quadratic equation
- 二次方程
an equation in which the highest power of an unknown quantity is a square
- 1. This function solves a standard quadratic equation.
- 这个函数求解一个标准的二次方程。
- 2. You will get two solutions; it's a quadratic equation.
- 得到两个解,这是二次方程。
- 3. The quadratic equation may have instilled horror in many of us.
- 对很多人来说,二次方程是很恐怖的。
- 4. In high-school algebra, you learned that the standard quadratic equation.
- 在高中代数学里,你学习了标准二次方程序。
- 5. GFR was estimated by 2 methods: the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease and the Mayo Clinic quadratic equation.
- 通过2种方法对GFR 进行估算:肾脏疾病饮食修正方程和梅约医疗中心二次方程。
- 6. It is a quadratic equation, so you get two solutions of which one of them is nonphysical, so you can reject that one.
- 这是一个两次方程,你会得到两个,和物理无关的答案,你可以舍掉那一个。
- 7. In this paper, the cubic equation is simplified into a quadratic equation, thus greatly simplifying the calculation.
- 本文将三次方程简化为二次方程,使计算得到很大简化。
- 8. Everything in algebra was boring extrapolation after that, including the quadratic equation, which I have never used in my life.
- 以后代数中的种种推论都很枯燥,包括二次方程序,我这辈子从未用过它。
- 9. The relation between the cumulative release amount of cadmium with the leaching amount could be described with mono basic quadratic equation.
- 镉累积释放量与淋溶量的关系可用一元二次方程描述。
- 10. As a result, threading a perfectly weighted through ball to your striker releases a feeling of achievement more potent than completing a quadratic equation.
- 因此,为你的射手送上一记出色绝伦的直传会让你有一种成就感,这可比做一道二次方程题更有效。
- 11. Aiming at problems of solving multiple quadratic equation systems, the redundancy of extending equations by Extended Linearization (XL) algorithm is analyzed.
- 针对多变量二次方程组的求解问题,对XL算法的冗余性进行分析与改进。
- 12. The conclusion shows that the optimal strategy of predator is the quadratic equation of time and the profit is the descending function of temporary impact coefficient.
- 结论表明,捕食者的最优交易策略为时间的二次曲线形式,并且捕食交易利润是瞬时冲击系数的单调减函数。
- 13. A new compensation method for the temperature coefficient of the sensor-the correction method of quadratic equation and the algorithm for temperature compensation is put forward.
- 提出一种对传感器温度系数的校正新方法——采用二次方程校正法和温度补偿算法相结合的温度校正方法。
- 14. The quadratic equation may have instilled horror in many of us. But for some 5 to 7 percent of the population even basic math—like the concept of the numbers 5 and 7—causes anxiety.
- 恐怕有很多人都对二次方程望而生畏吧…可是你知道么,世界上有5%-7%的人面对最基本的算术也会紧张焦虑。
- 15. A new simple pore mechanics model is established based the pore structure of low permeability reservoir rock, from which the quadratic equation of effective stress and permeability can be educed.
- 针对多孔介质特殊的孔隙结构特征,建立了一个新的简化孔隙力学模型,并由该模型导出了渗透率与有效应力的二次多项式关系。
- 16. The algorithm is obtained to overcome the redundancy problem and XL algorithm is improved, which effectively reduces the computational complexity of solving multi-variable quadratic equation system.
- 分析表明,改进后的XL算法能降低求解多变量二次方程组的计算复杂性。
- 17. Theoretically speaking, it is a rather-clearly discussed subject to standardize the quadratic equation into the normal forms by spinning the coordinate axis so as to approach the shapes of its curves.
- 从理论上讲,通过坐标轴旋转将二次方程化简为规范形式,从而讨论其曲线的形状,这已是讨论得相当明了的课题。
- 18. The problem of attaining the tangent equation of a certain point on a quadratic curve is basically solved in plane analytical geometry.
- 平面解析几何对“求过二次曲线外的点所引曲线切线的方程”的问题,未给出一般的方法和公式。
- 19. According to the features of shaft kiln burning, a mathematical model is established and a quadratic regression equation for calculation of proper burning range of road cement clinker is presented.
- 根据立窑煅烧的特点,建立立窑煅烧数学模型并且提出适宜计算道路水泥熟料烧成范围的二次回归方程。
- 20. The equations of motion of beam, which includes not only quadratic and cubic nonlinearities but also parametric and forced excitations are derived using Kane's equation.
- 该方程组不仅包含二次及三次非线性项,而且体现了参数激励与外激励的联合作用。
- 21. Finally, a quadratic regression equation is used to represent LTV system, and the GA and AIC are introduced to determine the structure of the parameter sub-model.
- 然后利用遗传算法和AIC确定参数子模型的结构,以获得最终用于表示LTV系统的二次回归方程。
- 22. The new algorithm uses the quadratic conjugate gradient algorithm (QCGA) to solve the forward-backward linear prediction matrix equation.
- 本算法用自适应算法,二次型共轭梯度算法,解前后向预测构成的矩阵方程。
- 23. Consider the distributed parameter system described by the second order partial differential equation of composed type, we discuss its a boundary optimal control problem with quadratic performance.
- 考虑用二阶复合型偏微分方程所描述的分布参数系统,研究了它的一个使平方性能指标达到最小值的边界最优控制问题。
- 24. Having adopted the quadratic approximation of potential, we can solve the equation and get the approximately analytical solutions of Gaussian typed breath mode.
- 对势函数采用二阶近似后,求解此方程得到高斯型呼吸模式的光束宽度的近似解析式。
- 25. With this method, shape points were calculated by surface outline equation got from quadratic surface.
- 该方法通过二次曲面求管线表面轮廓方程进而求得管线的型值点集。
- 26. For structural reliability analysis of complex nonlinear implicit limit state equation, this method had lower error and higher precision than the traditional quadratic response surface method.
- 对于复杂非线性隐式极限状态方程的结构可靠度计算,该方法比传统的二次响应面法误差小、精度高。
- 27. In this paper, we consider a quadratic Lagrangian finite element equation arising from discretizations of 3d elliptic problem with jump coefficients under any tetrahedral partition.
- 本文针对带有间断系数的三维椭圆问题,讨论任意四面体剖分下的二次拉格朗日有限元方程的代数多重网格法。
- 28. Given a response surface equation in quadratic form, the Six Sigma Black Belt will be able to compute the stationary point.
- 给出一个二次方程序形式的响应曲面公式,六西格玛黑带应能计算出驻点。
- 29. Given a response surface equation in quadratic form, the Six Sigma Black Belt will be able to compute the stationary point.
- 给出一个二次方程序形式的响应曲面公式,六西格玛黑带应能计算出驻点。
- Some quadratic equations have no real roots.
某些二次方程没有实数根。 - The acquisition of the power of solving a quadratic equation is part of the process of sharpening the mind.
- quadratic 二次的
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