256查询网 英汉词典


英[steɪt] 美[steɪt]
  • n. 情形;状态;国家;州;政府
  • adj. 国家的;州的;国事礼仪的
  • v. 陈述;声明;说明;规定
stated stated stating states
CET4 TEM4 考 研 CET6


    n. (名词)
    1. 情况
    2. 国家
    3. 政府
    4. 美国
    5. 形势
    6. 状况, 情形
    7. 状态
    8. 地位
    9. 身分
    10. 形态
    11. 心态
    12. 兴奋状态
    13. 美国国务院
    14. 美国的州
    15. 威严
    16. 豪华
    adj. (形容词)
    1. 州的,邦的
    2. 正式的,官方的
    3. 国家的,政府的
    4. 国事的
    5. 国务的,公务的
    6. 仪式用的
    7. 来宾用的
    8. 华丽的,壮丽的
    9. 州营的
    10. 国家提供的
    11. 国事礼仪的
    12. 隆重的
    v. (动词)
    1. 陈述,声明,说明,讲,说出
    2. 指定,确定,规定
    3. 【数】用符号或代数式表示
    4. 声言,断言,声明,宣称
    5. 叙述,表述
    6. 总结
    7. 下笔
    8. 亮出,公布
    9. 排定
    n. (名词)
    1. [C] 状态,状况 a condition in which a person or thing is; a particular way of being, feeling, or thinking considered with regard to its most important or noticeable quality
    2. [C] 国家,政府 the government or political organization of a country
    3. [C] 州; 邦 any of the smaller partly self-governing areas making up certain nations
    4. [U] 盛礼; 隆重的仪式 the grandness and ceremony connected with governments and rulers
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. 陈述 say; express
    2. vt. 规定 set in advance


  1. the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation;

    "his state is in the deep south"

  2. the way something is with respect to its main attributes;

    "the current state of knowledge"
    "his state of health"
    "in a weak financial state"

  3. the group of people comprising the government of a sovereign state;

    "the state has lowered its income tax"

  4. a politically organized body of people under a single government;

    "the state has elected a new president"
    "African nations"
    "students who had come to the nation's capitol"
    "the country's largest manufacturer"
    "an industrialized land"

  5. (chemistry) the three traditional states of matter are solids (fixed shape and volume) and liquids (fixed volume and shaped by the container) and gases (filling the container);

    "the solid state of water is called ice"

  6. a state of depression or agitation;

    "he was in such a state you just couldn't reason with him"

  7. the territory occupied by a nation;

    "he returned to the land of his birth"
    "he visited several European countries"

  8. the federal department in the United States that sets and maintains foreign policies;

    "the Department of State was created in 1789"

  1. express in words;

    "He said that he wanted to marry her"
    "tell me what is bothering you"
    "state your opinion"
    "state your name"

  2. put before;

    "I submit to you that the accused is guilty"

  3. indicate through a symbol, formula, etc.;

    "Can you express this distance in kilometers?"


