focal spot
- 焦斑
- 1. Objective To improve HIFU focal spot accuracy.
- 目的:提高HIFU焦斑精度。
- 2. There are no evident energy gain when the focal spot size is too big or small.
- 电子的能量增益有一个最佳焦斑大小。
- 3. The focal spot, size depend on the pinhole diaphragm diameter of spatial filter.
- 光斑尺寸和空间滤波系统的针孔光阑直径有关。
- 4. The sizes of focal spot and detector aperture are the factors affecting ct image quality.
- 射线源焦点及探测器孔径大小是导致CT图象降质的主要因素。
- 5. Using this focusing system, the laser microbeam instrument has got the focal spot size of less than 0.
- 用这个激光聚焦系统,激光微束仪能获得直径小于0。
- 6. From the result we can see that using this method we can get high accuracy in the focal spot measuring.
- 设计结果表明,利用旋转椭球面进行大口径取样镜设计可以使焦斑测量具有极高的准确性。
- 7. The measurement method and error analysis method of GRIN lens focal spot diameter in IR wavelength are described.
- 主要介绍GRIN透镜在红外波段聚焦光斑直径的测量方法及误差分析。
- 8. Can focus sunlight in the focal plane, the formation area of different sizes and brightness of different focal spot.
- 可以把太阳光聚焦在焦面内,形成面枳大小不同和亮度不同的焦斑。
- 9. Under the different laser parameters, the electron energy gain depends on the laser intensity, focal spot size and pulse width.
- 不同激光参鼍条件下,得到了电子的能量增益与激光强度、焦斑大小和脉冲宽度关系。
- 10. The focal spot sizes can immediately influence picture definition when X-ray machine carry through clairvoyance and photography.
- 焦点的尺寸大小及聚焦质量直接影响X射线机透视、摄影图像的清晰度;
- 11. By infrared thermal imaging techniques in this thesis, the focal spot size and focal length of this dielectric lens antenna are measured.
- 本论文应用红外热成像技术,对毫米波介质透镜天线的焦斑焦距进行了测量。
- 12. The result power spectrum analyses of focal spot show that the smoothing effect is caused by middle and high frequency intensity suppression.
- 对焦斑点功率谱的分析表明谱色散平滑通过抑制焦斑中高频的频谱强度达到平滑效果。
- 13. When the heater is placed in the pot, kettle, etc. , it is placed in the focal spot, and the larger solar radiant energy density can be obtained.
- 把用热器放在锅、水壶等)放在焦斑处,就可以得到较大的太阳辐射能流密度,也就是说,在单位面积上可以得到较高的太阳辐射功率。
- 14. But the size perpendicular to polarization direction of focal spot with linear polarized beam is always smaller than that of radially polarized beam.
- 而线偏振光聚焦光斑垂直于偏振方向的直径始终小于径向偏振光聚焦光斑直径。
- 15. Simulation results show that the size of the focal spot increases with the number of color cycles and the basic pulse bandwidth in the dispersing direction.
- 模拟结果表明,焦斑尺寸随色循环数和光栅色散方向上基准脉冲带宽的增加而增大。
- 16. The upper limit values of blurred area coverage of focal spot caused by the fluctuation of accelerating gap voltage are also calculated using a approximate method.
- 同时通过近似计算给出了由于加速间隙电压波动引起束聚焦焦斑模糊范围增大的上限值。
- 17. The Modulation Transfer Function(MTF) of X-ray tube focal sPOt and its size are the main parameters, which can be used to describe the photo function of X-ray tube focal spots.
- 线管焦点的调制传递函数(MTF)和焦点尺寸是描述X线管焦点成像性能的主要参数。
- 18. The centroid position of the focal spot directly depending on intensity distribution and phase slope distribution of near field is derived and its physical meaning is described.
- 进一步推导了焦斑质心位置对光束近场强度分布和相位斜率分布的依赖关系式,并对该式清晰的物理意义进行了阐述。
- 19. The phase difference caused by piston error translated with the tiled-grating compressor, the focal spot was affected by both non-integral number of grating space and out-of-plane piston error.
- 位移偏差引入的相位随着拼接光栅压缩器传递,其对远场焦斑的影响,取决于每片子光栅的非整数倍光栅常数的横向位移偏差和纵向位移偏差的综合作用。
- 20. The focal point of a visit to Hangzhou is West Lake, a tranquil spot of striking beauty.
- 杭州参观的焦点是西湖,一个引人注目的精美的景点。
- 21. By dust spot with focal weeks emphysema is given priority to, with mild diffuse pulmonary fibrosis.
- 以尘斑伴灶周肺气肿为主,可有轻度弥漫性肺纤维化。
- 22. An efficient way of using a DOE to shape the laser writing spot under the objectives with various focal lengths is presented.
- 提出对不同焦距写入物镜下的焦斑,利用同一个DOE加以整形的方法。
- 23. The results show that the intensity distribution of focused EFGB change quickly, especially near the focal point, and the spot will rotates quickly.
- 结果表明,EFGB聚焦后,近场光强分布变化很快,特别是焦点前后,光强分布会快速旋转。
- 24. Results the make plan passed through on the locale evaluation, put forward make plan focal point on the locale evaluation of appraise standard, spot-method, forms design and the application result.
- 结果本文通过现场评价的策划,提出现场评价策划的重点是评价标准、抽样方法、表格设计和评价结果的应用。
- 25. Our country takes the shed to a person of company, is for several dozens years company law domain intense argument focal point and the hot spot.
- 我国对一人公司的取舍,是几十年来公司法领域激烈争论的焦点和热点。
- 26. The university employment question has become the hot spot and the focal point which the society pays attention.
- 大学就业问题已成为社会关注的热点和焦点。
- 27. The radius and position of waist spot of CO2 laser beam focused by a single Ge lens were measured experimentally, and the focal length of the Ge lens was determined. The result is in agreement w...
- 实验测量了经单一锗透镜聚焦后的CO_2激光束的腰斑半径和位置,同时确定了聚焦锗透镜的焦距,其结果与实际情况一致。
- 28. The radius and position of waist spot of CO2 laser beam focused by a single Ge lens were measured experimentally, and the focal length of the Ge lens was determined. The result is in agreement w...
- 实验测量了经单一锗透镜聚焦后的CO_2激光束的腰斑半径和位置,同时确定了聚焦锗透镜的焦距,其结果与实际情况一致。
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