- 校订
- 改过自新
- 改善
- 修正
- 修订
- 订正
- 改正
- 改良
- 改过
- 改变
- 修改
- 更改
- 补救
- 改好
- 矫正
- 校勘
- 改进
n. (名词)
- vt. & vi. 修改,修订; 改良 make or become better; make or become free from faults
v. (动词)
make amendments to;
"amend the document"
to make better;
"The editor improved the manuscript with his changes"
set straight or right;
"remedy these deficiencies"
"rectify the inequities in salaries"
"repair an oversight"
- They decided to amend the bill.
他们决定修正这条议案。 - Please amend your copy of the contract accordingly.
请将你的合同文本作相应的修正。 - Since you insist, I must amend the letter of credit.
既然你坚持,我就只好修改信用证。 - I would advise you to amend your manners.
我劝你改正你的态度 - The judge suggested him to amend his way of living.
用作及物动词 (vt.)
- The thief has amended.
这小偷改过自新了。 - He amended his speech by making some additions and deletions.
他对讲稿作了些增删修改。 - They all participated in amending the text.
他们全都参加了修改文件的工作。 - You must amend your pronunciation.
你必须改正你的发音。 - A law amending the Chilean constitution was approved on 22nd January.
修订智利宪法的法律于1月22日获得批准。 - MPs were urged to amend the law to prevent another oil tanker disaster.
下院议员被强烈要求修改法律,以避免另一场油轮灾难。 - I advised him to amend his poor table manners.
我劝他改一改他那难看的吃相。 - It's time you amended your ways.
是你改过自新的时候了。 - Try to amend your ways.
- The regulations are amended.
这些规则被修正了。 - Until the constitution is amended, the power to appoint ministers will remain with the president.
在修正宪法之前,任命部长的权力仍属于总统。 - In line 20 “men” should be amended to “people”.
在第20行,men应改为people。 - The country's constitution will have to be amended to allow its troops to take part in United Nations peacekeeping operations.
这个国家的宪法将不得不作修改,以允许其军队参加联合国维持和平行动。 - He asked to see the amended version.
用作动词 (v.)
v. (动词)
- amend的基本意思是“修改,修订”,指对文件、建议、法律等进行略微改进或稍微改动,也可指为使某人或某事物变得更好而“改过”“改善”“改良”。
- #ref;emend
v. (动词)
- amend, emend
- 这两个词读音相近,均含有“修订”的意思。其区别在于:amend主要指对语言通过增、删、改的方法进行修改;而emend则指以找出文稿中错误为目的的“校订”。
- amend, fix, mend, patch, repair
- 这五个词都可表示“修理”“修补”。其区别是:
- 1.fix是口语用词。
- 2.repair是一般用词,凡是损坏、损伤、故障,尤其是收音机、手表、汽车、炉子等这类的机械装置需要“修理”“维修”时用repair。例如:
- We have repaired the motor.我们已经修好了电动机。
- Xiao Wang is repairing desks and chairs in the classroom.小王正在教室里修理桌椅。
- The puncture has been repaired.那个洞被补上了。
- The house must be repaired from top to bottom.这所房子必须彻底进行修理。
- 3.mend多指修补磨损、穿破、撕毁的简单日常用品,也可用于比喻,指改进行为、修改法律、治愈感情创伤等。例如:
- Let me mend the socks for you.让我来给你补袜子。
- The child will soon mend if she has enough to eat.这孩子如果有足够的东西吃就会很快恢复健康。
- The relations between John and David are mending.约翰与戴维的关系在改善。
- It is never too late to mend.改过不嫌晚。
- It is not too late to mend the fold even after some of the sheep have been lost.亡羊补牢,犹未为晚。
- 4.amend是正式用语,含有改造人或法规的缺陷与不足之意。例如:
- You must amend your pronunciation.你必须改正你的发音。
- The thief has amended.这小偷改过自新了。
- It's time you amended your ways.是你改过自新的时候了。
- The regulations are amended.这些规则被修正了。
- 5.patch指用一块材料把有洞的地方、有裂痕的地方、被穿破的地方贴起来。例如:
- The workman patched the ceiling.工人修补了天花板。
- This piece of material is just right to patch the roof.这块材料正好可用来补屋顶。
- He patched all the fences near the house.他把靠近房子的围墙全都修了。
- correct,rectify,remedy,revise,amend
- 这些动词均含“纠正,改正”之意。
- correct指纠正或改正不正确、不真实或有缺点的东西。
- rectify正式用词,意义较抽象,侧重指彻底改正偏离正确标准或规则的东西。
- remedy正式用词,通常指在局部范围内进行纠正,尤指对困难或棘手问题的解决。
- revise指通过仔细阅读、反复思考后而进行改正、订正或修订,使趋于完善。
- amend书面语用词。指进行更正或改变,使之更好,符合更高的要求。
用作动词 (v.)
- amend a document 修正文件
- amend an error 纠错
- amend conditions in the slums 改善贫民窟的境况
- amend one's behaviour 改善行为
- amend one's life 洗心革面
- amend one's ways 改恶从善,改过自新
- amend the Constitution 修改宪法
- amend the error 改正错误
- amend the law 修正法律
- amend the speech 修改演讲稿
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