wage labour
- 雇佣劳动
- 1. The article, from two aspects of theory and practice on asserting the standard has done the discussion of wage Labour relation.
- 文章从理论和实践两个层面就雇佣劳动关系的认定标准作了探讨。
- 2. The two parties of Labour and capital have bargained a new wage increase.
- 劳资双方经谈判达成再次增加工资的协议。
- 3. This is largely due to a steady rise in unit Labour costs, as wage increases outstripped productivity growth (see chart).
- 这很大程度上是因为国内单位劳动成本的稳步上升,工资的增长超过了生产力的增长(见图表)。
- 4. His enthusiasm for the free movement of Labour is tempered by fear that it could undermine national wage agreements.
- 因担忧损害国民工资协议,他对劳工自由流动的热情也减轻了。
- 5. The absence of price and wage pressures points to plenty of slack in the Labour market.
- 缺乏价格和工资压力让劳动力市场十分散漫。
- 6. In such a tight labour market, companies appease workers by offering higher wages. They then pass on the cost in the form of dearer prices, cheating workers of a higher real wage.
- 在劳动力市场十分紧缩的情况下,各公司稳定工人队伍的方法就是提高工资水平,然后再以抬高物价的方式转移这一成本,同时却对工人谎称提高了实际工资。
- 7. They are also a function of a peculiar labour market with lifetime employment, a wage system based on seniority rather than performance, and little job mobility among managers.
- 同时这种薪酬制度也有助于维护该国特有的讲究论资排辈和缺乏流动性的终身雇佣制为基础的劳动力市场。
- 8. Mr Zapatero merely tinkered with a dysfunctional Labour market, in which the difficulty of firing incumbents deters hiring and binding national agreements decree unaffordable wage rises.
- 萨帕特罗只不过对混乱的劳工市场进行了小修小补,而难于解雇员工这一点让企业不敢随意雇用人员,担心受到全国一致的法令束缚而接受他们无法承受的工资增加。
- 9. Indeed, wages have been rising at double-digit rates for a decade with no harmful impact on growth, because higher Labour productivity has actually reduced wage costs (see chart 3).
- 事实上十年来,工资一直以两位数的速率增长,却因劳动生产率的提高而使工资成本实际下降,因而并未对经济增长造成损害。
- 10. The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) provides 100 days of unskilled labour at the minimum wage to at least one member of a rural household.
- 《国家农村就业保障法》给农村家庭中至少一个成员按最低工资标准提供100天的非技术性工作。
- 11. Wages there rose faster than productivity in the year to the second quarter, leading to small increases in unit Labour costs, or moderate wage inflation.
- 在今年二季度工资增长速度超过劳动生产率的增长速度,带动了劳动力成本的小幅或者中等适度的上涨。
- 12. Labour markets in the euro area are generally more rigid than those in Britain, so the ECB has more reason to worry about a wage-price spiral.
- 欧元区的劳动市场渐渐地变得比英国的更刚性,所以欧洲央行更需要担心会发生工资-物价螺旋上涨。
- 13. Although women make up nearly half the Labour force, most are in lower-wage sectors, particularly domestic service.
- 尽管女性占了近一半的劳动力,但是大部分从事低薪工作,尤其是在服务业。
- 14. Earlier this year, factory bosses complained that they could not find enough workers; and faster real-wage growth also suggested that demand for Labour was outpacing supply.
- 今年早些时候,工业主们抱怨找不到足够的工人;实际工资的高速增长也证明了劳动力市场供不应求。
- 15. Unfortunately, the weak Labour market will continue to keep wage levels in check.
- 不幸的是,疲软的人才市场将继续牵制薪资行情。
- 16. Different kinds of human Labour have different prices, namely, wage rates.
- 不同种类的劳务有不同的价格,这就是工资等级。
- 17. Piece rate production increases the risk with child Labour helping parents to make up quotas and to assure family survival when parents are not earning a living wage.
- 以件计酬的生产增加了风险,童工帮助父母补足配额,当父母无法赚取满足生计的工资时确保家庭存活下来。
- 18. If the euro zone seeks to improve, say, wage competitiveness, Labour ministers may want to meet at 17.
- 如果欧元区寻求提升,工资竞争力以及劳动力管理想要17国。
- 19. The section on Labour supply begins with the history of real wage growth.
- 书中关于劳动力供给的这一部分就是从实际工资增长的历史开始讲起的。
- 20. France and Germany have some of the most costly tax regimes-with people who earn the average wage taking home just over 50% of their total Labour cost.
- 法国和德国有一些最昂贵的税制。那些中等收入者挣回家的钱刚刚超过他们劳务费用的一半。
- 21. The utility of the wage when a given volume of Labour is employed is equal to the marginal disutility of that amount of employment.
- 对于给定的就业人数,工资的效用等于该就业量的边际负效用。
- 22. The wage theory, based on the theory of labour power as a commodity and labour theory of value, is one of the most important parts in Marx's economics.
- 以劳动力商品论和劳动价值论为基础的工资理论,是马克思经济学的重要组成部分,也是其最独特的理论。
- 23. Lower productivity growth that is not accompanied by slower wage increases implies rising unit Labour cost pressures.
- 在生产率增速降低的同时,工资增速并未减缓,这意味着单位劳动力成本的上升。
- 24. GENEVA (ILO News) - the financial and economic crisis has cut global wage growth by half in 2008 and 2009, says a new report by the International Labour Office (ILO).
- 日内瓦(国际劳工组织新闻)—国际劳工组织(ilo)最新报告指出,金融和经济危机导致2008年和2009年全球工资增长减半。
- 25. GENEVA (ILO News) - the financial and economic crisis has cut global wage growth by half in 2008 and 2009, says a new report by the International Labour Office (ILO).
- 日内瓦(国际劳工组织新闻)—国际劳工组织(ilo)最新报告指出,金融和经济危机导致2008年和2009年全球工资增长减半。
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