tidal wave
- n. 潮汐波;浪潮
an overwhelming manifestation of some emotion or phenomenon;
"a tidal wave of nausea"
"the flood of letters hit him with the force of a tidal wave"
"a tidal wave of crime"
an unusual (and often destructive) rise of water along the seashore caused by a storm or a combination of wind and high tide
a wave resulting from the periodic flow of the tides that is caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon and sun
- 1. A tidal wave caused by the earthquake hit the coast causing catastrophic damage.
- 地震引发的海啸袭击了海岸,造成了灾难性的损失。
- 2. A great tidal wave swept the coast.
- 强大的海啸席卷了沿海地区。
- 3. Tidal wave is a danger to navigation.
- 海啸对航海来说是一大威胁。
- 4. The tidal wave formed a terrifying wall of water.
- 海啸形成一堵骇人的水墙。
- 5. What began as a trickle now has turned into a tidal wave.
- 如今,曾经的涓涓细流已经会流成惊天巨浪。
- 6. You were the rolling tidal wave that swept my barren shores.
- 你是席卷我那贫瘠海岸的翻滚浪潮。
- 7. You want to ripple the waters, not create a crushing tidal wave.
- 你要制造的是滔天巨浪而不是像潮汐一样高低起伏。
- 8. I'm swimming when a giant tidal wave washes over me; I can't breathe.
- 我游泳时一个巨浪压过来,我无法呼吸。
- 9. By seeing a volcano, a tidal wave, or an earthquake, we learn God is powerful.
- 通过火山,海啸和地震,我们知道上帝是强大的。
- 10. The exercise will help you wade through the tidal wave of names you’re about to encounter.
- 这样会帮你涉过你将遇到的名字的浪潮。
- 11. "Together we should cooperate to cope with the financial tidal wave sweeping the world," Wu said.
- 吴说:“我们应该一起合作,来应对席卷全球的金融危机,”。
- 12. A little boy named Stephen began to wail, setting off a small tidal wave of tears from the other children.
- 一名叫史提文的小男孩哭了出来,引得其他孩子也跟着大哭起来,在教室里形成一次小小的泪潮。
- 13. The biggest cause for worry about China is the third point of similarity to Japan: the recent tidal wave of bank lending.
- 对中国现状最大的担心来自其同当年日本的第三个相似处:最近的银行信贷浪潮。
- 14. The Durmand Priory was founded before Orr rose and a massive tidal wave caused by Zhaitan's awakening flooded Lion's Arch.
- Durmand修道院的发现早于奥尔玫瑰和Zhaitan所引起的海啸淹没淹狮子拱门。
- 15. It's got a nice, personal feel to it, though there's not the tidal wave of music you'll find at some other on this list.
- 虽然在这里你不能看到很多在其他地方都可以找到的音乐,但它的确是一种很棒却又很人性化的体验。
- 16. Vehicles ready for shipping were being carried like children's toys by the tidal wave in Hitachinaka city in Ibaraki prefecture.
- 茨城县辖区的准备船运车辆被海浪席卷后如同儿童玩具车一般。
- 17. Not like this, anyway, painted red as though an angry God had directed a tidal wave of toxic sludge on to this sleepy Hamlet.
- 无论如何,也不是像这样,似乎愤怒的上帝将一股有毒废水侵袭还在熟睡的小村庄,为它染上了血红色。
- 18. The company faces a tidal wave of litigation and an epidemic of stories about oil-drenched sea birds and devastated wetlands.
- 该公司可能面对潮水般的诉讼,还有关于浑身沾满油污的海鸟以及被破坏的湿地这类故事的广泛传播。
- 19. John Boehner, the House speaker, is a believer, but the freshmen who bobbed into Congress last November on a tidal wave of tea are not.
- 众议院议长John Boehner相信这一点,但是,乘着去年11月的茶党浪潮步入国会的新人们却不相信这一点。
- 20. “TONIGHT,” exulted Rand Paul, the victorious Republican candidate for the Senate from Kentucky, “there’s a tea-party tidal wave.”And
- “今晚,”来自肯塔基州获得胜利的共和党参议员候选人兰德保罗欢呼着,“将是茶党的欢庆时刻。”
- 21. Read his famous "Internet Tidal Wave" memo, sent to the troops May 26, 1995, over a year after the browser company known as Netscape launched.
- 读读他著名的《因特网浪潮》就可以知道,该文发表于1995年五月26日,网景公司成立一年后。
- 22. With the gradual maturity of technologies in grid, the study on grid used in commercial fields has been the second tidal wave in the world.
- 随着网格理论技术的不断成熟,国内外对网格的商业应用研究成为网格技术研究的第二次浪潮。
- 23. Friday's fictional scenario starts with a major earthquake off the coast of Huntington Beach, California, generating a tidal wave and an oil spill.
- 周五的演习假设加州亨廷顿海滩发生大地震,引发海啸与原油泄漏。
- 24. The other big question at the conference was when and if a tidal wave of hotel foreclosures will hit, and what kind of opportunities that would present.
- 另外这次会议最大的另一个议题就是酒店将丧失抵押赎回权的浪潮何时将到来,以及这将会带来怎样的机遇。
- 25. The tidal wave appears to have jarred the flow of data going into brokerage firms, such as Barclays Capital, according to people familiar with the matter.
- 据熟悉情况的业内人士称,这股下跌浪潮看来冲击到了巴克莱资本等经纪公司的数据流。
- 26. You aren't going to impress anyone in your company talking about the future of social media technologies or the tidal wave of software as a service (SaaS).
- 你不是要通过大谈特谈社交媒体技术或者软件即服务(SaaS)浪潮来给公司任何人留下印象。
- 27. That energy for change is sweeping the world and with the intent of the people, it is going to be like a tidal wave washing away everything in its path.
- 这转变的能量正在席卷全球,带着全体人民的意愿,它就像海啸一般冲洗每件挡在路上的障碍。
- 28. That energy for change is sweeping the world and with the intent of the people, it is going to be like a tidal wave washing away everything in its path.
- 这转变的能量正在席卷全球,带着全体人民的意愿,它就像海啸一般冲洗每件挡在路上的障碍。
- There is no giant crater and no deposits have been found reflecting a huge tidal wave.
没有找到巨大的陨石坑,也未发现能反映特大潮汐波的沉积物。 - Martin's speech set off a wave of anger.
马丁的演说激起了愤怒的浪潮。 - Have a tidal wave come up and submerged every living thing.
用作名词 (n.)
- tidal wave 潮汐波
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