terms of employment
- 雇佣条件
- 1. The terms of employment are negotiable.
- 雇用的条件可以协商。
- 2. Every seafarer has a right to fair terms of employment.
- 每一海员均有权获得公平的就业条件。
- 3. In terms of employment growth, the 2000s were also a lost decade.
- 从就业增长来看,21世纪的前十年也很失败。
- 4. The employment injury insurance terms of employment also has three breakthroughs.
- 工伤保险待遇也有三项突破。
- 5. Tell ably, discussing CCMS in terms of employment is an important trademark of this paper.
- 值得一提的是,从就业形势来看专业设置中的问题亦是本文的一重要特征。
- 6. Even for those workers still employed by SOCEs, the terms of employment are not as secure as they used to be.
- 甚至那些在国有集体企业工作的工人,他们的劳动待遇也不像以前那样了。
- 7. In the past few decades, workers have generally lost ground against employers in negotiating terms of employment.
- 在过去几十年,雇员与雇主协商雇佣条件时通常都已失去了立场。
- 8. The mining companies point out the huge benefits the project brings in terms of employment, tax revenue and foreign exchange.
- 这两家矿业公司指出了这一项目在就业、税收与外汇方面带来的庞大利益。
- 9. All compensation and terms of employment of the management personnel shall be set in accordance with the policies laid down by the Board.
- 管理人员的薪酬和聘用条件应按照董事会制定的政策确定。
- 10. The "this performance on the other hand raised the journey man's terms of employment and also lightenned the scot of enterprise on the other hand, " said responsible person recommends.
- “这项措施,一方面提高了职工的待遇,另一方面也减轻了企业的负担,”该负责人介绍。
- 11. These are the terms and conditions of your employment.
- 这些是聘用你的条件。
- 12. Although philosophy no longer USES Latin as its first language, many of Cicero's philosophical terms are still in common employment today.
- 尽管哲学不再使用拉丁语作为其第一语言,但是很多西塞罗的哲学术语今天仍然被频繁使用。
- 13. If not for our shrinking trade surplus, for example, the first quarter of this year would have seen a fall of 7.9% of GDP, instead of 5.5% - a big difference in terms of output and employment.
- 举例来说,要是贸易顺差没有下降,今年第一季度GDP就是减少7.9%,而非现在的5.5%,这对产出和就业而言差别巨大。
- 14. These changed attitudes are reflected in social legislation limiting the terms of the employment contract.
- 这些变化了的态度都在限制雇佣合同条款的社会法规中反映出来。
- 15. Therefore, the topic of university graduate employment has fundamental meanings in terms of enriching university graduate employment theory and directing their employment practice.
- 因此,选择以大学生就业为主题进行研究对于丰富大学生就业理论和指导大学生就业实践具有重要的理论和实际意义。
- 16. Wrongful discharge - When an employee is fired for reasons that are not legitimate, typically either because they are unlawful or because they violate the terms of an employment contract.
- 不正当解雇是指雇员因不合法原因被解雇,比较有代表性的是被非法解雇或者劳方因雇方违反劳动合同被解雇。
- 17. I further understand and acknowledge that this Acknowledgment of Participation and these Terms and Conditions do not amend any contract of employment between me and the Company.
- 我还了解本参与回执以及这些条款和条件并不会修改我与公司之间的任何雇佣合同。
- 18. General Manager and Management Personnel shall be employed by the Company in accordance with the terms of individual employment contracts.
- 总经理和管理人员应根据个人劳动合同条款受雇于合营公司。
- 19. The current situation, financial crisis, the adverse impact to our country has not been eliminated, from the macro level in terms of the employment situation is still very grim.
- 当前形势下,金融危机给我国造成的不利影响还没有消除,从整个宏观层面上讲就业形势仍旧很严峻。
- 20. An order that requires the employer to treat the employee in all respects as if the employee had not been dismissed or as if there had been no variation of the terms of the employment contract.
- 此项命令要求雇主在任何方面视雇员为从未遭解雇,或有关雇佣合约的条款从未被更改。
- 21. Any terms of this contract of employment not favorable to the employee is null and void according to the labor act.
- 依据劳动法规,雇佣合同中任何雇员不利的合同条款一律无效。
- 22. The two statistics are different not only in terms of total Numbers employed and industrial structures for any given period, but also in terms of changes of employment over time.
- 两种劳动统计在就业人员总数、就业人员的行业构成以及它们的时间变化等方面均存在着较大的分歧。
- 23. The terms and conditions for employment of a seafarer shall be set out or referred to in a clear written legally enforceable agreement and shall be consistent with the standards set out in the Code.
- 海员的就业条款和条件应在一项明确的法律上可执行的书面协议中加以规定或提及并应与守则中规定的标准一致。
- 24. The Company reserves the right to make reasonable changes in your terms and conditions of employment through the updating of this Letter of employment.
- 公司预备品那正确地经过那个更新在你的就业的条款及条件作合理的变化这信就业。
- 25. They wanted to determine if he complied with the terms of his employment and his obligations as an American.
- 他们想要确定,他是否履行了受雇条件,是否履行了作为美国公民所应尽的职责。
- 26. They wanted to determine if he complied with the terms of his employment and his obligations as an American.
- 他们想要确定,他是否履行了受雇条件,是否履行了作为美国公民所应尽的职责。
- The conditions of employment are the result of agreements made at different levels.
雇佣条件是在不同的层次达成的协议的结果。 - Terms of employment will be negotiable and shall reflect the experience of the successful applicant.
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