- 名声
- 名人
- 名流
- 著名
- 名誉
- 扬名
- 知名之士
- 赫赫有名的人物
- 尽人皆知的人
- 大人物
- 达官贵人
- 名望
- 声誉
- 著名人士
- 社会名流
n. (名词)
- [C](尤指娱乐界的)名人,名流 a famous person,especially in the business of entertainment
- [U]名声,名誉 the state of being famous;fame
n. (名词)
a widely known person;
"he was a baseball celebrity"
the state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimed
- She became a celebrity overnight.
她一下变成名人了。 - He was voted the worst dressed celebrity.
大家一致认为他是衣着最差的名人。 - Celebrity, money and possessions are too often the touchstones for teenagers.
名誉、金钱和财产常常成为青少年们衡量事物的标准。 - She achieved celebrity status overnight.
用作名词 (n.)
- The hotel is well known for its celebrity guests.
这家饭店因有明星入住而闻名遐迩。 - The crowd pressed forward to see the celebrity.
人群挤向前去看那位知名人士。 - The mayor is a local celebrity.
这位市长是当地的知名人士。 - Unlike many actors, he never enjoyed his celebrity.
用作名词 (n.)
- celebrity worship syndrome 名人崇拜症候群...
- pro-celebrity 名人和职业选手联队的...
- notable 显著的
- somebody 某人
- fame 名声
- renown 名望
- superstar 超级明星
- star 星
- personality 个性
- celeb 著名人士
- name 名称
- big shot <俚>大人物
- figure 图形
- household name 家喻户晓的事或人...
- public figure 公众人物
- reputation 好名声
- glory 光荣
- heroine 女英雄
- notoriety 臭名昭著
- prominence 突出物
- superstardom superstar的名词...
- stardom 明星地位
- recognition 承认
- acclaim 喝采
- popularity 普及
- person 人
- well-known 出名的
- distinction 荣誉
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