1. Kaspar had spoken know-ledgeably about the state of agriculture in Europe.


2. The President's speeches are regularly reproduced verbatim in the state-run newspapers.


3. Albania is a small nation state of around 3 million people.


4. Several proposals are under consideration by the state assembly.


5. The final word will still come from the Secretary of State.


    用作名词 (n.)
    1. She wept to see him in such a state.
    2. The house has fallen into a state of neglect.
    3. The head of state was deposed by the army.
    4. Alaska is a state of ample size.
    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. He was wary of telling state secrets.
    2. She teaches in a state university.
    3. The Queen is on a state visit to Moscow.
    用作动词 (v.)
    1. Please state the facts honestly.
    2. They do not state that she is ( or is not ) a good teacher.
    3. State your name and address.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Air whether in the gaseous or liquid state is a fluid.
    2. That country is now an independent State.
    3. Railways in Britain belong to the State.
    4. These industries are run by the State.
    5. The state is now protecting the forest resources against exhaustion.
    6. Young people should pay attention to the affairs of state.
    7. She retained the best lawyer in the state to defend her case.
    8. Which state do you come from?
    9. The Queen drove to the palace in state.
    10. The goodwill mission was received in state.
    11. The opening of Parliament is one of the great state occasions.
    12. Does private education skim off all the best students from the state system?
    13. Industrial investments form an important part of state expenditure.
    ~+of n./pron.
    1. The area is in a state of armed conflict.
    2. The army is in a high state of readiness.
    3. The school buildings are in bad state of repair.
    4. They sampled the population to find out the state of public opinion.
    5. They are very concerned about the state of the churchyard.
    6. His general state of health is fairly satisfactory.
    7. The insurance company is trying to find out which driver is culpable for the state of events.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. State your name and address.
    2. He stated his problem clearly.
    3. He stated his case before a judge.
    4. Would you please state your frank opinion of the plan?
    1. The witness stated that he had not seen the woman before.
    2. I heard the official state that no children were to be admitted.
    3. The spokesman stated that the agreement would be signed on 30 March.
    4. It states in the newspaper that there will be a meeting tomorrow.
    It is/was ~ed+that-clause
    1. It is stated that the fire started in a cottage.
    2. It is semiofficially stated that he has resigned his place on the committee.
    1. Please state exactly what these legal terms mean.
    2. Please state whether you are married or single.
    用作宾补动词 S+~+ n./pron. +to be n.
    1. They stated themselves to be members of a secret society.
    S+~+ n./pron. +to have v -ed
    1. They stated the diamond to have been stolen.
    其他 v -ed as Attrib.
    1. Theatre tickets must be used on the stated date.


n. (名词)
  1. state作名词的基本意思是“状态,状况”,指人或物在外观、心灵、健康等方面的自然“状态”或“情况”,是可数名词,常用于in a state of...的结构。
  2. state还可作“国家”解,如强调其政治实体性时,首字母常大写; 不强调政治实体性时则首字母可小写。state还可作为一个国家中的“州,邦”解,作此解时是可数名词。
  3. state还可作“盛礼,隆重的仪式”解,一般是与政府或统治者有关的机构举行的活动,是不可数名词。
v. (动词)
  1. state的基本意思是“陈述”,常指在正式或庄重的场合陈述观点、看法等,而且这种陈述常含有仔细、详尽而明确的意味。
  2. state一般用作及物动词,接名词、代词、that从句、带疑问词的从句作宾语。还可接以“to be+ n. ”或to have+ v -ed充当补足语的复合宾语。
  3. state常用于“It is/was stated that...”结构。
  1. state相比于say表达更正式,常用于正式的公文或者商业文件,表示“说,陈述,声明”。

    The chairman stated that the contract would be signed on 16th April.
    The teacher said that he had to go back to classroom soon.

