- 稳定的
- 安定的
- 坚固的
- 牢固的
- 固定的
- 意志坚定的
- 有恒心的
- 坚强的
- 稳重的
- 坚定的
- 可靠的
- 平稳的
- 可信赖的
- 稳固的
- 沉稳的
- 马棚
- 马厩
- 牛棚
- 畜舍
- 一群赛马
- <口>一群人
- 牛栏
- 同一个人所有的全部马匹或牛
- 【军】马厩值勤
- 马匹的查看
- 马厩值勤号
- 大学生用的一套解答书
- 马房
- 一批人
- 养马场
- 住于厩中
- 拴在马厩(牛棚)里
- 关在棚里
- 把…拴入马厩
- 把(马)拴在马廐
adj. (形容词)
- 稳定的,安定的 firmly established or fixed; not likely to move or change
- 沉稳〔持重〕的 not easily upset or disturbed; reliable
adj. (形容词)
a farm building for housing horses or other livestock
resistant to change of position or condition;
"a stable ladder"
"a stable peace"
"a stable relationship"
"stable prices"
firm and dependable; subject to little fluctuation;
"the economy is stable"
not taking part readily in chemical change
maintaining equilibrium
showing little if any change;
"a static population"
shelter in a stable;
"stable horses"
- 1. The stables are over there to the right.
- 马厩就在右边。
- 2. His stables are near Oxford.
- 他的养马场在牛津附近。
- 3. He owns a string of racing stables.
- 他有好多个赛马训练场。
- 4. The stables have been imaginatively converted into offices.
- 马房被别出心裁地改成了办公室。
- 5. And don't I belong to the royal stables?
- 我不也是属于皇家马厩的嘛?
- 6. Wrestlers train in sumo stables here.
- 相扑选手在这里集中训练。
- 7. The driveway to the house goes around past the stables.
- 那条车道绕过马厩通到房子前面。
- 8. But then thousands of horse stables were found in an archeological dig.
- 但是然后成千上万的骑兵马厩在一个考古的挖掘中被发现。
- 9. They are not suited to the limitations of modern stables, which kill their spirit.
- 他们不适合现代马厩,其中杀死他们的精神的局限性。
- 10. Danny: Not quite: I've got a free weekly riding lesson at the local riding stables.
- 丹尼:不是,但我每个星期可以到本地的骑马训练场免费上一次骑术课。
- 11. In what stables champed these sleek, nervous horses and rested the gorgeous carriages?
- 什么样的马厩喂养着这些漂亮机灵的马儿,停放着这些豪华的马车?
- 12. The governing body is made upof about 100 former wrestlers who run the training stables.
- 主管部门已经组织了约100个前摔跤手来管理相扑训练场。
- 13. The estate consists of a main house, servants' quarters, a garage, stables and 100 acres of woods.
- 这地产包括一栋住宅,仆人住室,一个汽车房,几间马厩及100英亩的森林。
- 14. Routine cleaning and disinfection of horse stables is expected to be effective in preventing infection.
- 常规清洁马厩并进行消毒预计可有效预防感染。
- 15. The estate consists of a main house, servants's quarters, a garage, stables and 100 acres of woods.
- 这地产包括一栋住宅,仆人住室,一个汽车房,几间马厩及100英亩的树林。
- 16. The plans were for an "equestrian community" with 11 miles of bridleways and stables for 36 horses.
- 这些连同11里长的骑马专用道和供36匹马使用的马厩都是为了建设一个“马术社区”。
- 17. "Why on earth do you keep your horse on the veranda?" asks Tommy. All the horses he knows live in stables.
- “究竟是为什么你要把马栓在走廊里呢?”托米问。就托米所知道的,所有的马应该是住在马厩里的。
- 18. Ms. Handler is working on an offer for Pine River Stables in St. Clair, Mich., a place she has never been to.
- Handler女士正在撰写一则关于她从未去过的密歇根州圣凯莱尔市派恩河养马场的广告。
- 19. As with every deal, the stables write-up will be joined with a riff from one of the four Groupon humor writers.
- 和其他的折扣交易一样,关于马场的文稿会由四名Groupon幽默作者中的一名用即兴发挥的文字来整合在一起。
- 20. The stables, run by ranch manager Brian Buchanan, have a total of 15 draft horses including Belgians and Percherons.
