price fixing
- n. 限价;限定价格;价格垄断
名词 price-fixing:
control (by agreement among producers or by government) of the price of a commodity in interstate commerce
- 1. Food shortages may be controlled by price fixing but the shelves will still be empty.
- 粮食短缺可能是控制操纵价格,但货架上仍然会是空的。
- 2. Standards and theories of price fixing sanction provision have been well developed in the United States.
- 有关固定价格的制裁制度在美国已经形成了相对成熟的标准和理论。
- 3. Last month the Chongqing courts sentenced six gangsters to death for murder, machete attacks and price fixing.
- 上个月,重庆市法院判处六名歹徒死刑,罪名包括谋杀、械斗和操纵价格。
- 4. All the abovementioned theories have its defect, so compromise theory has become the mainstream theory of sanction on price fixing.
- 三种理论都有一定的缺陷,因此折中的理论便成为固定价格制裁制度的主要理论基础。
- 5. Cohlmia says of the agency’s ruling, “The decision did not find that Koch-Glitsch GmbH engaged in price fixing or any illegal behavior.”
- 柯西米亚谈到公司的决定,“(公司关闭德国办事处的)决定并不是因发现科赫-格力奇公司德国办事处并未进行限价或任何不法行为。”
- 6. Every stall set is highest price fixing, adopt when contest mark amount achieves highest price fixing shake order pattern decides operator.
- 每个摊位设定最高限价,当竞标金额达到最高限价时采取摇号方式确定经营者。
- 7. Putin overtly threatened Igor Zyuzin, the CEO of Mechel (MTL), a mining and metals giant, accusing him of price fixing in order to evade corporate taxes.
- 普京公开威胁伊戈尔·久津,矿业和金属巨头,车里雅宾斯克钢铁厂CEO,指控他为了逃避公司税而修改价格。
- 8. The paper considers that it is the practical way to organically combine the target cost price fixing method with the consumer sense price fixing method.
- 文章认为将目标成本定价法和消费者感知定价法有机结合是现代营销观念下比较切实可行的方法。
- 9. The mechanism of value formation of the option on coal mining right is the basis of how to use the theory of option price fixing to evaluate coal mining right.
- 煤炭资源开采权期权价值形成机理是运用期权定价理论估价煤炭资源开采权价值的基础。
- 10. To set up the publicity, right, equity of the emergence, choice and price fixing of research project, the article suggested setting up an open and supervision system.
- 为了保障研究项目及其价格确定的公开、公正、公平,文章提出了拟成果购买制架构下研究项目的公告制度和监督制度的设计。
- 11. The measures and influencing factors for price fixing are expounded, and it is suggested that China should implement the price fixing management over mass wildlife import and export.
- 阐述了限价措施及影响因素,建议对中国进出口的大宗野生动植物实施限价管理。
- 12. As far as stock issue and price fixing are concerned, it creatively offers the method of ratio pricing of premium on management and settles the problem of high price stockdistribution.
- 在涉及股票发行定价方面,创造性地提出了“管理溢价系数定价法”,解决了以往股份公司股票发行价格虚高的现象。
- 13. The stock launching system is a macroscopical concept which entails specific launching system, method, price fixing method as well as a series of internal and external marketing environment.
- 股票发行机制是一个宏观的范畴,不仅指具体的发行制度、发行方式、定价方法,还包括一系列的内外部市场环境。
- 14. Formal price-fixing by cartel and informal price-fixing by agreements covering the members of an industry are commonplace.
- 通过卡特尔进行的正式价格垄断,以及通过涵盖行业成员的协议进行的非正式价格垄断,都是司空见惯的。
- 15. Most economists do not see price-fixing when it occurs because they expect it to be brought about by a number of explicit agreements among large firms.
- 大多数经济学家并不认为价格操纵会发生,因为他们认为这是由大公司之间的一系列明确协议所导致的。
- 16. These economies employ intentional price-fixing, usually in an overt fashion.
- 这些经济体通常以公开的方式故意操纵价格。
- 17. In fact, price-fixing is normal in all industrialized societies because the industrial system itself provides, as an effortless consequence of its own development, the price-fixing that it requires.
- 事实上,在所有工业化社会中,固定价格都是正常的,因为工业体系本身作为自身发展的结果,毫不费力地提供了它所需要的固定价格。
- 18. The price-fixing convictions came after years of investigations, environmental lawsuits and fines that had plagued Koch’s oil pipeline and refining divisions.
- 经过数年的调查之后,科赫公司石油管道和精炼部门的价格垄断为其招致了环保起诉和罚金。
- 19. This week, in a lawsuit that evokes memories of 19th-century trust-busting, the biggest railways are accused of price-fixing fuel surcharges.
- 本周,一项诉讼让我们想起在“信任破产”的19世纪,最大的铁路公司由于对燃料附加费的价格垄断而被指控。
- 20. If there were only two airlines on every route, tacit collusion between them would probably keep prices high but not so high as if there were a single airline or an explicit price-fixing agreement.
- 假设在每条线路上都只有两家公司,他们可能会心照不宣的勾结,但不会使得价格高到犹如一加航空公司操控或者是基于一个明显的价格协议。
- 21. Price-fixing in such a highly fragmented industry is unlikely to have much impact or cause much damage to the Russian economy.
- 对这样一个高度分散产业进行价格操控不大可能对俄罗斯经济产生冲击或者毁坏。
- 22. Are similarity of prices, simultaneous price changes or high prices indications of price-fixing?
- 是否近似价格、同时发生的价格变动或高价格都是限价行为的迹象呢?
- 23. Are similarity of prices, simultaneous price changes or high prices indications of price-fixing?
- 是否近似价格、同时发生的价格变动或高价格都是限价行为的迹象呢?
- See also Variable Limit, Maximum Price Fluctuation.
察看变数限价,最大价格波幅。 - The price ceilings were rejigged according to quality.
用作名词 (n.)
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