- v.吸收(新成员);征兵;招聘n.新成员;新兵
- 充实,补充,添补
- <罕>(使)恢复健康
- 招收新成员,招募(新兵),征求(新成员),征收,征募(新兵)
- <罕>得到补充
- 雇用,聘用,招聘, 雇佣
- 吸收(党员)
- 保养(身体),补养
- 恢复体力,复原
- 把食品装入(船内)
- 动员…(提供帮助)
- 组建,组成
- 新成员,新加入者,新分子,新会员
- 新兵,调来的新兵
- 补给品
- <美>复员士兵
- 新学生
- 徵募
- 增加
- 赔偿的款子
- 新警员
- 新手
- “新兵”(美国制造的扫雷舰 )
v. (动词)
- vt. & vi. 招募 get sb as a new member
- vt. & vi. 恢复 get sufficient quantity of; bring back to what is usual or normal
v. (动词)
a recently enlisted soldier
any new member or supporter (as in the armed forces)
register formally as a participant or member;
"The party recruited many new members"
seek to employ;
"The lab director recruited an able crew of assistants"
cause to assemble or enlist in the military;
"raise an army"
"recruit new soldiers"
- We are having difficulties in recruiting well-qualified staff.
我们难以招募到素质好的职员。 - His job was to recruit for the army.
他的工作是为陆军募兵。 - We lower the standards in order to recruit real talents.
我们降低标准是为了招纳真正的人才。 - This job presents many difficulties to the new recruit.
这件工作对那个新手来说困难重重。 - Tom was being exercised as a raw recruit.
用作动词 (v.)
用作名词 (n.)
- During the holiday, they went to the country to recruit.
假期他们到乡下静养。 - He went to the seaside after illness to recruit.
他病后到海边静养。 - The king recruited an army.
国王招募了一支军队。 - We're having difficulties in recruiting well-qualified staff.
我们招收合格的雇员有困难。 - Before sailing, we recruited our provisions.
用作动词 (v.)
v. (动词)
- recruit用作名词的意思是“新成员”,转化为动词时意思是“招收(新成员)”, recruit还可表示“恢复”,后接oneself,表示保养身体。
- recruit用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。
v. (动词)
- recruit, reclaim, recoup, recover, retrieve
- 这五个词均有“重新得到”的意思。它们的区别是:recover指“失而复得”,可指通过努力而寻回,也可指无意中找到; reclaim可指取回临时寄存的物品,也可指从废弃物品中回收有用的东西; recoup指原告在胜诉后从被告处取得的损害赔偿; recruit指用增加或补充的办法使某物恢复到原来的良好状态。retrieve指经过努力而收回某物或挽回名誉,或指弥补损失或改正错误。例如:
- The library reclaimed the book he borrowed a year ago.图书馆要求他归还一年前借去的那本书。
- You should recoup your investment within a year.你应当在一年之内挣回相当于你投资总额的红利。
- Most of the teachers there are recruited from abroad.那里的大多数教师都是从国外招聘来的。
- He retrieved his spirits.他精神恢复了。
用作动词 (v.)
- recruit from (v.+prep.)
- recruit into (v.+prep.)
招进,发动…参加 persuade sb to join a group or doing sth
recruit sb into sthIt is easy to recruit English boys into the Navy, as so many of them are keen on the sea.
用作动词 (v.)
- recruit one's finances 充实自己的财力
- recruit one's friends 求朋友帮忙
- recruit volunteers 招募志愿者
- recruit forcefully 强有力地招收
- recruit haphazardly 随意招募
- recruit intelligently 明智地招收
- recruit from 从…招收
- recruit sb into the forces 招兵,征兵
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