verge on
- vt. 接近(很象)
- 1. The big Banks still verge on insolvency and they still aren't lending.
- 大银行仍然徘徊在破产的边缘,他们也不贷款。
- 2. Their friendship may verge on the servile, but it is never disinterested.
- 她们的友情甚至到了可供驱使的地步,但从来也到不了无私的程度。
- 3. Good language habit refers to the ability of using language accomplished and naturally that verge on one 'instinct.
- 良好的语言习惯,指语言运用纯熟而自然结合度几乎近于本能。
- 4. With the related problems being gradually solved, rapid network connecting into here and there, the foundation project of VOD basically verge on maturity.
- 随着相关问题的逐步解决,高速网络接入千家万户,VOD系统的基础工程已基本趋于成熟。
- 5. Your week Ahead: This week's continuing sagas and dramas, many of which seem to verge on the surreal, may cause you to wonder if you've woken up in some strange science fiction movie.
- 这周持续不断的各种冒险故事和戏剧性事件,许多看起来都近乎超脱现实了,它们可能会让你怀疑自己是不是跑到奇怪的科幻电影里去了。
- 6. There are some moments of navel-gazing from the almost puritanical reformed characters, and some passages verge on the absurd, but Mr Shone maintains a pace that whips the story back to reality.
- 书中有些片段是[color=#0000ff]被清教徒[color=#0000ff]戒律洗脑的人物在纸上谈兵,而有些段落则接近荒诞,但肖尼保持步调让故事回到现实。
- 7. I'm sad that Julie's marriage is on the verge of splitting up.
- 我为朱莉的婚姻处于破裂的边缘感到难过。
- 8. The mountain gorilla is on the verge of extinction.
- 居住在山区的大猩猩已濒临灭绝。
- 9. He seemed to be on the verge of total derangement.
- 他似乎已濒临精神崩溃的边缘。
- 10. We may be on the verge of a new era, when the PC will get up off the desktop and allow us to see, hear, touch and manipulate objects in places where we are not physically present.
- 我们可能正接近一个新时代,届时个人电脑将脱离桌面,让我们能够在自己不在场的地方看到、听到、触摸和操作物体。
- 11. As global markets continue to see-saw on the verge of another recession, central banks across the world face a difficult balancing act of monetary policy.
- 随着全球市场继续在另一场萧条的边缘摇摆不定,全球各国央行都面临着艰难的货币政策平衡行动。
- 12. King penguins in the Antarctic will be on the verge of dying out.
- 南极的帝企鹅将濒临灭绝。
- 13. He was on the verge of tears.
- 他差点儿哭了出来。
- 14. His voice trembled, on the verge of tears.
- 他的声音颤抖着,就要落下泪来。
- 15. Most of the audience was on the verge of tears.
- 大多数观众都快流泪了。
- 16. The peace talks were on the verge of collapse.
- 和平谈判濒于破裂。
- 17. They are on the verge of signing a new contract.
- 他们即将签订一份新的合同。
- 18. The country was on the verge of becoming prosperous and successful.
- 这个国家即将变得繁荣昌盛。
- 19. G20 ministers also talked about the possibility of creating a "voluntary code of conduct" to govern negotiations between creditors and countries on the verge of defaulting on debt.
- G20财长们还讨论了建立“自愿行为准则”的可能性,以指导债权人和濒临债务违约的国家之间的谈判。
- 20. They were on the verge of breaking up.
- 他们快要分手了。
- 21. This is The Wind Among the Reeds, and the author is William Butler Yeats, published in 1899, on the verge of the new century.
- 这是的《苇间风》,作者是威廉·巴特勒·叶芝,在新世纪即将到来之际的1899年出版。
- 22. The company is on the verge of insolvency.
- 该公司快要破产了。
- 23. He is clearly on the verge of madness: he was so last night at least.
- 他分明在疯狂的边缘上了:至少昨天晚上他是这样的。
- 24. That deal is now on the verge of collapse.
- 该和平协议目前正在崩溃的边缘。
- 25. But I put it to you: we are on the verge of victory.
- 但是,我要对你们说:我们已接近胜利。
- 26. Italy's Fiat is on the verge of taking control of Chrysler.
- 意大利的菲亚特集团正无限接近于控股克莱斯勒。
- 27. A rival perception, however, suggests that they are more like a couple on the verge of divorce: they agree on little, and trust each other even less.
- 然而,另外一种与之相对立的看法认为,这两个人就像一对处于离婚边缘的夫妇:他们很少有一致的看法,彼此之间的信任更是少得可怜。
- 28. India and Pakistan are gaining ground and are on the verge of completing eradication.
- 印度和巴基斯坦正在取得进展,并且已处在完成根除工作的边缘。
- 29. General Motors is on the verge of collapse.
- 通用汽车正处于崩溃的边缘。
- 30. Our Lakota language is an Endangered language, on the verge of extinction.
- 我们拉科塔族的语言已经在消亡的边缘。
- The meeting was verging on a close.
会议接近结束。 - It is getting on midnight--let's all go to bed!
用作及物动词 (vt.)
- verge on 接近(很象)
- on the verge of 接近于
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