- adj. 非常吃惊的
- 动词stagger的过去式和过去分词形式.
- 交错的
- 吃惊的
- 难以相信的
- 错开的
- 棋式布置的
- 非常吃惊的
- 错列的
- 叉排的
- 动词stagger的过去式和过去分词形式
adj. (形容词)
动词 stagger:
walk as if unable to control one's movements
walk with great difficulty
to arrange in a systematic order
astound or overwhelm, as with shock
- 1. He staggered in and dropped into a chair.
- 他蹒跚着走进来,一屁股坐在椅子上。
- 2. He staggered a little under the weight of his backpack.
- 他身上的背包压得他有点步履蹒跚。
- 3. During the past few years the university has staggered the summer holiday periods for students.
- 在过去几年里该大学已经把学生的暑假时间错开了。
- 4. Her remarks staggered me.
- 她的话让我震惊。
- 5. He staggered home, drunk.
- 他喝醉酒,踉跄着回了家。
- 6. He staggered drunkenly to his feet.
- 他醉醺醺地摇晃着站起来。
- 7. He staggered on the uneven surface.
- 他摇摇晃晃地走在高低不平的表面上。
- 8. The injured woman staggered to her feet.
- 受伤的女人摇摇晃晃地站起身来。
- 9. They staggered in a zigzag across the road.
- 他们东倒西歪地踉踉跄跄穿过了公路。
- 10. They staggered out of the pub, completely drunk.
- 他们烂醉如泥,踉踉跄跄地出了酒馆。
- 11. I staggered and had to clutch at a chair for support.
- 我踉跄了几步,不得不抓住一把椅子扶稳。
- 12. I was staggered at the amount of money the ring cost.
- 那戒指那么贵,我非常吃惊。
- 13. Looking back, I am staggered how easily it was all arranged.
- 回顾过去,我感到惊讶的是,这一切都那么轻易地安排好了。
- 14. I was simply staggered by the heat of the Argentinian high-summer.
- 我只是震惊于阿根廷盛夏的高温。
- 15. The boy was very unsteady and had staggered around when he got up.
- 那男孩很难站稳,起身时摇摇晃晃。
- 16. He lost his balance, staggered back against the rail and toppled over.
- 他失去了平衡,向后趔趄撞在了栏杆上摔倒了。
- 17. Alan staggered sideways, pitched head-first over the low wall and fell into the lake.
- 艾伦两侧摇晃着,一头栽过矮墙,掉进湖里。
- 18. This staggered Huck for a moment.
- 这让哈克犹豫了一会儿。
- 19. This blow staggered Hendon to his foundations.
- 这一击把亨登打得摇摇欲坠。
- 20. The drunkard staggered along the street.
- 那醉汉趔趄着走在街上。
- 21. The baby dog staggered to me.
- 小狗娃蹒跚着朝我走来。
- 22. Bill staggered on through the milky water.
- 比尔在白茫茫的河水里一摇一晃地走着。
- 23. REDD can accommodate such staggered progress.
- 该计划能够包容这种参差不齐的进展。
- 24. Restaurants and spas staggered hours to reduce staffing.
- 餐馆和温泉的营业时间相互错开,以便减少人手。
- 25. More buses and trains are needed for staggered rush hour plan.
- 错时上下班方案需更多公交和地铁列车配合。
- 26. Even the best fighters can only take so much before they are staggered.
- 哪怕是最勇猛的战士也只能承受这么多,再多就招架不住了。
- 27. The blacksmith's wife staggered up with a cheese the size of a millwheel.
- 铁匠的妻子踉跄地站起来,她手里托着一个磨盘大的奶酪。
- 28. They reeled and staggered like drunken men; they were at their wits' end.
- 他们摇摇幌幌。东倒西歪,好像醉酒的人。
- 29. The radar uses 3, 600 transmit/receive modules installed in staggered rows.
- 雷达采用3600个交叉排列的传输/接收模块。
- 30. Tiger Woods' transgressions were far more grave, but he has been staggered by them.
- 老虎伍兹的罪过更严重,但他已错过了他们。
- I was staggered to hear/on hearing/when I heard of his death.
用作形容词 (adj.)
- stagger 蹒跚
- staggered gear 交错齿轮,错牙齿轮...
- staggered heads 偏置磁头
- staggered form 对位交叉型,交错排列...
- staggered welding 错列焊
- staggered circuit 参差调谐电路,相互失...
- staggered triple 三重参差调谐...
- staggered joint 交错式接缝,错列接头...
- staggered gauging 参差调测
- staggered seam 交错焊缝
- staggered piling 错列打桩,打梅花桩...
- staggered weld 交错焊缝
- staggered riveting 错列铆接
- staggered conformation 参差构像
- staggered arrangement 交错配置,错排...
- staggered junction 错位式交叉
- staggered breaks 交叉切断
- staggered scanning 隔行扫描,交错扫描...
- stunned 震惊的
- shocked 震惊的
- amazed 吃惊的
- gobsmacked <英口>大吃一惊的...
- flabbergasted 动词flabbergas...
- astounded 动词astound的过去...
- taken aback 吃惊
- surprised 惊讶的,吃惊的,惊奇的...
- nonplussed 不知所措的
- spread out 伸开
- spaced out (因服用刺激精神的药而引...
- zigzagged 弄成Z形
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