top out
- vi. 达到最高点; 顶点是; 以 ... 为顶点
give up one's career just as one becomes very successful;
"The financial consultant topped out at age 40 because he was burned out"
provide with a top or finish the top (of a structure);
"the towers were topped with conical roofs"
to reach the highest point; attain maximum intensity, activity;
"That wild, speculative spirit peaked in 1929"
"Bids for the painting topped out at $50 million"
- 1. You can thin the top out a little, but just a little.
- 你可以把上面稍微打薄一点,就一点。
- 2. (Trains currently in use top out at about 167 miles per hour.)
- (目前使用的列车最高时速约为167英里)。
- 3. George: You can thin the top out a little, but just a little.
- 乔治:头顶部分可以剪薄一点,但也是只剪一点点就好。
- 4. When we top out, there will be beer for everyone who has worked on the site.
- 举行封顶仪式时,将以啤酒招待所有在工地上工作过的人。
- 5. When we top out, there will be souvenirs for everyone who has worked on the site.
- 当我们举行落成典礼时, 凡是在工地上劳动过的人都会得到纪念品。
- 6. I grabbed Keith's sweats and a pink tank top out of the bag went to the bathroom and changed.
- 我从包里抓起基斯的汗衫和一件粉红的吊带衫走到卫生间里换上。
- 7. The UK comes top out of 20 European Union nations, with almost one in four people so fat they could face an early grave。
- 英国的肥胖率居20个欧盟成员国之首,有四分之一的人口可能会因为过于肥胖而早早进入坟墓。
- 8. These astral heavyweights top out at several million to several billion times the mass of the Sun, but their origin remains a mystery.
- 那些多星体的重量级高达几百万乃至几十亿倍的太阳质量,但是它们的起源仍然是个谜。
- 9. The 15 billion-yuan Shanghai Tower, scheduled for completion in 2014, will top out at 632 meters and feature the world's highest hotel.
- 耗资150亿元的上海中心大厦预计于2014年完工,高达632米,将成为世界最高酒店。
- 10. It solves the problem of controlling erosion of steel line effectively and prevents the accident of top out in testing. By many times of applied test, the effect is obvious.
- 该堵头结构简单、方便实用、安全可靠,有效解决了钢丝的防腐问题,杜绝了测试“冒顶”事故的发生,经现场多次试验及应用,效果明显。
- 11. Running on solar power gathered from its rooftop supplemented with grid energy, the "Fast Bus" is expected to top out just shy of 40 miles per hour, so it's not ideal for long treks.
- 通过电能和顶部太阳能装置收集的太阳能共同驱动,这种巴士最快能达到40公里每小时的速度,因此它不适合用作长线行驶。
- 12. The caps, which will be enforced as of July 1, top out at 0.49 euros ($0.59) per minute for an outgoing call and 0.24 euros ($0.29) for incoming calls, with both data and messaging also having limits.
- 这项漫游费封顶政策将自今年7月1日起开始实施,实施后的漫游封顶费用为呼出漫游0.49欧元每分钟,接听漫游0.24欧元每分钟,另外这项政 策还对短信和数据流量的漫游封顶费用进行了限定。
- 13. On top of that, don't take your stamps out on a wet day.
- 最重要的是,不要在雨天把邮票拿出去。
- 14. Energy can flow across the glass but I put a lid on top, and so the water can't get out.
- 能量可以穿过杯壁流动,但是我在顶上加了盖子,所以水不能跑出来。
- 15. By capping her grades at 94 while most other teachers grade on a scale that tops out at 100, your teacher could jeopardize a student's chance of getting a scholarship or getting into a top college.
- 如果你的老师把自己的成绩限制在94分,而其他大多数老师的评分范围都在100分以上,那么你的老师可能会危及学生获得奖学金或进入顶尖大学的机会。
- 16. So what makes a good marriage? Faithfulness comes out top of the list.
- 那么什么可以造就成功的婚姻呢?忠诚是第一位的。
- 17. Five out of the ten top role models for teenagers are black.
- 十大青少年楷模中有5位是黑人。
- 18. The cars then weaved in and out of traffic at top speed.
- 汽车然后在车流中高速穿梭前进。
- 19. In most boardroom disputes he tends to come out on top.
- 在大多数董事会议的辩论中,他往往占据上风。
- 20. I patted the top of her head in the condescending way I knew irritated the hell out of her.
- 我以降尊纡贵的姿态拍了她的头顶,知道这会让她气得七窍生烟。
- 21. Their leaves grow on the top and flowers seldom come out.
- 它们的叶子长在顶端,花很少开出来。
- 22. After a few more climbs, once to the top of the domed reservoir, my fear seemed to evaporate in the warm midnight air—I had simply been out of practice.
- 爬过几次后,只要爬到半球形蓄水池顶,我的恐惧似乎就在午夜温暖的空气中蒸发了——原来,只是我久不练习而已。
- 23. As her daddy opened the trunk, he pulled out a black top hat, a long black cane and black tap shoes.
- 她爸爸打开后备箱,拿出一顶黑色的礼帽、一根长长的黑色手杖和一双黑色的踢踏舞鞋。
- 24. Pull it out quickly, pressing against the top of the lock cylinder while gently turning your wrench.
- 快速地把它抽出来,轻轻转动扳手,同时紧压锁芯顶部。
- 25. I ran to the toilet, took out the paper and carefully read it from the top.
- 我跑到厕所,拿出那张纸,仔细地从头看。
- 26. Some have compared the building as looking like a trophy because at the top there is a huge sphere made out of glass.
- 一些人将大楼比作一座奖杯,因为它的顶部有一个巨大的、全部由玻璃制成的球。
- 27. There is as much joy over a puffed-out first-timer being clapped over line the as there is about top talent shining.
- 初次参加的人在气喘吁吁时被鼓掌欢呼包围,这种快乐堪比看到一颗顶级新星大放光芒。
- 28. We also like to see the show go out on top rather than continue without some of our favorite characters.
- 我们也宁愿看到这部美剧在最辉煌的时刻结束,而不是在我们喜爱的角色离开后继续苟延残喘。
- 29. We also like to see the show go out on top rather than continue without some of our favorite characters.
- 我们也宁愿看到这部美剧在最辉煌的时刻结束,而不是在我们喜爱的角色离开后继续苟延残喘。
- Interest rates topped out at16 percent.
利息率最高在百分之十六封顶 - Our exports have topped out last year--$80,000, 000.
- top out 达到最高点...
- out of the top drawer 出身名门望族...
- come out on top 成功(战胜困难...
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