United States comedian and film actor (1896-1996)
celebrated Scottish poet (1759-1796)
- 1. Which fuel burns most efficiently?
- 哪种燃料燃烧效果最佳?
- 2. Cold tea is very soothing for burns.
- 冷茶对灼伤有镇痛作用。
- 3. She suffered appalling burns to her back.
- 她背部受了严重烧伤。
- 4. Burns had escaped from jail time after time.
- 伯恩斯屡次越狱逃跑。
- 5. The top layer of skin has to be grafted onto the burns.
- 表层皮肤必须移植到烧伤处。
- 6. Scalds, burns and poisoning can all be life-threatening.
- 烫伤、烧伤和中毒都有可能危及生命。
- 7. James Bell suffered second-degree burns in an explosion.
- 詹姆斯·贝尔在一次爆炸中被二度烧伤。
- 8. He suffered third-degree burns over 98 percent of his body.
- 他身上三度烧伤的面积达98%。
- 9. The company, New England Electric, burns coal to generate power.
- 新英格兰电力公司燃烧煤来发电。
- 10. Our backs and hands were covered with sores and burns from the ropes.
- 我们的背和手到处是绳索导致的伤口和灼伤。
- 11. He had two X-ray burns on the back.
- 他背上有两处地方被X射线灼伤。
- 12. My upper lip is always numb and it burns.
- 我的上唇总是麻木,有灼伤感。
- 13. He has burns to one ankle and will need a skin graft.
- 他的一只脚踝烧伤了,需要植皮。
- 14. Sometimes it burns fiercely and other times it's relatively calm.
- 有时它燃烧得很厉害,有时又相对平静。
- 15. The child was rescued from the fire, but died soon after of terrible burns.
- 那孩子被人从大火中救出,但不久就死于严重烧伤。
- 16. It flies using a 23 gallon tank of gas and burns 5 gallons per hour in the air.
- 它使用一个23加仑的油箱飞行,每小时在空中燃烧5加仑。
- 17. We meet together and we say, if anyone's cabin burns down, we'll all come over and help.
- 我们聚在一起商定,如果有人的房子被烧毁了,我们都会过来帮忙。
- 18. The antioxidant nutrients found in papaya have also been proven to reduce muscle inflammation and heal burns and wounds.
- 在木瓜中发现的抗氧化营养素已被证明能降低肌肉炎症以及能愈合烧伤创疡。
- 19. The grass grows up to four metres tall and burns fiercely, creating super hot fires that cause catastrophic tree mortality.
- 草长到四米高,剧烈燃烧,所造成的特大火灾导致树木灾难性的死亡。
- 20. Normally, seeds of Emmenathe penduliflora stay dormant for years and germinate only when a fire burns through their habitat.
- 通常,Emmenathependuliflora 的种子保持休眠状态数年,并且仅在大火燃烧通过其栖息地时发芽。
- 21. The torch symbolized the continuation of the ancient Greek athletic ideals, and it burns throughout the Games until the closing ceremony.
- 火炬象征着古希腊运动理想的延续,它会一直燃烧到奥运会闭幕。
- 22. When a petrol station burns down, you don't just want to know who dropped the cigarette; you want to know why all the combustible fumes escaped.
- 当一座加油站被烧毁,你不仅想知道是谁扔下了烟头,你还想了解所有易燃气体的泄露原因。
- 23. At the base of a mountain in Tanzania's Gregory Rift, Lake Natron burns bright red, surrounded by the remains of animals that were unfortunate enough to fall into the salty water.
- 在坦桑尼亚格雷戈里大裂谷的一座山脚下,纳特龙湖呈现出火焰燃烧般的亮红色,周围是不幸落入咸水的动物遗体。
- 24. The way he treats me really burns me up.
- 他这样对待我真使我恼火。
- 25. Which burns up more calories—swimming or cycling?
- 游泳和骑车,哪种运动消耗热量大?
- 26. The product looks and burns like a regular cigarette.
- 这种产品看上去和点起来都像一支普通的香烟。
- 27. The average adult man burns 1,500 to 2,000 calories per day.
- 一个普通成年男子每天消耗1500到2000卡路里热量。
- 28. It is in the hot lands that the sun burns, sure enough!
- 在热带的国度里,太阳晒得很猛。
- 29. Coal prices also are low, owing to over-supply and the scaling-down of demand, especially from China, which burns half of the world's coal.
- 因为供应过剩和需求下降,煤炭价格也很低,尤其是消耗了全球一半煤炭的中国的需求下降。
- 30. Kapur notes, none of us like to fail, no matter how often Silicon Valley entrepreneurs praise the beneficial effects of an idea that fails or a start-up company that crashes and burns.
- 卡普尔指出,我们都不喜欢失败,不管硅谷的企业家们多么经常地赞扬那些失败想法或崩溃毁掉的初创公司所传达的有益影响。
- Mrs Burns doesn't seem to have benefited from the treatment.
用作名词 (n.)
- Robert Burns 彭斯(1759-96),...
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