come through
- 经历; 脱险; 安然度过
"The sun broke through the clouds"
"The rescue team broke through the wall in the mine shaft"
succeed in reaching a real or abstract destination after overcoming problems;
"We finally got through the bureaucracy and could talk to the Minister"
continue in existence after (an adversity, etc.);
"He survived the cancer against all odds"
attain success or reach a desired goal;
"The enterprise succeeded"
"We succeeded in getting tickets to the show"
"she struggled to overcome her handicap and won"
- 1. The team will come through this barren patch and start to win again.
- 这个队将会在经历这段低潮时期之后再创佳绩。
- 2. This has tested our marriage, and we have come through it stronger than ever.
- 这已经考验了我们的婚姻,我们经历它之后比以往更加牢固。
- 3. Whatever the vicissitudes of her past life, Jill now seems to have come through.
- 不管过去经历了什么世事变迁,吉尔现在似乎已经度过难关了。
- 4. The author has had some hard times, but she has come through.
- 这位作家经历了一些艰难的时期,但她挺过来了。
- 5. Many come through periods of stress with more physical and mental vigor than they had before.
- 许多人在经历了一段时间的压力后,身心都比以前更有活力。
- 6. Yes, the power indicator was on, and it was running, but somehow the sound didn't come through.
- 是的,电源指示灯是亮的,机器也正在运行,但是不知怎么的声音就是出不来。
- 7. Cosmic rays of various kinds come through the air from outer space, but enormous quantities of radiation from the sun are screened off.
- 来自外太空的各种宇宙射线通过空气进入大气层,但来自太阳的大量辐射却被屏蔽了。
- 8. The city had faced racial crisis and come through it.
- 该城曾面临种族危机,但现已度过难关了。
- 9. He had to wait for months for the visas to come through.
- 他不得不等好几个月才领到签证。
- 10. With such a weak heart she was lucky to come through the operation.
- 她的心脏很弱,手术后能活下来真是幸运。
- 11. The father of the baby was waiting for his divorce to come through.
- 婴儿的父亲正等着离婚协议批下来。
- 12. He puts his administration at risk if he doesn't come through on these promises for reform.
- 如果他不能兑现这些改革的承诺,他将使他的政府处于危险境地。
- 13. His humanity and charm come through in this book despite the author's sometimes grating journalese.
- 除了一些陈词滥调的新闻文体,作者的博爱精神和人格魅力贯彻了全书。
- 14. I didn't come through th' door.
- 我没有从门进来。
- 15. Shake hands—yourn'll come through the bars, but mine's too big.
- 握握手吧——你们的手可以从窗户缝里伸进来,但我的手太大了。
- 16. Over the next few hours, I watched hundreds of people come through the shelter.
- 在接下来的几个小时里,我看到数百人从避难所出来。
- 17. Right habits come through pain.
- 正确的习惯要经历痛苦。
- 18. God's greatest gifts come through travail.
- 神的最大赐予,都要经过了苦痛方能得到。
- 19. Can your business come through a crisis well?
- 你的商业能度过危机吗?
- 20. Adjustment could come through higher rents and wages.
- 调整可以通过更高的租价和工资来实现。
- 21. Expect coworkers not to 5 come through sometimes.
- 料想着你的同事有时会不守承诺。
- 22. Does water always come through the roof in this place?
- 这儿的屋顶总是漏水吗?
- 23. In Australia, nearly all its sales come through the Web.
- 在澳大利亚,几乎所有的票都是通过网上销售出去的。
- 24. What happens after the appropriations bills come through?
- 拨款法案通过以后,会出现什么情况?
- 25. It might take some time for a new feeling to come through.
- 要克服一种新感觉需要一段时间。
- 26. He has now come through the experience battered, but still alive.
- 如今他痛苦的熬过了这段经历,但是还活着。
- 27. Your best gains will come through helping others emotionally.
- 情感上帮助别人,你会收获最多。
- 28. So to come through and prove it to myself was a great feeling.
- 因此,(从失败中)恢复过来并且证明自己,这种感觉非常棒。
- 29. In its first ten years the euro has come through several tests already.
- 第一个十年,欧元经历了重重考验。
- 30. In its first ten years the euro has come through several tests already.
- 第一个十年,欧元经历了重重考验。
- They went through the agonies of war and famine.
他们经历了战争和饥荒的痛苦。 - The country has gone through too many wars.
这个国家经历了太多的战争。 - She was luck to come through the war.
她很幸运在战争中脱险了。 - It's a wonder that the child came through without a scratch.
- come in through the hawsehole 从普通水手做起,水兵...
- come through with flying colors 获得大胜利(大为成功...
- come through 经历
- come up through the ranks 行伍出身
- compass 圆规
- bring home the bacon 养家糊口
- win 赢
- pull round 恢复健康
- make it 成功 达到预定目标,性交...
- succeed 成功
- break through 突破
- pull through (使)脱离危险...
- deliver the goods 交货
- get through 通过
- survive 幸免于难