- vt.欣赏;赏识;感激;领会;意识到vi.增值
- 增值
- 估价
- 了解, 理解,领会
- 察知
- 欣赏,赏识
- 感谢,感激
- 体会,领会,察知
- 正确地评价,鉴别
- 欢迎
- 意识到
- 重视
- 抬高价格,涨价
- vt. 感激,感谢 be pleased about sth that sb has done for you
- vt. 欣赏,赏识,重视 understand and enjoy sth
- vt. 意识到,体会 realize and understand
- vi. & vt. 增值,涨价 increase in value; raise value or prices
recognize with gratitude; be grateful for
be fully aware of; realize fully;
"Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter?"
hold dear;
"I prize these old photographs"
gain in value;
"The yen appreciated again!"
increase the value of;
"The Germans want to appreciate the Deutsche Mark"
- I really appreciate his complete absorption in his work.
我很欣赏他对工作的极端专注。 - I've decided to learn photography in order that I may better appreciate the beauty of nature.
我决定学摄影以便能更好地欣赏自然的美。 - Very few people really appreciate his works.
没人赏识他的作品。 - His talents are not fully appreciated in that company.
他的才干在那家公司未受到充分赏识。 - I deeply appreciate your concern.
我非常感激你的关心。 - I would greatly appreciate it if you would send me the application forms as soon as possible.
若能尽快寄来申请表格,我将不胜感激。 - It is at time like this that one really appreciates the kindness of a friend.
只有在这样的时刻,一个人才会真正领会到朋友的深情厚意。 - They failed to appreciate significance of the precautions.
他们没有意识到这些预防措施的重要性。 - Land will continue to appreciate.
土地将继续增值。 - Our house has appreciated by 50% in the last two years.
- Things appreciate as time goes on.
货物价格逐日上涨。 - The land has appreciated greatly since the new railway was built.
自新铁路建成后,这片地的价值大为增加。 - Houses in this area have all appreciated in value since the new road was built.
新路建好之后这一地区的房子都增值了。 - Apples appreciated 2 to 3 dollars per box.
苹果每箱价格提高二至三美元。 - She can appreciate her friends rightly.
她能正确评价她的朋友。 - I appreciate your help very much.
我非常感谢你的帮助。 - I appreciate the hospitality you have shown us.
感谢你对我们的盛情款待。 - We would much appreciate guidance from an expert.
如能得到行家的指导,我们将非常感谢。 - I should appreciate an early reply to my inquiry.
若能早日答复,我将不胜感激。 - I greatly appreciate your kindness.
我十分感激你的恩德。 - He would much appreciate it if you could do him that favour.
如果你能帮他这个忙,他将十分感激。 - The old general appreciates the young capable and experienced commander very much.
老将军很赏识这位年轻干练的指挥员。 - She appreciates a work of art.
她欣赏一件艺术品。 - You can't appreciate English poetry unless you understand its rhythm.
你若不懂英文诗韵律,就无法欣赏英文诗。 - That's just because you can't appreciate music.
这完全是因为你不会欣赏音乐。 - I appreciate your difficulties.
我理解你的困难。 - They came to appreciate the importance of discipline to an organization.
他们终于懂得了纪律对于一个组织的重要性。 - This helped him appreciate his advantageous position.
这有助于他意识到自己的有利地位。 - New buildings usually appreciate land.
- Your cooperation will be gratefully appreciated.
我们将衷心感谢你的合作。 - Many great writers were not appreciated fully while they were alive.
许多伟大的作家在世的时候并没有得到人们充分的赏识。 - His abilities were not appreciated in that school.
他的才能在该校未受赏识。 - His great courage was not appreciated.
他的巨大勇气无人赏识。 - His new contribution to the advancement of physiology was well appreciated.
他对生理学发展的新贡献获得高度赞赏。 - This discovery is highly appreciated in the circle of science.
这个发现在科学界得到很高的评价。 - Recently rents have been unduly appreciated.
最近租金不适当地提高了。 - We appreciate your helping us.
谢谢你帮助我们。 - He appreciates being advised.
他得到忠告,十分高兴。 - I really appreciate having the danger of this job.
我真的认识到了这份工作的危险性。 - I appreciate that you have come here so early.
感谢你来得这么早。 - I appreciate the task will be long and difficult.
- It is appreciated that a new era is beginning.
据认为一个新时代即将开始。 - I do not appreciate fully what he means.
- appreciate的基本意思是“高度评价某事物”,可表示对某事物理解深刻而能鉴赏或欣赏其价值,特别是美学价值,有时还可表示非常喜欢、非常感激的意思。引申还可表示“增值”。
- appreciate作“感激”“重视”“体会到”解时,是及物动词,可接名词、动名词(但不接动词不定式)作宾语,也可接that从句。可用于被动结构。appreciate作“增值”解时是不及物动词,作“使增值”解时是及物动词。
appreciate后可接that从句。美国人习惯在appreciate后直接加that,而英国人则习惯在that前加上the fact。
I appreciate that the plan has worked well.
I appreciate the fact that the plan has worked well.
He appreciates being advised.
他很感激得到了建议。 -
I shall appreciate it if you will give me his address.
公文里常习惯用It is appreciated that…和It will be appreciated that…的表达方式,不过有人认为可以省略。
I appreciated that you have accomplished the task.
