- 私道
- 1. Instead of driving through the parking garage lane-by-lane to find thespot closest to the office, why not park far away and get a morning walk in?
- 不要再一圈又一圈地在停车场内绕来绕去--只为找到一个离办公场所近的车位了,为什么不停远一点再晨走呢?
- 2. Huffing and puffing in the curb lane, traffic whizzing by just inches away, the man pedaling the cyclo is quickly left behind.
- 就在这名骑着三轮车的男子在路沿边喘息的功夫,车辆在几英寸外呼啸而去,他就迅速被甩在后面了。
- 3. Last year's addition of a lane to the nearby Green Highway was followed by a worsening of traffic jams on it.
- 去年在附近的绿色高速公路上增加了一条车道后,交通拥堵加剧。
- 4. The book Sharks Don't Get Cancer by I. William Lane is, believe it or not, the source for this erroneous rumor.
- 信不信由你,威廉·莱恩的书《鲨鱼不会患上癌症》是错误传言的来源。
- 5. As I went along the deeply shaded lane, with its close thorny seora hedges, by the side of the tank covered with green water weeds, I rapturously took in picture after picture.
- 当我走在浓荫的小巷子里,两旁是些密密的、带刺的“塞欧拉”树篱,巷子旁边有个长满绿色水草的水池。 我狂喜地把一幅又一幅的图画尽收眼底。
- 6. This interchange was opened in 1993. It is a 4 level interchange with a restricted access lane that can be used by high-occupancy vehicles.
- 此项目于1993年通车,带有严格限制的入口车道由4层立交组成,充分满足车辆的使用。
- 7. It is a 4 level interchange with a restricted access lane that can be used by high-occupancy vehicles.
- 这是一个4层立交,有一条供高承载车辆专用的受限车道。
- 8. For one, he was not among the four new board members chosen in January, a process that was led by Ray Lane.
- 原因之一是,他并非1月份入选董事会的4位新董事之一(这一程序是由雷•莱恩主导的)。
- 9. A Lane represents a grouping of activities, usually to indicate that they are all performed by the same entity (e.g., person or it system) or role.
- Lane表示活动的分组,通常用于表明一组活动均由相同的实体(例如,人员或IT系统)或者角色执行。
- 10. He dropped us off on the side of a street that had evidently once been a quiet country lane, but over the last decade had become absorbed by the suburbs.
- 他让我们在一条街边下车,一看就知道这条街在过去是一条安静的乡村小道,但过去十年来已成为市郊的一部分了。
- 11. The same phenomenon occurs while driving, when you move into the right lane, only to have the traffic stall as the left lane speeds by.
- 同样的状况也出现在驾驶过程之中,当你驶进右边车道时,这边车道突然间发生了交通阻塞,而干刚离开的左边车道则慢慢加速。
- 12. She asked the turnpike-keeper if she might deposit her things at his house for a while, and, on his offering no objection, she dismissed her carriage, and went on to the village alone by a back lane.
- 她问看守收税栅门的人,她可不可以把她的东西在他的家里存放一会儿,得到了看守收税栅门的人的同意,她就把马车打发走了,独自一人从一条僻静的篱路向村子走去。
- 13. Something in the number seemed familiar and horrible. Moved by an uncontrollable impulse, I sprang into a side street and ran until I fell exhausted in a country lane.
- 编上号的事物听上去总是很熟悉但也很可怕,我被一股难以控制的冲动驱使,冲向街边,跑啊跑,一直跑到乡村的小路上,精疲力尽。
- 14. For computer users, it could mean that Web sites by companies not able to strike fast-lane deals will respond more slowly than those by companies able to pay.
- 对于计算机用户而言,这意味着那些不能达成快速通道协议的网站,其响应速度将大大慢于那些支付得起的公司。
- 15. It isn't in a good location, however, surrounded by eight-lane roads and piles of brick, and we didn't feel safe when we went to get food.
