statute law
- 成文法
law enacted by a legislative body
- 1. The disputes between case law and statute law is of long-standing.
- 判例法与成文法之争由来已久。
- 2. However, as a method of legal creation and interpretation, the case law is not antagonistic to the statute law.
- 然而,作为一种创制法律、解释法律的技术方法而言,判例法与成文法并不是相互排斥、相互对立的。
- 3. Case law and statute law are individually the main source of law in the common-law system and civil-law system.
- 判例法和成文法分别是普通法系和大陆法系的主要法律渊源。
- 4. Case Law has some features that Statute Law hasn't, and better it on the function, so there are many things to learn from it.
- 判例法拥有成文法所不具备的一些特点,在功能上起到了对成文法的补充和完善,具有十分重要的借鉴意义。
- 5. This article takes America, representative of the case law system, and the EU, representative of the statute law system for example.
- 本文以判例法系的典型代表美国和成文法系的典型代表欧盟为例。
- 6. The paper analyzes the shortcomings of the Statute Law, and discusses the necessity and feasibility for China to set up its Case Law system.
- 分析了制定法的不足,阐述了我国建立判例法制度的必要性和可行性,提出了建立判例制度应注意的问题。
- 7. It may seem surprising that in the United States it is sometimes more difficult to make a thorough nationwide search of statute law than of case law.
- 看起来可能会使人感到惊异的是,在美国,有时候对制定法的全国性调查相比判例法的调查更为艰难。
- 8. The civil law precedent is not only an offspring of the defective civil statute law but also the specification and proper supplement of civil statute law.
- 民事判例不仅是民事成文法不足的产物,也是民事成文法的具体化与合理补充。
- 9. In the modernization period of China 'laws, the statute law and the common law coexisted, and made joint efforts to stabilize and regulate the social order.
- 中国法律近代化转型时期,国家制定的成文法与民间社会存在的习惯法并存,共同稳定和规范着社会秩序。
- 10. On the jurisprudence perspective, the judicial practice could not simultaneously should not obey the logic of the statute law, or official law all the time.
- 从法理学角度来说,司法活动也不可能始终,同时也不应当始终沿着制定法、“应然法”所界定的逻辑行进。
- 11. From the jurisprudence perspective, the judicial practice cannot and simultaneously should not obey the logic of the statute law, or official law all the time.
- 从法理学角度来说,司法活动也就不可能始终、同时也不应当始终沿着制定法、“应然法”或“官方法”所界定的逻辑行进。
- 12. There are no rules regulating the euthanasia in Japanese statute law up to today, but some legal conditions about the euthanasia have been given in some typical cases.
- 日本成文法律目前尚无关于安乐死的明确规定,但是一些典型的判例已经对安乐死合法的条件做出了界定。
- 13. Chapter VI is set the legal technologies of Duguit, including the statute law, special laws and regulations, administrative actions, the state compensation liability etc.
- 第六章是对狄骥的法律技术阐述,包括制定法、特殊法规、行政行为、行政诉讼和国家赔偿责任等。
- 14. The compilation (techniques) of legislation law and the limitations of statute law such as hysteresis effect are the (fundamental) reasons why legislation law is criticized.
- 立法法编纂技术以及成文法自身的滞后性局限是《立法法》存在质量问题而受到批评的原因。
- 15. Statute law hasn't prescribed the indemnification of servant identity in our country owing to unclear identity of civil servant and indistinct relation between judicature and administration.
- 我国由于对公务员范围界定太宽,司法与行政关系未理清,法律一直没有明文规定公务员的身份保障。
- 16. The case law, characterized by reality and flexibility, can make up for the defects in application and interpretation of the statute law, for it has originated from judicial decisions of judges.
- 来自法官个案司法经验总结的判例法,由于其独特的直观性、灵活性,可以弥补大陆法系成文法适用与解释之不足。
- 17. Today, nearly 300 years after the Statute of Anne was passed into law, the same fundamental tenets of copyright remain, and the rights of an author prevail as an essential impetus to create new works.
- 现在,安妮法令成为法律已经近 300年过去了,版权的基本宗旨仍然是相同的,作者版权成为创建新作品必不可少的推动力。
- 18. Opponents worry that such a measure would bring into question any reference to English statute, for instance Blackstone's useful "Commentaries on the Law of England".
- 而反对者则担心这样的措施将会导致涉及英国法规时问题重重,例如布莱·克斯有用的英格兰法释义。
- 19. Under Italian law, defendants are allowed up to two appeals that must be held before charges are extinguished by a statute of limitations that, in this case, would come into effect next April.
- 根据意大利法律,被告有两次上诉机会,且必须在指控因时效限制终止前进行上诉,而在本案中,终止时间为明年4月。
- 20. Created by statute in 2005, it opened its doors on October 1st 2009, replacing the Appellate Committee of the House of lords (known as the "law lords").
- 根据2005年法令建立的最高法院于2009年10月1号开门大吉,替换了上议院的上诉委员会(也就是上议院高等法院)。
- 21. A "statute of limitations" for child-abuse was extended by ten years; people aged up to 38 can now file charges against a priest, under church law, for harm suffered when they were minors.
- 娈童案件的诉讼时效[1]延长十年;曾在未成年阶段遭神职人员虐待且现年龄在38岁及以下者可提起诉讼。
- 22. And since a law is also called a statute, thus we have the statute mile.
- 由于法令(law)又可以叫做statute,因此就有了“法定英里”这个名字。
- 23. As Geoffrey Robertson and Andrew Nicol explain in their excellent book Media law, England's defamation laws date back to a statute created in 1275.
- 就象杰弗里·罗伯逊和安德鲁·尼科尔在他们的绝佳著作《媒体法》中解释的那样,英国的诽谤法可追溯到1275年制定的一个章程。
- 24. Adopted in 1789, possibly to target pirates, the statute allows for civil actions by aliens for wrongful ACTS "committed in violation of the law of nations or a treaty of the United States".
- 此法律采用于1789年,可能以盗印者作为适用目标,也允许对做出“违反国家法律和美国条约”的不当行为的外国人提起民事诉讼。
- 25. Those who wanted to keep the law contended that the statute was needed as a protection against venereal disease, but the court rejected that argument.
- 那些有些人希望此项法规继续实施,奋力主张此法规对于防止性传播疾病蔓延的必要性,但被最高法庭驳回。
- 26. What is written in the statute book is not necessarily an indication of how the law will be applied, however.
- 但法规书上规定的并不必然预示着如何适用法律。
- 27. The Supreme Court's judgment is expected in a few months, probably around the time that the Law Commission, a body that tidies up the statute book, comes out with its own proposals for change.
- 最高法院将在几个月内给出判决,时间可能就是法律委员会——专门编撰法典的机构——给出修改建议的前后。
- 28. Pay close attention to the function of precedents while enacting statute, affirm the legal source position of precedents and establish our case law system quickly.
- 在注重制定成文法典的同时,应关注判例的作用,确认其法律渊源地位,尽快建立我国的判例法制度。
- 29. Unless the parties is due to force majeure or have other legitimate reasons, otherwise than required by law statute of limitations for arbitration, the arbitration committee inadmissible.
- 除非当事人是因不可抗力或有其他正当理由,否则超过法律规定的申请仲裁时效的,仲裁委员会不予受理。
- 30. On the other hand common law without statute would still be a system, although a very imperfect one.
- 而在另一方面,如果没有制定法,普通法则仍将自成体系,尽管可能会非常不完美。
- This book contains the new terms for statutory law.
这本是刚出台的成文法条文。 - The unwritten or customary law of war is binding upon all nations.
- legislation 法律
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