- 农场主管BrianBuchanan经营的马厩里,包括比利时马和佩尔什马在内一共有15匹驮马。
- 21. The rooms have been fashioned from old sassi stables and workshops. There are two restaurants, a bar and an art gallery.
- 天使古堡的房间都是用古老的马厩和作坊改建成的,那里有两个餐馆,一个酒吧和一个艺术馆。
- 22. Three stables on the other side of the building face the meadows, a round exercise pen and a small track for trotting.
- 在朝向草地的建筑另一侧有三个马厩,一个圆形围栏和用于小跑的跑道。
- 23. Restricting or banning the movement of horses from infected stables to other areas can reduce the spread of the disease.
- 限制或禁止将受感染马厩的马匹运到其它地区,可以减少疾病的传播。
- 24. The fun and excitement of running together, getting up early and even waiting in the stables is a wonderful experience.
- 有趣、兴奋地一起奔跑,早起,甚至一起等待发枪都是一次很棒的经历。
- 25. There are also partially restored stables, an olive mill and former workshops, as well as extensive underground cellars.
- 此外还有一些经过部分修缮的马厩、一家橄榄磨坊、多家旧工场以及大片地下酒窖。
- 26. Gerald Kuh, jumping manager for the equestrian Olympics, describes how new state-ot-the-art stables will keep horses cool.
- 奥运马术跳栏项目的经理库赫先生说,他们有最先进的马厩来保持马匹体温正常。
- 27. At retirement, usually around age 30, some open their own training stables. Others slim down and embark on second careers.
- 相扑士一般在30岁退役,退役后,一些人会选择开他们自己的训练场,其他人会瘦身从事第二职业。
- 28. An hour later, with a chill in the air, I met Carol Duncan at the stables and we set out without a guide for a horseback ride.
- 一小时后气候凉爽,我在马棚边上遇见了卡洛儿顿坎,我们在向导的带领下骑马出游。
- 29. The use of untreated timber cladding also helps to regulate humidity inside the stables, which is important for the horses' health.
- 未经处理的木材包层的使用同样也有助于调节马厩内部的湿度,这对于马的健康非常重要。
- 30. The use of untreated timber cladding also helps to regulate humidity inside the stables, which is important for the horses' health.
- 未经处理的木材包层的使用同样也有助于调节马厩内部的湿度,这对于马的健康非常重要。
- Markets are flourishing and prices are stable.
市场繁荣, 物价稳定。 - In order that our country could flourish and achieve its own goals, a stable environment within the country is definitely not dispensable.
国家要发展,要实现自己的目标,这是必不可少的条件,就是要国内有安定的环境。 - The Sunnis hold a majority in four provinces and any government will have to respect them if they wish to administer a stable state.
逊尼派在四个省份里都是多数群体,而任何政府只要想管理一个安定的国家,就不得不对他们予以尊重。 - He is a bit neurotic, but his wife is a very stable person.
他有点神经质,但他的妻子是一个非常稳重的人。 - The horse in the stable has broken out.
马厩里的那匹马跑了。 - Who opened the stable door?
谁打开了马房的门? - He has a whole stable of informers working for him.
他有一群告密者为他效劳。 - Where do you stable your pony?
用作形容词 (adj.)
用作名词 (n.)
用作动词 (v.)
- We need a stable government.
我们需要一个稳定的政府。 - The fields give high and stable yields regardless of climatic circumstances.
不管气候条件如何,这块地总是保持高产稳产。 - I'm glad she has become such a stable character.
我很高兴她变得如此沉稳。 - Mentally she's very stable.
她情绪十分稳定。 - This chair isn't very stable.
用作形容词 (adj.)
~+ n.
- livery stable 车马出租所
- stable lad 马夫
- stable motion 稳定运动
- stable beach 稳定岸滩
- stable element 稳定元件
- stable channel 稳定河槽
- stable door 两截门
- semi stable 半稳定
- stable operation 稳定操作
- stable nucleus 稳定核
- stable isotope [核]稳定同位素...
- heat stable 耐热的
- stable period 稳定周期
- stable matrix 稳定矩阵
- stable system 稳定系,稳定系统...
- stable state 稳定态
- stable stability 稳定性,安全性...
- stable phase 稳定相,稳定期...
- stable population 稳定人口
- Lock the stable door when the horse is stolen 贼去关门
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