fall due
- v. 到期
- 1. The bill will soon fall due.
- 票据即将到期。
- 2. Now the bills will fall due.
- 现在还债的日期将至。
- 3. To reduce the length of a fall due to fatigue, loose rock or a slip.
- 减少疲惫时、岩块松垮时或失足时坠落的长度。
- 4. It's also good news if prices fall due to the collapse of a speculative bubble.
- 即使价格下降是由于投机泡沫的破灭造成的,也仍然是个好消息。
- 5. Instead, they buy futures and options which they settle with a cash payment when they fall due.
- 相反,他们购买的是那些到期时以现金支付的期货及期权。
- 6. Much of the debt at companies that buy-out firms purchased at the market's peak will fall due between 2012 and 2014.
- 收购公司在市场的高峰期所购买的企业的大部分债务将预计在2012年与2014年期间有所减少。
- 7. Fall due a colleague supply probing in theory as in the interest of education, the useful reference is carry out to supply in the education in the interest of senior middle school gym.
- 既为其它教育界同行提供理论上的探索,同时也为高中体育的教育教学实践提供了有益的参考。
- 8. The industry has already seen a sharp fall in sales due to Spain's economic problems.
- 由于西班牙的经济问题,该行业的销量已经急剧下降。
- 9. But that fall was due almost entirely to the stock-market crash, and with it a 50 percent reduction in realized capital gains.
- 但是这些下降几乎完全是由于股市的崩溃,从而使与其相关的实际资本收益下降了50%。
- 10. Those sums are due to fall soon, when a temporary boost expires.Even the current package is meagre.
- 当临时支援到期后,该救济金额就会减少,尽管目前该救济金额很微薄。
- 11. Swiss Post's letter division, for instance, says its profit margin will fall from 8.5% in 2008 to 3.3% in 2009, due mainly to a drop in volumes.
- 以瑞士邮政行业为例,其负责人表示,由于业务大幅减少,2009瑞士邮递业的盈利差额将从2008年的8.5%降至3.3%。
- 12. The fall before she was due to graduate, Kathy attended a nursing career fair.
- 毕业之前的一个秋季,凯西参加了一个护理职业招聘会。
- 13. The climate may have changed due to a dramatic fall in atmospheric methane when these animals, or "megafauna", disappeared.
- 在这些动物,即“巨型土壤动物”消失以后,沼气量的急剧下降可能造成了气候的改变。
- 14. They are not regulated like a boy's hormones but come in huge waves over a 28-day cycle and can cause havoc for many girls and women due to the rise and fall of emotions that go with it.
- 它们不像男性激素那样受大脑调节,而是按照一个28日周期巨浪般涌现,由于情感方面巨大起伏,能给许多少女和妇女造成伤害。
- 15. Investors may also be worried that profits are high, relative to GDP, and are thus due for a fall.
- 投资者也许也会担心相对于gdp,利润过高,因此应该会下降。
- 16. Is it part of your nature to be good or bad or is it largely due to the situation that you fall in?
- 人性究竟是善还是恶,或者说是否应当更多地归因于所处的环境。
- 17. Annual US death rates from AIDS dramatically fall for the first time, due to the introduction of haart.
- 由于HAART疗法的引入,美国年度艾滋病死亡率显著下降。
- 18. He canceled a joint tour with Lady Gaga that fall, apparently due to low ticket sales.
- 他取消了在秋季与lady gaga的联合巡回演出很明显是因为演唱会门票销售的不景气。
- 19. New York firefighter Matt Komorowski survived the north tower’s collapse with 15 others due to a staircase that withstood the fall.
- MattKomorowski是一名纽约消防员,在北楼坍塌时,他与另外15人躲在世贸大厦一间楼梯间内,因而得以幸存。
- 20. Much of the fall was due to businesses slashing inventories to cope with drops in sales.
- 这次下降主要是由于企业为应对销售下降而削减存货引起的。
- 21. If you fall asleep easily but awaken several hours later, it may be due to low blood sugar.
- 如果你很容易睡着但在几个小时之后就会醒来,这可能是由于低血糖引起。
- 22. This week it said operating profits for the first six months of the year would fall by 23%, mainly due to an abysmal performance in French hypermarkets (France accounts for 44% of the group's sales).
- 本周有消息称家乐福法国分支经营惨淡导致上半年的营业利润下跌23%(法国销售量占该集团销售总额的44%)。
- 23. This suggests the price of German and American debt is due to fall someday.
- 这告诉我们,德国与美国的国债价格总有一天会下跌。
- 24. And with the partial exception of Greece, whatever fiscal crises there exist are due to a recession-driven fall in tax revenue and bank bailouts, rather than overspending.
- 局部例外的希腊,其财政危机的存在不因为是挥霍无度,而是由于衰退造成的税收收入下降和银行的援助。
- 25. Faced with a fall in tourist Numbers due to the financial crisis and a reputation for unfriendliness, the Paris Tourist Board has made a simple request of the city's residents: smile.
- 受金融危机和法国人不友好名声的影响,来法游客人数有所下降,对此巴黎市旅游局向市民提出了一个简单的要求:微笑。
- 26. This extraordinary fall is almost entirely due to the collapse of the three major Banks last week.
- 非同寻常的大跌可以说完全是因为三家大型银行在上周的崩溃。
- 27. Nearly half of this was due to the dollar's fall against other currencies, but the rest came from economic growth and a rising population.
- 其中近一半功劳要记到美元对其他货币的贬值头上,余下的部分则可以归于经济增长和人口上升。
- 28. Nearly half of this was due to the dollar's fall against other currencies, but the rest came from economic growth and a rising population.
- 其中近一半功劳要记到美元对其他货币的贬值头上,余下的部分则可以归于经济增长和人口上升。
- My fixdeposit certificate fall due yesterday.
我定期存折昨天到期了。 - The fifth progress payment is due in March.
用作动词 (v.)
- fall due 到期
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