了拥有更加强大的铁霸王盔甲的斯坦恩对战经验更加丰富的斯塔克,并且它们都将爆炸性反应堆作为这一幕的主要元素。
- 19. Soldiers marched off to war, where they are set against each other like pit bulls, forced into defensive postures against each other.
- 士兵出发作战,就像斗争的公牛一样互相敌对,被迫进入防御姿态。
- 20. Pit your monster against the current cage champion.
- 让你的怪物和当前擂主较量。
- 21. We do not believe that in best practice these two ways of reading the Bible are at all contradictory, even though today, many pit them against each other.
- 我们不相信这两个读经方式是互相矛盾的,虽然今天有许多人令到它们互相反对。
- 22. While it's fun to statistically pit each of these weapons against one another, this is only a small portion of a much larger picture.
- 以数据比较这些武器是很有趣的,这只是大图片中的一小部分。
- 23. Hannah realizes the only way to save her family is by cleverly scheming to pit one pawn against another in a cunning chess game.
- 汉娜认识到拯救她的家庭的唯一途径是通过巧妙策划坑一兵对抗另一个狡猾的棋局。
- 24. A conversation should be a platform where opinions are aired, not a battle ground to pit one's stance against another.
- 谈话应该是交流观点的平台,而不是一对一的硝烟战场。
- 25. Ventress proposed a deal: she would pit her droid battalions against Yoda.
- 文崔斯提出和国王做一笔交易:她将派几个营的机器人去对付尤达。
- 26. Additionally, the Pump Manufacturer shall provide and administer a 5-year, prorated materials warranty on the Dry Pit Submersible Pump against defects in materials and workmanship.
- 此外,对于所采用的材质制造工艺上有缺陷干井潜水泵,泵制造商应该提供和执行为期5年的分派材料保证。
- 27. Additionally, the Pump Manufacturer shall provide and administer a 5-year, prorated materials warranty on the Dry Pit Submersible Pump against defects in materials and workmanship.
- 此外,对于所采用的材质制造工艺上有缺陷干井潜水泵,泵制造商应该提供和执行为期5年的分派材料保证。
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