- vt.谴责;判刑
- 谴责
- 使某人注定要
- 定(某人)罪
- 判(某人)罪
- 宣告
- 宣告(患者)无法治疗
- 宣告…完全无用
- 决定废弃
- 报废
- 责备
- 责难
- 宣告…有罪
- 判…刑
- 迫使…处于(不幸的状态)
- 宣告…不适用
- 宣告患不治之症
- 宣告没收
- 充公
- 判处
- 迫使…接受困境
- 宣告使用…不安全
- 证明有罪
- 指责
- 宣判
- vt. 谴责,责备 express strong disapproval
- vt. 判罪,处刑 give judgement against
- vt. 宣布…不能使用〔不适用〕 declare sth not to be useful or fit for
express strong disapproval of;
"We condemn the racism in South Africa"
"These ideas were reprobated"
declare or judge unfit for use or habitation;
"The building was condemned by the inspector"
compel or force into a particular state or activity;
"His devotion to his sick wife condemned him to a lonely existence"
demonstrate the guilt of (someone);
"Her strange behavior condemned her"
pronounce a sentence on (somebody) in a court of law;
"He was condemned to ten years in prison"
appropriate (property) for public use;
"the county condemned the land to build a highway"
- We must not condemn her on pure supposition.
我们不能单凭猜测就谴责她。 - We condemn all sorts of slanders.
我们谴责一切诽谤中伤的言论。 - Most people are willing to condemn violence.
大部分的人极力谴责暴力。 - The criminal was condemned to death.
- Everyone condemned his foolish behaviour.
人人都责备他的愚蠢行为。 - Brooks called on world opinion to condemn their policy of aggression.
布鲁克斯号召世界舆论谴责他们的侵略政策。 - The manager strongly condemned empty talk instead of hard work.
- She was unjustly condemned.
她受到了不公正的指责。 - Murder is condemned by all reasonable people.
谋杀为一切有理性的人们所谴责。 - The house had been condemned because it was no longer safe.
因为不安全,此房已被宣布不能使用。 - He condemned the report partial and inadequate.
他指责这报道是偏袒的,不适当的。 - They condemned the food as unfit for human consumption.
他们宣布这种食物不适于人食用。 - The judge condemned him to pay a fine.
法官对他作了罚款的判决。 - The judge condemned the killer to spend all his life in prison.
- condemn的基本意思是责备或非难某人的不良行为,其批评的含义较强。condemn主要指最后的决定性的评价,所以常可用于表示“判罪”“处刑”,有时condemn也可指随意地、令人不快地评价。
- condemn作“谴责”“责备”解时接名词或代词作宾语,宾语后常接介词for表示原因,不能接that引导的从句; 作“判罪”解时,宾语后可跟动词不定式,也常跟介词to表示宣判的结果,接介词for表示判罪的原因; 作“宣布…不能使用/不适用”解时,可接名词或代词作宾语,还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。
- condemn可用于被动结构。
- condemn, accuse, blame, rebuke, scold
- 这组词都含有“骂”“责怪”的意思。其区别是:
- 1.前四个词均可指“有理由地骂〔责备〕某人”,而scold则不一定有充分的理由。例如:
- She is always scolding.她总是骂个不停。
- 2.blame指因出差错而受责备; condemn指某人有不好的行为而受责备; rebuke指因某人有不好的态度而责备; 而accuse多指因粗心、失信或不负责任而受指责,有时也作“控告”“谴责”解。例如:
- It's all my fault.I'm to blame.这都是我的错,都怪我。
- I did not condemn him for what he had done.我并没有因他的所作所为而指责他。
- She rebuked her lawyer for his authoritarian attitude to his clients.她指责她的律师对待委托人的命令式态度。
- They accused me of carelessness.他们指责我粗心大意。
- 3.accuse常用于accuse sb of sth结构;而blame常用于blame sb for sth结构。
- condemn, sentence
- 这两个词的共同意思是“判处,宣判”。在表示“判处死刑”时,二者可通用; 在表示“判处…年徒刑”时,两者用法不同,用sentence时,年限在前,刑罚在后,用condemn时刑罚在前,年限在后。试比较:
- 她被判处8年徒刑。
- She was sentenced to eight years' imprisonment.
- She was condemned to imprisonment for eight years.
- blame,accuse,condemn,scold,denounce,reproach,rebuke
- 这些动词均含有“责备,非难”之意。
- blame普通用词,语气较弱,仅是一般的责难、归咎于,不含用语言责骂之意。
- accuse语气比blame强,本义为归罪,可用作指非难或谴责之义。
- condemn正式用词,表示谴责,有较强的司法意味,侧重从道义或原则上的谴责。
- scold普通用词,多指上级对下级、长辈对后辈或雇主对雇员的态度粗暴、言词激烈的数落。
- denounce与condemn同义,但着重公开性。
- reproach侧重指因他人粗心、自私等引起不满而去指责、找岔。
- rebuke多指上级对下级进行的公开、强烈、严正而不宽容的责备。隐含一定权威的意味。
- sentence,condemn,judge,convict,doom
- 这些动词均含有“判决、宣判”之意。
- sentence法律用词,指根据罪犯所犯罪行的轻重而宣判处罚。
- condemn指法院对审理结束的案件做出的定罪判刑。
- judge指对案件作出审理判决,但判决内容较笼统,不如sentence和condemn使用广泛。
- convict法律用词,指审判后判定有罪,但未作最后判决。
- doom书面用词,指郑重他宣判某人有罪。
- condemn for (v.+prep.)
因…而鄙夷〔指责〕 have a poor opinion of (sb/sth) because of (sth bad)
condemn sb/sth for sthWe condemned him for his bad conduct.
The whole town condemned the girl for her wild behaviour.
I did not condemn him for what he had done.
The city is condemned for its high crime rate.
- condemn to (v.+prep.)
迫使(某人)处于(不幸的状态或位置) force (sb) into (an unfortunate state or position)
- condemn one's foolish behaviour 责备某人的愚蠢行为
- condemn murder 谴责谋杀行为
- condemn the policy of aggression 谴责侵略政策
- condemn blindly 盲目谴责
- condemn indignantly 愤怒地谴责
- condemn indiscriminately 不分青红皂白地责难
- condemn mercilessly 无情地谴责
- condemn mildly 温和地责备
- condemn publicly 公开地谴责
- condemn severely 严厉地谴责
- condemn strongly 强烈地谴责
- condemn unfairly〔unjustly〕 不公正地谴责
- condemn unhesitatingly 毫不犹豫地谴责
- condemn unsparingly 不留情地指责
- condemn as 把…谴责为,宣告(某人)犯有…罪
- condemn as traitors 宣告犯有叛逆罪
- condemn for 因…而宣告…有罪
- condemn for stealing 因偷…被宣告有罪
- condemn sb for theft 判某人盗窃罪
- condemn sb for treacherous behaviour 因为…背信弃义而谴责…
- condemn sb to sth 判某人…罪,处某人…刑
- condemn sb to death 判某人死刑
- condemn sb to hard labor 判苦役
- condemn sb to a life imprisonment 判无期徒刑
- condemn sb to prison for ten years 判处十年徒刑