round robin
- n. 循环法;一系列;一阵
a tournament in which every contestant plays every other contestant
a letter signed by a number of people
- 1. In a three-pair round robin tournament they finished ahead of Simon Jacob and Anthony Chapman.
- 在三对选手的循环赛中,他们领先于西蒙·雅各布和安东尼·查普曼。
- 2. It stores data in a Round Robin Database.
- 它将在轮循数据库中存储数据。
- 3. For example, round robin scheduling might be assumed in the application itself.
- 例如,轮流调度可能是在应用程序本身中假定的。
- 4. The option is presented only so that you may deviate to select weighted round robin.
- 显示此选项的惟一目的是让您倾向于选择加权的轮循。
- 5. Round Robin (RR) : New incoming connections are assigned to each realserver in turn.
- Round Robin (RR):新的引入连接被依次指派给每个realserver。
- 6. With this method, circular logging is used and logs can be overwritten in a round robin manner.
- 采用这种方法时,使用循环日志模式,可以以循环方式重写日志。
- 7. The tables listed in the input files are fed to a pool of threads in a round robin fashion.
- 输入文件中列出的表以循环方式提供给线程池。
- 8. A mode of "weighted Round Robin" implies that IBM Cognos 8 shall route applicable requests.
- 模式“weightedRound Robin”表示IBMCognos8应该路由适用的请求。
- 9. Kay had dislocated her left kneecap in her semi - final match of the round robin tournament.
- 凯曾在她的循环赛中的一轮半决赛时造成左膝盖骨错位。
- 10. To account for this, a weight has been added to the Round Robin fashion of assigning requests.
- 为处理这种情况,一个权重已经被添加到分配请求的Round Robin方法。
- 11. The announcement will clarify the future of what has become a round robin of economic summits.
- 这个消息将明确在各地轮番举行的20国峰会的未来。
- 12. Functional Tester records the time of each transaction in a round robin database and graphs the results.
- FunctionalTester记录一系列数据库中每个事务的执行时间,并将结果图形化。
- 13. Basic — the first free token found is used, with "round robin" to get some balancing over the endpoints.
- 基础算法:使用找到的第一个未占用的令牌,通过“逐一比照”的方式在端点之间实现一些平衡。
- 14. The Round Robin policy randomly selects a WebSphere Portal application server instance from an ordered list.
- 轮循(Round Robin)策略随机地从已排序的列表中选择一个WebSphereportal应用程序服务器实例。
- 15. The weights specified are superfluous when using normal round robin scheduling (as the default weight is always 1).
- 使用正常的轮循调度时,指定的权重会出现冗余(因为默认的权重总是1)。
- 16. The routing will facilitate a variant of the Round Robin method to distribute requests among multiple instances of the the service.
- 路由将采用 Round Robin方法的一个变体来在服务的多个实例之间分发请求。
- 17. Mysqlard is a daemon that connects to the mysql server and collects data every 5 minutes, storing it in a Round Robin Database backend.
- mysqlard是一个连接到mysql服务器上的守护程序,负责每5分钟搜集一次数据,并将它们存储到后台的一个Round Robin Database中。
- 18. While Round Robin is a simple straight forward assignment of requests, it doesn't respect possible differences between the service instances.
- 尽管Round Robin是一种简单直观的请求分配方法,但它并不考虑服务之间的可能存在的差异。
- 19. Lei Zhu, author of the article, then surveys conventional load balancing approaches used on the server side, starting with "Round Robin DNS" and notes.
- 作者朱磊(音译lei Zhu)分析了我们常用的服务端负载均衡手段——循环dns (Round Robin DNS),文中提到。
- 20. To do so change rr to WRR on the 2 consecutive lines below the comment about using round robin, and of course do not forget to adjust the weights accordingly.
- 为此,在关于使用轮循的注释下的2个连续的行中将rr改为wrr,当然不要忘了相应地调整权重。
- 21. The weight is defined in the property Processing Capacity (refer to Figure 1) of a dispatcher. With this capacity taken into account Round Robin works like this
- 这个权重在调度程序的ProcessingCapacity属性(见图1)中定义。
- 22. Round robin would distribute connection attempts evenly among the channels, while hashing would use the client's IP address to determine the destination channel.
- 轮流调度方式会将连接尝试均匀地分布到各个通道上,而散列方法则使用客户机的IP地址来确定目标通道。
- 23. Weighted Round Robin (WRR) : RR scheduling with additional weighting factor to compensate for differences in realserver capabilities such as additional CPUs, more memory, and so on.
- WeightedRound Robin (wrr):使用附加的权重因子进行RR调度以补偿各种realserver功能(如附加cpu、更多内存等)的差异。
- 24. They beat Canada 4-1 in their last round-robin match at Nagoya in Japan.
- 在上一次在日本名古屋举行的循环赛中,他们以4比1战胜了加拿大。
- 25. Because the threads execute identical code, they should have similar dynamic priority adjustments and execute in a round-robin fashion from the same run-queues.
- 因为线程执行的是相同的代码,所以它们应作出类似的动态优先级调整并在相同的运行队列中轮替执行。
- 26. These functions permit the creation of normal, batch, or real-time tasks (first in, first out [FIFO] or round-robin), with a specific priority or nice level.
- 这些函数允许创建正常、批处理或实时任务(先入,先出 [FIFO] 或循环),具有特定的优先级或高等级。
- 27. To balance the workload, incoming requests are partitioned among running processes in a round-robin manner.
- 为平衡工作量,进来的请求已循环的方式分配到运行的进程中。
- 28. Both new thread types also typically use a FIFO (first-in, first out) scheduling policy instead of the familiar round-robin scheduling used by JVMs running on most OSs.
- 两种新线程类型都是用FIFO(先进先出)调度策略,而不是在大部分OS上运行的JVM所使用的熟悉的循环调度策略。
- 29. By dispatching from a queue's head and placing expired threads at a queue's tail, execution happens in a round-robin fashion within a priority.
- 通过从队列的前端分派线程和在队列的后端放置过期的线程,程序在一个优先级中轮替执行。
- 30. By dispatching from a queue's head and placing expired threads at a queue's tail, execution happens in a round-robin fashion within a priority.
- 通过从队列的前端分派线程和在队列的后端放置过期的线程,程序在一个优先级中轮替执行。
- A round of parties ushered in the New Year.
一系列的晚会迎来了新年。 - All year round, millions of visitors are drawn to the city for a series of remarkable social and cultural events.
这个城市一年四季都会吸引数百万游客前来参加一系列与众不同的社会和文化活动。 - He won a round of applause when he ended his speech.
演讲结束时他博得一阵掌声。 - A burst of laughter made him straighten himself and look round.
用作名词 (n.)
- round robin 循环法
- series (单复同)系列...
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