- 蚕茧
- 吊舱
- 【植】荚,豆荚,荚果
- 分离舱,可分离舱
- 容器
- 箱
- (蝗虫的)卵囊
- 一小群
- 纵槽
- (手摇钻的)钻头承窝
- 有纵槽的螺旋钻
- 发射架
- 生荚, 成荚,结荚
- 驱成群,把赶到一块
- 聚成群
- 剥去的荚,把剥出荚, 从豆荚中剥出
- 生蒴
- 丰满如荚
- = print-on-demand 电子印刷业按顾客需求组合资料的一种新型服务
- =pay on delivery 【商】货到付款
- =post office department 邮政部门
- =port of debarkation 卸装港
- =Pocket Oxford Dictionary 《袖珍牛津辞典》
n. (名词)
the vessel that contains the seeds of a plant (not the seeds themselves)
a several-seeded dehiscent fruit as e.g. of a leguminous plant
a group of aquatic mammals
a detachable container of fuel on an airplane
take something out of its shell or pod;
"pod peas or beans"
produce pods, of plants
- 1. Al increased MDA accumulation and the activities of SOD and POD Arabidopsis.
- 铝处理增加拟南芥植株MDA的累积以及SOD,POD酶活性.
- 2. POD and SOD isoenzyme were closely related to the juicy sac granulation.
- 与管溪蜜柚汁胞粒化关系密切的同工酶为POD、SOD同工酶.
- 3. CCC could improve and continue the activities of SOD, POD.
- CCC能有效提高和延续地榆叶片的SOD, POD酶活性.
- 4. The POD hardware platform layer consists of compute hardware, networking, and storage.
- POD硬件平台层包含计算硬件, 网络和存储.
- 5. POD isoenzyme of Cabbage are analyzed by using PAGE.
- POD同工酶凝胶电泳结果显示.
- The pod of this plant, containing a sweet edible pulp and seeds that yield a gum used as a stabilizer in food products.
角豆荚角豆植物的豆荚,内含味甜可食的肉质部分以及种子,它们产生出一种胶,可用于食品中做稳定剂 - A pod, such as that of a pea or bean, that splits into two valves with the seeds attached to one edge of the valves.
豆荚豆荚,如豌豆或蚕豆之类的,分成两个裂片,其果实附着在其中一片裂片之上 - He is podding peas.
他正在剥豌豆。 - This kind of pea has a long pod.
- pod bit 有纵槽的螺旋钻,有纵...
- pod drag 短舱阻力
- pod spot 豆荚斑点病
- pod pepper 朝天椒
- egg pod 卵荚
- articulated pod 有节荚
- pod boiler 荚式蒸汽发生器...
- bean pod 豆荚
- cocoa pod 可可豆荚
- engine pod 发动机短舱
- P.O.D. 付款交货
- pod 豆荚
- like two peas in a pod 一模一样
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