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英['pʌdl] 美['pʌdl]
  • n.水坑;地上积水;胶泥v.搅浊;在泥污中打滚;排尿
puddly puddled puddled puddling puddles


    n. (名词)
    1. 水坑
    2. 胶土
    3. 泥潭
    4. 胶土(由粘土与水和成不透水)
    5. 混乱
    6. 商品分类目录
    7. 泥坑
    8. 积洼
    9. 雨水坑
    10. 水洼
    11. 小水坑
    12. 地上积水
    13. 水池
    14. 尤指污水坑洼
    15. 胶土(粘土和水混成的塑性土不透水)
    16. 胶泥
    v. (动词)
    1. 搅浑
    2. 用胶土填塞
    3. 使泥泞
    4. 【冶】搅炼
    5. 在水坑中嬉戏
    6. 瞎忙
    7. 把…捣制成胶土
    8. 搅泥浆
    9. 在泥水中泼症
    10. 弄脏
    11. 把…弄得泥糊糊
    12. 用胶土涂塞
    13. 撒尿
    14. 搅拌(熔铁)
    15. 搅炼
    16. 混凝
    17. 捣成糊状
    18. 用泥浆填塞洞
    19. 精炼(铁)
    20. 在污水中泼溅
    21. 搅浊
    22. 在泥污中打滚
    n. (名词)
    1. [C]水坑;(尤指道路上的)雨水坑 small pool of water,especially of rainwater on the road


  1. a mixture of wet clay and sand that can be used to line a pond and that is impervious to water when dry

  2. a small body of standing water (rainwater) or other liquid;

    "there were puddles of muddy water in the road after the rain"
    "the body lay in a pool of blood"

  3. something resembling a pool of liquid;

    "he stood in a pool of light"
    "his chair sat in a puddle of books and magazines"

  1. wade or dabble in a puddle;

    "The ducks and geese puddled in the backyard"

  2. subject to puddling or form by puddling;

    "puddle iron"

  3. dip into mud before planting;

    "puddle young plants"

  4. work a wet mixture, such as concrete or mud

  5. mess around, as in a liquid or paste;

    "The children are having fun puddling in paint"

  6. make into a puddle;

    "puddled mire"

  7. make a puddle by splashing water

  8. mix up or confuse;

    "He muddled the issues"

  9. eliminate urine;

    "Again, the cat had made on the expensive rug"


    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The puddle evaporated rapidly in the sun.
    2. I have rarely seen such a huge puddle of milk.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The road was filled with puddles from the rain.


n. (名词)
puddle, lake, pond, pool
  • 这组词的共同意思是“湖”“池塘”“水坑”。其区别在于:
  • 1.lake的意思是“湖”,一般指大面积的流动水域,船舶可在上面航行;pond的意思是“水池”,多为人工开凿而成,用于养鸭、养鱼之用。例如:
  • We fed the ducks and geese in the pond.我们在这池塘中养鸭和鹅。
  • There was a fish pond near the shady tree.在绿荫如盖的树旁有一个鱼塘。
  • pool的意思是“水塘”,指小面积且水流慢的水域。例如:
  • After the rain, there were little pools of water in the garden.下雨后,花园里有些小水塘。
  • puddle的意思是“水坑”,多指由于地面不平而形成积水的坑。例如:
  • There are a lot of puddles in the road after rain.雨后路面上有许多泥水坑。
  • 2.就面积而言, lake>pond>pool>puddle。
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