turn about
- vt. 回头(转向;转身;依次;反复思考)
名词 turnabout:
a decision to reverse an earlier decision
turning in the opposite direction
- 1. That was agreeable, so they chewed it turn about, and dangled their legs against the bench in excess of contentment.
- 这是令人愉快的,所以他们就轮流把它嚼了嚼,然后他们悬着腿,坐在长凳上,非常开心。
- 2. They could sail out for days into the unknown and assess the area, secure in the knowledge that if they didn't find anything, they could turn about and catch a swift ride back on the trade winds.
- 他们可以在未知的海域航行数天,并对该地区进行评估。他们知道如果没有发现任何东西的话,他们可以掉头,并借着信风迅速返回。
- 3. We can do the work turn and turn about.
- 我们可以轮流干这个工作。
- 4. That other parts of the tool turn about it.
- 工具上总有个其他部位绕着它转的点。
- 5. That was agreeable, so they chewed it turn about.
- 谈好条件以后,他俩轮流嚼着口香糖。
- 6. If we do the work turn and turn about, we can finish it quickly.
- 如果我们轮换着做这个工作,我们能很快地把它完成。
- 7. Turn about and aided by a shaky handrail up to the first floor.
- 转身,抓胤住摇晃的扶手上二层。
- 8. If I love you, I appear when we get together, and turn about to leave with a smile.
- 只要我爱你,我会随时出现在你身旁,离开时我亦会面带微笑。
- 9. Miss Eliza Bennet, let me persuade you to follow my example, and take a turn about the room.
- 伊丽莎·班纳特小姐,我劝你还是学学我的样子,在房间里霞走动走动吧。
- 10. If it's doomed to be strangers, then let us turn about firmly, forgetting the past, forgetting to cry.
- 如果注定要成为陌路,那么就让我们绝决地转身,忘记了最初,忘记了哭!
- 11. Look at your talk and pick out a few words or sentences which you can turn about and inject with humor.
- 考虑一下你的谈话,选出一些词汇和句子来,将它们颠倒秩序反复揣摩,并注入一些幽默。
- 12. That was agreeable, so they chewed it turn about, and dangled their legs against the bench in excess of contentment .
- 谈好条件以后,他俩轮流嚼着口香糖,他们悬着腿,坐在长凳上,高兴极了。
- 13. The machine can turn about 200 kinds of the metric, imperial, module and DP thread with knob, no need to change gears.
- 本机可以打开约200多种的公制,英制,模块和DP螺纹旋钮,没有必要改变齿轮。
- 14. After a year of almost continuous retreat in Africa, Sicily, and Italy, the German troops were glad to turn about and fight.
- 一年来,德军从非洲,西西里岛和意大利几乎马不停蹄地后撤,这时高兴地转过身来杀回马枪了。
- 15. Jimi greets me warmly, but doesn’t linger, and soon I am perched in a corner while she asks each woman in turn about her case.
- 正挨个接待妇女们了解情况的吉米热情地向我打了个招呼。很快我自已找了个角落待下。
- 16. New types of tiny combined heat and power plants are able to turn about half the energy in fuel into electricity, almost matching the efficiency of huge generators.
- 新型的小规模热电联产机组,能够将燃料中大约一半的能量转化为电力,其效率已与大型发电机的效率相若。
- 17. In the desperation of her feelings she resolved on one effort more; and turning to Elizabeth, said, "Miss Eliza Bennet, let me persuade you to follow my example, and take a turn about the room."
- 她绝望之余,决定再作一次努力,于是转过身来对伊丽莎白说:“伊丽莎·班纳特小姐,我劝你还是学学我的样子,在房间里瞎走动走动吧。”
- 18. Don't worry about the letter—I'm sure it'll turn up.
- 别为那封信担心,我相信会找到的。
- 19. The government did an about-turn over nuclear energy.
- 政府对核能的态度来了个180度的大转变。
- 20. About the same time as AlphaGo's triumph, Microsoft's "chatbot" took a bad turn.
- 大约在 AlphaGo 获胜的同一时间,微软的“聊天机器人”出现了一个糟糕的情况。
- 21. The pressure for quick results leads to product failure, which, in turn, arouses doubts about the applicability of AI technology to agriculture.
- 要快速出结果的压力会导致产品失败,这反过来让人们开始怀疑人工智能技术是否适用于农业。
- 22. When I was about to turn left at the end of the hallway, the chill disappeared and I stopped.
- 我在走廊尽头正要左拐的时候,那阵寒意消失了,我停下脚步。
- 23. While the candle is being lit, a principle is recited; then each person present takes a turn to speak about the importance that principle has to himself or herself.
- 蜡烛点燃时,人们要背诵一条原则;然后在场的每个人轮流讲述该原则对自己的重要性。
- 24. We have to walk about 200 meters and then turn right.
- 我们要走大约200米然后右转。
- 25. Just turn on the news and you can hear about hurricanes, earthquakes, and more happenings in our world every day.
- 只要打开新闻,你每天都可以听到关于飓风、地震的新闻,还有世上发生的其他事情。
- 26. With the arguments about the lifeboat in mind, let's turn back to the philosophy, the utilitarian philosophy of Jeremy Bentham.
- 带着对救生艇上发生事件的讨论,让我们来回顾杰里米·边沁的功利主义哲学。
- 27. If you want to learn about school in old times, which page will you turn to?
- 如果你想了解旧时代的学校,你会翻到哪一页?
- 28. If you want to learn about school in old times, which page will you turn to?
- 如果你想了解旧时代的学校,你会翻到哪一页?
- I made an abrupt turn to avoid another car.
我急忙转身以避开汽车。 - That's a flip turn, the fastest turn.
他采用的翻腾式转身,是最快的转身方式。 - She asked the same question of everyone in turn.
她依次向每一个人问同样的问题。 - Please come up in turn to collect your books.
用作及物动词 (vt.)
- Right about turn! 向后转!
- About turn! 向后转!
- turn and turn about 轮流(时而 ......
turn-to-turn short-circuit
turn someone around one's finger
turn-to-turn Insulation test
turned over the illegal funds.
turn backtwo-car wagon tripper
Turn into something beautiful.
turn...out is fair play.
Turn something to your advantage
turn-to-turn fault protection
Turn this sentence into Chinese.
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