- 1. In 2013, China became the third nation-after the United States and the Soviet union-to soft-land a spacecraft on the moon.
- 2013年,继美国和苏联之后,中国成为第三个让航空器在月球表面成功软着陆的国家。
- 2. Land Securities is bullish on retail rents in general, and has said that it will do no more of the “soft” letting deals that tenants demanded in the recession.
- 总体来说,地产证券在零售出租方面前途似锦。它指出只会接手房客在经济衰退期间所需要的灵活的租房业务。
- 3. The grass grow from the land, tender, green. The wind is soft and soft, and the grass is soft.
- 小草偷偷地从土地里钻出来,嫩嫩的,绿绿的。风轻悄悄的,草软绵绵的。
- 4. I Like blue sky, the sea, land, soft sand and small seashells and turtles.
- 我好喜欢,淡蓝的天空,辽阔的大海,软软的沙滩,还有小贝壳和海龟。
- 5. Lying on the soft grass land with the sunshine sprinkling over his body warmly, he jumped up after thinking and composed a satisfactory article — the Sound of the sun.
- 他躺在柔软的草地上,阳光暖暖地照着,想啊想,然后一跃而起,一篇很满意,甚至是很得意的文章便跃然纸上——《阳光的声音》。
- 6. Comparing with land military countermeasure, the space has some natural features as follows: asymmetry in attack and defense, 'soft' destruction, concealment and rapidness of countermeasure.
- 与地面军事对抗行动相比,空间军事对抗具有以下特点:攻防的不对称性、进攻的软性化、对抗的隐蔽性和对抗的瞬时化。
- 7. They'd ruled for some years, defending the land against invaders, building a peaceful kingdom, then went to sleep in their soft bed one night and woke up on the hillside above the gateway.
- 他们统治了若干年,抵御侵略者,保卫国土,建立了一个和平的王国。然后有天夜里他们在柔软的床上睡去,醒来时却在入口上方的山坡上。
- 8. Passenger soft land area of embankment design, strength is no longer the controlling factor, the key is to control the residual settlement.
- 进行软土地区客运专线路堤设计,强度已不再是控制因素,关键是要控制工后沉降。
- 9. The writer puts forward a few views on accounting of computer soft wares, the right of using land, patent and non patent technology amort…
- 本文从工作实务出发,对计算机软件,土地使用权,专利权、非专利技术摊销和研究与开发费用的会计核算,谈几点看法。
- 10. Give me a green land and a soft carpet that I can be absorbed in books.
- 给我一片绿草地,一张柔软羊毛毯,让我啜饮。
- 11. The land was soft and looked marsh.
- 土地松软,遍地沼泽。
- 12. Objective: To approach the feasibility of soft tissue defect in hand back repairing by reversed is - land skin flap inosculated with nerve of wrist epithelial branch of ulnar artery.
- 前言:目的:探讨吻合神经的尺动脉腕上皮支逆行岛状皮瓣修复手背软组织缺损的可行性。
- 13. How life as a child seemed so peaceful and safe and she longed once again to be safe and in a warm soft peaceful land.
- 在南非的童年生活是那样的和平、安全,艺术家是如此渴望在温暖和平的土地上安全地生活。
- 14. As I didn't preview enough so I misunderstand the soft landing to short field land or normal landing.
- 因为没有很好的预习,所以在操作程序上混淆了许多东西。
- 15. Like a soft breeze blowing over dry land, the ring resonated faintly but distinctly, touching the bottom of my heart.
- 那一声微小的铃声,好似一阵微风细雨吹拂过干裂的大地,一丝又一丝余音,绕着心房打转。
- 16. Like a soft breeze blowing over dry land, the ring resonated faintly but distinctly, touching the bottom of my heart.
- 那一声微小的铃声,好似一阵微风细雨吹拂过干裂的大地,一丝又一丝余音,绕着心房打转。
- The satellite safely achieved a soft landing.
这颗卫星安全地实现了软着陆。 - One way to create a softer landing at retirement is to continue punching the clock, as many boomers plan to do.
- soft land 使 ... 软着陆...
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