- 但是这家酒店的位置不是很好,四周被八车道的马路所环绕,还有些地方堆着很多的砖块,当我们外出去吃饭时我感觉很不安全。
- 16. By the time I neared my destination about a half-hour later, traffic had picked up a bit, and I discovered an actual bike lane, which lasted for about 20 blocks before disappearing again.
- 我还有一小时就抵达目的地的时候,路上的车渐渐多了,我发现了一条真正的自行车道,它绵延了将近20个街区才消失。
- 17. Last night Mr Kingdom told of the moment he feared his party was in the stalker's line of fire, and how he was confronted by a man in a sinister exchange on a deserted country lane.
- 昨晚,金顿姆先生讲述了当时他还害怕自己是在枪手射击的方向,以及在一个少有人走的乡间路上他与一个人进行了怎样诡异的对话。
- 18. Or how about this from North Carolina State University: a computer that detect whether or not your car is drifting out of its lane and then takes over to correct it by keeping it on the road.
- 或者就是这个来自北卡罗莱纳州立大学:电脑检测是否是你的车出了漂流线,然后接管改正的道路上保持它。
- 19. My trip down history lane was disappointing, though; unfortunately the buildings were largely obscured by horrendous tchotchke-selling stands set up along the middle of the street.
- 不过,我的这场历史之旅却不尽如人意;很不幸,街道中间林立着可怕的兜售廉价饰物的小摊,将这些建筑湮没了。
- 20. They turned right out of Bells Lane onto Southport Road, idling their way alongthe footpath that was separated from the roadway by a grass verge about sixfeet wide.
- 他们从贝尔兹路向右拐进南口路,在一条小径上徘徊,小径与车道之间隔着六英尺的草地。
- 21. Franny is first seen during a football weekend being met at the station by a young man named Lane Coutell.
- 刚开始,在一个足球比赛的周末,弗兰妮在火车站与一位名为赖恩•康特尔的年轻人见面。
- 22. Take a trip down memory lane by recreating your first date.
- 通过再现你们的第一次约会来唤起曾经美好的回忆。
- 23. By packing players into the lane, a zone can make driving to the basket more difficult for Wade and James.
- 防守球员站成线,区域联防使得詹姆斯和韦德这种喜欢攻击篮筐的球员难以轻松得分。
- 24. One of two Theatre Royal’s in London (and one of many located throughout the country), it is the one on Drury Lane that is infamous for being haunted by both good and bad spirits.
- 作为伦敦两个皇家剧院之一(也是英国众多皇家剧院之一),坐落于特鲁里街上,因正义与邪恶幽灵出没而出名。
- 25. Two old pensioners are taking a trip down memory lane by going back to the place where they first met.
- 有两个已在领取养老金的老人,为了找回年轻时代的记忆,决定到他们第一次相会的地方去看看。
- 26. After jumping aboard the Japanese ship, Briton Giles Lane and Australian Benjamin Potts were detained by the Japanese crew for almost three days.
- 英国人贾尔斯·莱恩和澳大利亚人本杰明·波茨一跳上日本船只的甲板就立即被日本船员扣留,扣留几乎达三天之久。
- 27. I went to a game at Bramall Lane a few years ago that was delayed by the weather.
- 几年前我去过布拉莫尔小巷的一场因天气原因推迟的比赛。
- 28. Non-motor vehicles shall run within the non-motor vehicle lanes; or shall, on the road without non-motor vehicle lanes, run by the right side of the vehicle lane.
- 非机动车应当在非机动车道内行驶;在没有非机动车道的道路上,应当靠车行道的右侧行驶。
- 29. Non-motor vehicles shall run within the non-motor vehicle lanes; or shall, on the road without non-motor vehicle lanes, run by the right side of the vehicle lane.
- 非机动车应当在非机动车道内行驶;在没有非机动车道的道路上,应当靠车行道的右侧行驶。
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