- adj. 包括的;内藏的
- 动词include的过去式和过去分词.
- 包括在内的
- 【数】被夹的
- 【植】(花柱、雄蕊等)内藏的,不伸出的
- <古>禁闭的
- 动词include的过去式和过去分词
adj. (形容词)
enclosed in the same envelope or package;
"the included check"
- 1. Entertainment included a ventriloquist.
- 演出的包括一名口技表演者。
- 2. The cruise included several days ashore.
- 这次航行包括几天陆上行程。
- 3. Many runners, myself included, are loners.
- 包括我本人在内的许多赛跑选手都是喜欢独来独往的人。
- 4. Symptoms included frequent dryness in the mouth.
- 症状包括经常口干。
- 5. The tour included a visit to the Science Museum.
- 这次游览包括参观科学博物馆。
- 6. Travel and overnight accommodation are included.
- 旅行及夜间住宿是包含在内的。
- 7. The crowd included a big contingent from Cleveland.
- 人群中包括一个来自克利夫兰的大型代表团。
- 8. The festivities included a huge display of fireworks.
- 庆典包括大规模的烟花燃放。
- 9. The car rental included unlimited mileage, but not fuel.
- 汽车租金不限里程,但不包括燃油费。
- 10. Transport to and from the airport is included in the price.
- 价格中包括往返机场的交通费。
- 11. The procession included a tableau of the Battle of Hastings.
- 游行队伍中包括黑斯廷斯战役的人物造型。
- 12. Hotel accommodation is included in the price of your holiday.
- 你度假的价款包括旅馆住宿在内。
- 13. These books scream out to be included in a list of favourites.
- 这几本书亟须列入最受读者喜爱的书目之中。
- 14. Again, buyers need to check if carriage is included in the price.
- 此外,买主需要核实售价中是否包含运费。
- 15. The collagen that is included in face creams comes from animal skin.
- 面霜中包含的胶原蛋白来自于动物皮肤。
- 16. The transfer from the airport to the hotel is included in the price.
- 票价包括从机场转车到旅馆的费用。
- 17. A sightseeing tour of the city is included to help you get your bearings.
- 城市观光游包括在内,以帮助你们弄清方向。
- 18. Get several written quotations and check exactly what's included in the cost.
- 弄几份书面报价来,并查清楚成本中包含哪些内容。
- 19. He began college with a timetable that included biology, calculus and political science.
- 他开始了大学生活,课程表上包括生物、微积分和政治学。
- 20. When Republican write-ins were included, Johnson's margin of victory was only 330 votes.
- 若将共和党非推荐候选人所获选票包括在内,约翰逊只以330票的微弱优势获胜。
- 21. The president's plan first came under fire from critics who said he hadn't included enough spending cuts.
- 总统的计划首先受到了反对者们的猛烈抨击,他们说他没有把足够的费用削减包含在内。
- 22. It's included in the house rent.
- 这包括在房租里。
- 23. A list of references must be included.
- 参考文献必须要包括在内。
- 24. The freight is included in the account.
- 运费包括在账内。
- 25. What kind of animals have been included in 2019?
- 2019年包括了哪些动物?
- 26. Streets, landmarks and points of interest are included.
- 街道、地标和景点都包括在内。
- 27. Jefferson's collection included 7,000 books in seven languages.
- 杰弗逊的收藏物里包括七种语言的7000本书。
- 28. The menu included roast grouse.
- 菜单里有烤松鸡肉。
- 29. We all went, me included.
- 我们都去了,连我在内。
- 30. An order form is included in the mailing.
- 随信寄上订单一份。
- The bill came to $467, tax included.
用作形容词 (adj.)
- include 包括
- included oxide 夹杂氧化物
- included angle of arch (指中心角) 拱的包...
- plane included angle 平面夹角
- included angle 夹角
- included gas 吸留气体,溶解在石油...
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