可改成You have accomplished the task。
- appreciate, cherish, prize, treasure, value
- 这组词的共同意思是“高度评价某事物”。其区别是:
- 1.appreciate强调理解并欣赏其价值; value强调高度评价并珍视其价值; prize指珍视; treasure指珍藏。
- 2.cherish与prize和treasure含义相同,指珍视或珍藏,但喜爱之意更甚。
- appreciate, comprehend, see, understand
- 这组词都有“明白”或“理解”的意思。其区别在于:
- 1.see的基本意思可指一般视觉的“看见”,也可指有意识地“观察”,引申可表示由观察而“领会”“理解”。
- 2.comprehend指用智力充分而完全地理解事物的内在含义。例如:
- The child read the story but didn't comprehend its full meaning.那孩子看了这篇故事,但没有理解它的全部意思。
- If you can use a word correctly and effectively you comprehend it.如果你能正确、有效地使用一个词,你就是了解它了。
- 3.understand则是明白别人说的话,完全了解某种事实。例如:
- My wife doesn't understand me.我的妻子不理解我。
- I've read the letter but I don't understand it.这封信我已经看过了,可是看不懂。
- 4.appreciate指对某物有较深的理解能力,强调“欣赏”。例如:
- She appreciated a work of art.她欣赏一件艺术品。
- I am incapable of appreciating classical music.我不会欣赏古典音乐。
- appreciate, enjoy
- 这两个词都有“欣赏”的意思。其区别是:
- 1.appreciate指能鉴定其优劣,品评其价值,而enjoy则只是得到感官或精神上的乐趣或满足。例如:
- She appreciated a work of art.她欣赏一件艺术品。
- They all went to enjoy the cherry blossoms.他们都去观赏樱桃花了。
- 2.appreciate指对某物有较深的理解能力,而enjoy则不需要有较高的修养和理解水平。例如:
- I think everyone enjoyed your wonderful party the other night.我想大家都欣赏那天晚上你举行的精彩的晚会。
- I am incapable of appreciating classical music.我不会欣赏古典音乐。
- 3.appreciate还可用于感谢、感激,而enjoy则没有此义。例如:
- I appreciate your help.我感激你的帮助。
- I really appreciate your advice.真是感激你的忠告。
- appreciate,enjoy
- 这两个动词均含“欣赏”之意。
- appreciate多用于文学方面,强调对事物有深入的理解能力,且能鉴赏。
- enjoy普通用词,使用广泛,程度不及appreciate,多指从外界事物中得到喜悦与满足,领略到乐趣,享受意味强。
- understand,comprehend,appreciate,apprehend,grasp
- 这些动词均有“理解”之意。
- understand一般用词,很常用,指对事实或意义知道得很清楚。
- comprehend较正式用词,指对较复杂的事物能透彻理解其意义。
- appreciate欣赏,指对某事物或意义有正确的认识,对其价值的肯定。
- apprehend指知道某事物或某观念的大概意义,但未能理解其内涵意义,暗含一知半解意味。
- grasp从本义抓紧、抓住,引申作“理解、掌握”。
- appreciate sb's assistance 感谢某人的支援
- appreciate sb's help 感谢某人的帮助
- appreciate sb's kindness 感谢某人的厚意
- appreciate the value of 体会…的价值〔好处〕
- appreciate art 欣赏艺术
- appreciate beautiful things 欣赏美的东西
- appreciate our difficult position 体谅我们的苦衷
- appreciate the genius of Frank 赏识弗兰克的天才
- appreciate good wine 欣赏美酒
- appreciate literature 欣赏文学
- appreciate music 欣赏音乐
- appreciate the pleasure of 享受…的乐趣
- appreciate poem 赏诗
- appreciate shades of meaning 体会意思上的细微差别
- appreciate works of art 欣赏艺术作品
- appreciate better 更好地欣赏
- appreciate much 非常感谢
- appreciate artistically 艺术性地欣赏
- appreciate correctly 正确地评价
- appreciate deeply 深深地感谢
- appreciate fully 充分理解
- appreciate genuinely 真正体会到
- appreciate gratefully 衷心地感谢
- appreciate greatly 非常感谢
- appreciate highly 非常感激
- appreciate justly 公正地评价
- appreciate keenly 深表感激
- appreciate particularly 尤其感谢
- appreciate properly 恰当地评价
- appreciate rapidly 急剧上涨
- appreciate rightly 正确地评价
- appreciate sincerely 诚挚地感谢
- appreciate sufficiently 充分理解
- appreciate universally 普遍赞赏
- appreciate unreasonably 不合理地上涨
- appreciate sth by 以…鉴赏某物
- value 价值
- understand 懂得
- gain 获得
- be grateful for 因 ... 感激
- realize 实现
- grasp 把握
- be thankful for 对 ... 感激
- welcome 欢迎
- be conscious of 察觉, 意识到...
- increase in value 增值,升值
- rise 上升
- escalate 升级
- grow 增加
- treasure 财富
- prize 奖品
- enjoy 享受
- admire 钦佩
- respect 尊敬
- cherish 珍爱
- like 像
- relish 享受
- esteem 尊敬
- acknowledge 承认
- delight 高兴
- love 爱
- credit 信用
- boost 提高
- increase 增加
- inflate 使膨胀
- compound 化合物
- for 为
- perceive 注意到
- applaud 拍手喝彩
- note 笔记
- feel 感觉
- recognize 承认
- acclaim 喝采
- detect 发觉
- improve 改善
- know 了解
- praise 赞美
- enhance 提高
- laud 赞美
- discern 辨别
- be 有
- grateful 感激的
- thank 感谢
- feast 宴会
- care for 照顾
- delight in 因 ... 高兴
- obliged 义不容辞的
- appreciative 有鉴识力的,有眼力的...
- thankful 感谢的
- think highly of 尊重
- care 关心
- in 在 ... 里
- apprize 估价
- apprise 通知
- apprehend 理解
- comprehend 充分理解
- revalue 再评价
- of 关于
- highly 高度地
- think 认为
- depreciate 贬值
- despise 轻视