- adj. 深思熟虑的;审慎的
having the benefit of careful prior consideration or counsel;
"a well-advised delay in carrying out the plan"
- 1. Opennessis the most well-advised strategy.
- 坦诚是最明智的策略。
- 2. Opennesss is the most well-advised strategy.
- 坦诚是最理智的策略。
- 3. You would be well-advised to stay at home tonight.
- 你今晚还是呆在家里为妙。
- 4. Suffer this effect, you can be made more well-advised buy a decision.
- 受此影响,你可以做出更加明智的购买决定。
- 5. An investor in this sort of fund would have been well-advised to have a lot of diversification.
- 投资者在这样的基金将一直良好的建议有很多的多样化。
- 6. Can say, give yourself enterprise filming promo, is the enterprise is the most well-advised choice.
- 可以说,给自己的企业拍摄宣传片,是企业最明智的选择。
- 7. We should let ourselves believe, oneself made well-advised choice, and without doubt, find oneself is good.
- 我们要让自己相信,自己作出了明智的抉择,而且毫无疑问地,自我感觉良好。
- 8. "The rules of the game have changed, and you would be well-advised to sharpen your act" by getting some speech training, Evans says.
- “游戏的规则已经改变了,我们建议你最好通过一些演讲培训来提高你的表现。”Evans说。
- 9. With the Internet the most widely used channel for information search, tourism boards at destinations would be well-advised to focus on advertising on the Internet.
- 随着互联网成为信息搜索最常用的渠道,建议目的地旅游机构应注重于网络广告。
- 10. He spoke of a substantial backlash also against Iran's support of radical Shiite militias, and said Tehran would be well-advised to reconsider its behavior toward its neighbor.
- 他谈到伊朗由于支持激进的什叶派民兵武装而遭到的有力反击。他说,德黑兰最好重新考虑自己在邻国的作为。
- 11. You are well advised to buy your car through a reputable dealer.
- 你通过一个声誉好的经销商来买车是明智的。
- 12. Lawyers advised their clients that a neat appearance went down well with the judges.
- 律师们向其当事人们建议说,整洁的外表会赢得法官们的好感。
- 13. You would be well advised to tackle this problem urgently.
- 你还是抓紧处理这个问题为好。
- 14. She would have been well advised to have settled this out of court.
- 她应该已经被建议在庭外解决此事了。
- 15. If you are talking about a subject you know well, as I've just advised, prepared, preparing the speech itself should not be too difficult.
- 如果你正在谈论一个你很熟悉的话题,就像我刚才建议的,做好准备;准备演讲本身应该不是太难。
- 16. You are advised to make travel arrangements well in advance, especially when you plan to travel abroad.
- 建议你事先做好旅行准备,尤其是打算出国旅游的时候。
- 17. They would be well advised to do so cautiously, however.
- 然而,他们得到的劝告是要小心翼翼的做事。
- 18. Whether this belief be true or not, man would be well advised if he behaved as though it were.
- 无论这个信仰是否真实,人类如果能依此行事,将会获得更为有益的忠告。
- 19. So although prisoners, like anyone else, are well advised to choose a balanced diet, they may not pay much heed.
- 因此,虽然和其他人罪犯一样得到平衡饮食的建议,但是可以不用在费用方面操心。
- 20. We would be well advised to study this emerging category of organizations before proceeding.
- 我们希望在真正实施前可以对这种新型的架构进行仔细研究。
- 21. This means that, once diagnosed as having it, a patient is well advised to present himself for a check-up every three months for the rest of his life.
- 这就意味着,一旦病人被诊断患有这种癌症,在余下的生命中,他就不得不接受每三个月一次的检查。
- 22. Note that this is a testing scenario; in real life, users would be well advised to keep security Settings at much higher than minimum.
- 注意,这是一个测试场景;现实生活中,最好建议用户保持安全设置远高于最低设置。
- 23. More broadly, new leaders are well advised to ensure that the economy performs well.
- 更广泛的说,新领导人将得到充分的建议,以确保经济能够进入良性循环。
- 24. It is partly for this reason that I reiterate my earlier assertion that you're probably well advised to dedicate a PC just to this one task of FPGA development.
- 我认为其中一部分原因就是我之前重申多次的这个主张,即最好使用一台专门的PC来处理FPGA开发任务。
- 25. A RAID might be well advised, thus the motherboard would need support for it.
- 强烈建议使用RAID,因此主板需要提供对它的支持。
- 26. And for a good overall picture of a parent's condition, a child is well advised to ignore the usual medical and nursing jargon and to focus instead on the sound of the parent's own voice.
- 抛开医疗和护理的行话,子女要对双亲的身体状况有一个全面的了解,并且开始关注来自父母的声音。
- 27. In the western world, I believe that companies are well advised to proceed with caution.
- 在西方国家,我相信,企业最好是保持谨慎。
- 28. In the western world, I believe that companies are well advised to proceed with caution.
- 在西方国家,我相信,企业最好是保持谨慎。
- In general, couples are well advised not to begin coitus suddenly and hastily, but to take their time working up to it in a deliberate fashion.
一般而言,适当地告知夫妻不要贸然而仓促开始性交合,而要从容不迫,以深思熟虑的方式逐渐展开。 - The e-Conversion is a well thought-out, practical design that has been engineered to work as an integral part of the chassis.
电子转换是一个深思熟虑的,切实可行的设计,已设计工作的一个组成部分的底盘。 - Additionally, we will resolutely maintain our conservative and prudent fiscal management style, low and predictable tax structure as well as a level playing field for every one.
用作形容词 (adj.)
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