trip up
- (使)犯错误; (使)绊倒
detect a blunder or misstep;
"The reporter tripped up the senator"
cause to stumble;
"The questions on the test tripped him up"
make an error;
"She slipped up and revealed the name"
- 1. Be careful you don't trip up on the step.
- 你小心别在台阶上绊倒了。
- 2. I have never known him to trip up even in details.
- 即使在琐事上我都不曾看到他犯错。
- 3. This can trip up an interviewee if you are not prepared.
- 如果没有准备,这个问题就能绊倒你。
- 4. But though fortune may favour the brave, it can trip up the headstrong.
- 尽管运气可能会战胜勇气,但它也能成为绊脚之石。
- 5. Identifying the correct problem to work on is often where people trip up.
- 人们经常在问题的鉴别上摔跟头。
- 6. The ball was thus on a one-way trip up, to use Dr Toyabe’s analogy, the staircase.
- 用鸟谷部博士的楼梯的比喻来看,小球就这样产生了一种单向上行的运动。
- 7. The ball was thus on a one-way trip up, to use Dr Toyabe's analogy, the staircase.
- 用Toyabe博士的类推来解释就是皮球反弹了起来。
- 8. Various ploys are used to try to trip up the machines competing in the Turing test.
- 在那次图灵测试中,人们采用了各种手段去让竞争机器出差错。
- 9. The lack of an obvious means to launch applications in GNOME Shell will trip up new users.
- GNOMEShell缺乏一种显而易见的方式让用户执行应用程序,这对新用户而言的确是一块绊脚石。
- 10. What they trip up on is actually a more difficult conceptual problem, the time travel paradox.
- 让他们在这个问题上屡屡犯错的实际上是一个更为困难的概念问题,一个关于时间穿梭的矛盾。
- 11. Remember our trip up to Colorado? Shut up. Do you remember the aspen grove? Shut up. Shut up!
- 记得我们一起去科罗拉多州吗?闭嘴记得那片白杨树林吗?闭嘴!
- 12. I have not experimented with words having irregular plurals; words like datum and data might trip up Rails.
- 我没有使用不规则复数单词的经验;datum和data 等单词可能会令Rails 出现问题。
- 13. Pages that seem fine in a browser can trip up a spider, which loses or misinterprets part or all of your page.
- 在浏览器中看起来很好的页面却可能阻碍爬行器,这会使爬行器看不到或误解整个页面或部分页面。
- 14. His trip up the Mall officially kicked off an election campaign that will end with the general election on May 6th.
- 布朗此次拜访的目的是正式宣布开始竞选,大选将会在今年5月6日举行。
- 15. When you do need to include some binary data in an XML document, you'll need to make sure it won't trip up the XML parser.
- 当您的确需要在XML文档中包含二进制数据时,您需要确保这些数据不会给xml解析器带来麻烦。
- 16. Ideal for a work commute or a weekend trip up twisty roads, the NEOS remains flexible as the sidecar pod can easily be removed.
- 理想的工作,上下班或注册曲折道路的周末之旅,近地天体仍灵活的边三轮吊舱可以很容易地删除。
- 17. That's not to say the other companies here will trip up or that the "all-you-can-eat" business model is even a bad thing per se.
- 这并不是说,其他采取类似模式的公司也会跟着栽跟斗,或者“敞开自助”式商业模式本身就不是什么好东西。
- 18. Also, if you trip up -bad luck you miss a note -, as you do it you have in front what you're supposed to be playing, and it is much easier to get out of the trip-up.
- 另外,如果你在演奏时非常不幸漏掉了一个音符,那么你会回到前面,再弹一遍没有问题的。
- 19. A common problem that always seems to trip up new UNIX programmers is how to run through a directory and process the files, directories, and symbolic links found inside.
- 一个时常困扰UNIX编程新手的问题是,如何浏览一个目录,并对其中的文件、目录和符号链接进行相应的处理。
- 20. Ms Stoddart argues that American companies often trip up on data-privacy issues because of "their brimming optimism that the whole world wants what they have rolled out in America."
- 斯图达特女士认为,美国公司经常在数据隐私问题上犯错,因为“他们的满怀乐观地认为全世界都需要他们在美国业已推出的新玩意。”
- 21. But friends of mine, who took similar assignments and later regretted doing so, warn me that I'd be "out of sight, out of mind" back at headquarters and that this would ultimately trip up my career.
- 但是,我的朋友们曾经接受过类似的委派,最后他们都后悔了。他们警告我,如果我接受了,会被总部“遗忘”,最终导致我在职场上失败。
- 22. As I passed, he stuck out a leg and tried to trip me up.
- 我经过时,他伸出腿来想把我绊倒。
- 23. We ought to stock up on film before our trip.
- 我们应该在旅行前备足胶卷。
- 24. You and your neighbour might want to buddy up to make the trip more enjoyable.
- 你同你的邻居或许应该结伴旅游,热闹一点。
- 25. She dredges up a minor misdemeanour: "You didn't give me money for the school trip."
- 她重提那件小事:“那次学校旅游,你没给我钱。”
- 26. She dredges up a minor misdemeanour: "You didn't give me money for the school trip."
- 她重提那件小事:“那次学校旅游,你没给我钱。”
- Comrades who have made mistakes should be urged to sum up their experience and draw the necessary lessons,so that they can recognize those mistakes and correct them.
对于犯错误的同志,要促进他们自己总结经验教训,认识和改正错误。 - Even professionals in the refinishing and detailing industry can make mistakes if they don't keep up on evolving technologies in surface coatings and car care products.
专业的抛光和护理行业的产品也有犯错误的时候,如果你跟不上现在的正在发展的技术的话。 - He tripped the pickpocket up by the heels.
他用脚后跟把扒手绊倒。 - The boy put his leq out to trip the teacher.
- trip up someone's heels 绊倒某人
- trip up (使)犯错误
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