256查询网 英汉词典


英[prə'vaɪd] 美[prə'vaɪd]
  • v.供给;提供;准备;规定;抚养
provided provided providing provides


    v. (动词)
    1. vt. & vi. 提供,供给,供应 cause or arrange from (sb) to have or use (sth needed or useful); supply
    2. vt. 规定 state a special arrangement that must be fulfilled


  1. give something useful or necessary to;

    "We provided the room with an electrical heater"

  2. give what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance;

    "The hostess provided lunch for all the guests"

  3. determine (what is to happen in certain contingencies), especially by including a proviso condition or stipulation;

    "The will provides that each child should receive half of the money"
    "The Constitution provides for the right to free speech"

  4. mount or put up;

    "put up a good fight"
    "offer resistance"

  5. make a possibility or provide opportunity for; permit to be attainable or cause to remain;

    "This leaves no room for improvement"
    "The evidence allows only one conclusion"
    "allow for mistakes"
    "leave lots of time for the trip"
    "This procedure provides for lots of leeway"

  6. supply means of subsistence; earn a living;

    "He provides for his large family by working three jobs"
    "Women nowadays not only take care of the household but also bring home the bacon"

  7. take measures in preparation for;

    "provide for the proper care of the passengers on the cruise ship"


    用作动词 (v.)
    1. Sheep provide us with wool.
    2. The hotel provides a reservation of tickets for its residents.
    3. We have to provide for possible accidents.
    4. The law provides that these ancient buildings must be preserved.
    5. He was very poor because he'd to provide for five children.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. The course is free but you have to provide your own books.
    2. The trees provide shade.
    3. Westminster Abbey towering in the distance there provides a fascinating view.
    4. Many hands provide great strength.
    5. Let us hope his research will provide the evidence we need.
    1. The agreement provides that the two sides shall meet twice a month.
    2. This provided that the voter mark his ballot in a closed booth and drop it into a locked box.
    用作双宾动词 S+~+ n./pron. +for pron./n.
    1. It is incumbent on you to provide for your parents.
    2. Can you provide accommodation for thirty people?
    S+~+ n./pron. +(with) pron./n.
    1. The painting provides us with one of the earliest examples of the use of perspective.
    2. They provided us food.
    3. Tom provided her a pretty hat.


v. (动词)
  1. provide用作及物动词时,可表示“提供,供给,供应,装备”,后可接名词或代词作简单宾语; 还可接双宾语,常用介词for引出间接宾语,也可用介词with引出直接宾语,有时with可省略。
  2. provide还可表示法律、规章、协议等的“规定”,往往作为条件提出使之能按照某人的意愿或某种规则履行,后常接that引起的从句,从句中可以用shall, should, must, may, ought to等,用should, must, ought to时,语气较重,用may时,语气较轻,用shall时,指当前,语气一般,也可用虚拟语气。
  3. provide用作不及物动词时常与for, against 等介词搭配。
  1. provide作及物动词时,指“规定”,后可接that从句。值得注意的是从句中要用shall/should,不用will/would,偶尔可用虚拟现在式。

    The contract provides that only the best materials shall be used.

  2. provided可作连接词,原属于provide的过去分词, provided ...或provided that ...指“规定或以……作条件”。当用于正式英语中时,provided .../provided that ...可等同于“if...”。

    I will go provided (that) you will go with me.

    What will happen if they see us?

v. (动词)
provide, equip, furnish, outfit, supply
  • 这组词都可表示“提供必要的条件”。其区别是:
  • 1.equip指装备某种仪器设备; furnish指用家具将房间布置起来; supply指提供不足或缺乏的东西; provide指提供必需和有用的东西。
  • 2.用于人时, outfit指衣物的配备, equip指各种专门的物件的配备。
  • 3.supply常用于定期的多次的供应,而furnish常用于一次性的供应。
  • 4.在涉及金钱时, provide往往意味着“免费供给”,而supply则一般不含此意。
  • 5.furnish可接双宾语,而provide和supply则不可接双宾语。
  • 6.provide和supply都要与with连用来说明所提供的物品,即provide〔supply〕 sb with sth 或provide〔supply〕 sth for sb; supply后的for可用to替代,而provide后的for不可用to替代。
  • provide, afford, give, supply
  • 这四个词都有“给”“供给”“提供”的意思。其区别是:
  • 1.afford指为一定的目的而“给”“提供”所需要的东西; give指无需偿还地把金钱、物品、时间、麻烦等有形或无形的东西“送给”“授予”“供给”某人; provide主要指为某人、某物或某事“提供”“供应”某物品,尤指生活必需品; supply指用物“供给”“供应”或“提供”给国家、群众、工厂、城市、市场等,以部队为对象时,往往只供给生活必需品,而不指武器。例如:
  • Some trees afford resin. 有些树产树脂。
  • I should like to give him a chance.我想给他一个机会。
  • Now we supply power to nine-tenths of the city's homes.现在我们向这个城市十分之九的家庭提供电力。
  • 2.afford后面可跟不定式或动名词,还常用在can, could, be able to后面表示“担负得起”某事物的费用、损失、后果等,以及“抽得出”时间、人力,其后可接双宾语,意思是“向某人提供某物”; provide后面可接for, with和against等介词; supply后可接介词to。例如:
  • Our garden affords us fresh vegetables.我们的园子为我们提供新鲜蔬菜。
  • More and more vegetables and fruit are supplied to the army.越来越多的蔬菜和水果供应部队。
  • The programme aims to provide self-sufficiency for local needs.这项计划旨在使当地需要得以自足。
  • 下面两句意思相同:
  • The bank promised to provide money for us.
  • The bank promised to provide us with money.
  • 银行答应给我们提供资金。
  • supply,provide
  • 两者均可表示“供应;供给”,指对于缺乏或不足的事物进行补充或供给。
  • supply常与to/for或with连用,其结构是:supply sth.to/for sb.或supply sb.with sth.
  • provide常与for或with连用,其结构是:provide sth.for sb.或provide sb.with sth.
  • 用作动词 (v.)
    provide against (v.+prep.)
      为…做好准备; 预防 take care for the future
      provide against sth

      They provided against the attack.


      The government has to provide against a possible oil shortage in the coming months.


      It is wise to provide against emergency.


    provide for (v.+prep.)
      规定 arrange in advance
    用作动词 (v.)
    ~+名词 副词+~ ~+副词 ~+介词


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