  2. 一般情况下,我们可以说The negotiations are stated to have broken down.而不能说They state the negotiations to have broken down;
  3. state首字母s大写,表示为“国家”,例:the political policy of the State;
  4. state也可以来指我国古代春秋战国时期的“国”,the...State或State of...表示“...国”,如the Lu Stat或the State of Lu,the Warring States表示为“战国”;
  5. the United States of America是正式通用的名称,简写the States。The (United) States (of America) is a republic of the old type.这里state用is,做单数名词。美国人称美国国家为America,称自己为Americans,不同其它国外的人一样称它为the United States of North America。美国人自己也不 把the United States简称作the States;
  6. 在美国state有时候指“州”,有时候指“国”,例:State bank,State prison,State university都指“州的”,但State Department是“国务院”不是“州的部”,States在澳大利亚指澳大利亚的各州。
n. (名词)
state, circumstance, condition, situation
  • 这四个词都有“情况,状态,条件,状况”的意思。其区别在于:state是普通用语,指“情况,状态”,其存在形式并不是具体事物; situation指危急或重大的事态,侧重“事态”,也指“职位,职业”; condition和state相比意义较狭隘,指在思考中的事物的状态,“环境”所影响的“情况”,特指事物内部的条件和状态,用复数时指比较一般、笼统的情况,侧重于“状况”; circumstance指某种事件或动作发生时的情况,一般都用复数形式。例如:
  • The country is in a troubled state.这个国家处于紊乱的状态中。
  • Measures must be taken to meet this situation.必须设法应付这个局面。
  • He is applying for a situation.他正在请求得到一个位置。
  • The oranges may soon rot under present conditions.橘子在目前的状态下会很快腐烂的。
  • I don't remember all the circumstances of the quarrel.我不记得争吵的所有情况。
  • state, country, nation
  • 这组词都可表示“国家”。其区别是:
  • country表示地理概念,侧重“疆土”,即一个国家的整个区域; nation侧重“人民”,指一个独立政府领导下的全体人民或整个民族的集合体; state则侧重“政权”,即独立的国家,也可指其政府。试体会下面两句中这三个词的含义:
  • The United States is a nation of diverse peoples.
  • 美国是一个由不同民族组成的国家。
  • That country is now an independent state.
  • 那个国家现在是个独立的国家。
  • state, nation, people, race, tribe
  • 这组词都可表示“民族”。其区别在于:
  • 1.race作“种族”解时,侧重人种学含义,往往包括几个民族和国家,这些民族的人民有某一相同的的自然特点(如肤色)。
  • 2.nation指有共同的历史,使用同一种语言,居住在同一个大的地区,侧重于人民。例如:
  • The story is about the Indian nations in the western United States.这个故事是关于美国西部印第安民族的。
  • 3.tribe指有共同的语言与风俗习惯,尤其是以古老生活方式生活的“部落”。例如:
  • Schools will help to civilize the wild tribes there.学校将有助于使那儿的野蛮部落文明化。
  • 4.state指国家或者邦〔州〕,侧重政权。例如:
  • In our country, the people are protected by the state.在我国,人民受国家的保护。
  • That country is now an independent state.那个国家现在是个独立的国家。
  • They believed that the state was “above class distinctions”.他们认为国家是“超乎阶级区分之上”的。
  • 5.people指有共同文化、共同利益或理想的一群人,强调文化和社会的统一,而不是国家和民族的统一。例如:
  • They will discuss giving further help to the oppressed peoples.他们将讨论给予被压迫民族更多援助。
  • v. (动词)
    state, describe, narrate, recite, recount, rehearse, relate, report
  • 这组词都有“讲述”的意思。其区别是:
  • relate专指有条理、连贯和完整地叙述故事或自己看到、经历的事情; rehearse指总结性地讲述或重复讲述; recite和recount均指把每一细节都详细讲述或列举出来; narrate专指采用编造情节、悬念和高潮等文学手段生动地讲叙; describe侧重能给听众产生深刻印象的详尽而清楚地描述; state强调原原本本、不加修饰地用口头或书面形式清楚明确地讲述,强调旨在提供事实素材或看法; report指经过调查研究之后,为提供有关事实和情况,对某事的细节作出精确叙述或报告。
  • condition,state,status,situation,circumstance
  • 这些名词均有“状况、情况”之意。
  • condition一般强调产生影响的原因或环境,复数形式指笼统的情况。
  • state普通用词,指人或物在环境、外表、心灵以及健康方面的状况,或指在某一阶段的状态或形式。
  • status指一个人在政治、社会、经济、法律上的地位或身份,暗含地位显要意味。也可用于指政治等事态的状况。
  • situation指明确具体的环境情况或处境。
  • circumstance多指周围的情况或某事发生时的情况。
  • nation,state,country,land,power
  • 这些名词均含“国家”之意。
  • nation普通用词,指在某一国土定居的人民、民族,强调人民。
  • state正式用词,指政治概念上的国家,即由政府所代表的国家。
  • country普通用词,侧重国土与人民。
  • land常用于文学中,侧重国土,带感情色彩。
  • power特指拥有强大军事力量,在国际事务中有较强权威或影响的国家,即强国、大国。
  • say,speak,state,talk,tell,utter
  • 这些动词均有“说、讲”之意。
  • say最普通常用词,指用语言表达思想,着重所说的内容。
  • speak侧重于说话动作的本身,着重说话的能力而不在内容,比如能说某种语言。
  • state较正式用词,通常指用明确的语言或文字着重地叙述事实,既强调内容又注重语气。
  • talk普通用词,侧重指与人交谈时的连续说话,可指单方面较长谈话,和speak一样,着重说活动作而不侧重内容。
  • tell指告诉或讲述。
  • utter着重说话的行为,常指声音的使用,突出用噪子发声。
  • 用作名词 (n.)
    in〔into〕 a state
      肮脏的,凌乱的 dirty, neglected, untidy, etc.His clothes were in a state.他的衣服乱七八糟。
    用作名词 (n.)
    动词+~ 形容词+~ 名词+~ ~+名词 介词+~ ~+介词
    用作动词 (v.)
    ~+名词 ~+副词 ~+介词


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