- adj.完美的;完全的;完满的;十足的;理想的vt.使完美;使完全
- 完全的,完美的,理想的,完整无缺的,圆满的
- 精通的,熟练的,娴熟的
- 十足的,绝对的
- 正确的
- 【植】雌雄(蕊)同花的
- 纯粹的
- 毋容置疑的,分毫不差的
- 厉害的
- 过分的
- 具备的
- 对…最适当的
- <废>完美地
- 【语法、语】<文>完成式
- 完成,做完
- 使…完美,臻于完善 ,达到完美境界,使完备
- 贯彻
- 改良,完善
- 制造,制成
- 修改
- 使熟练,使精通
- 使完全
- 完美的,完善的,理想的 of the very best possible kind, degree, or standard
- 完整的,完好无损的,无缺陷的 complete and without fault; with nothing missing, spoilt, etc.
- [A]完全的,绝对的 complete, thorough
- 正确的,精确的 agreeing in every way with an example accepted as correct
- vt. 使…完美 make (sth) perfect
a tense of verbs used in describing action that has been completed (sometimes regarded as perfective aspect)
being complete of its kind and without defect or blemish;
"a perfect circle"
"a perfect reproduction"
"perfect happiness"
"perfect manners"
"a perfect specimen"
"a perfect day"
without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers;
"an arrant fool"
"a complete coward"
"a consummate fool"
"a double-dyed villain"
"gross negligence"
"a perfect idiot"
"pure folly"
"what a sodding mess"
"stark staring mad"
"a thoroughgoing villain"
"utter nonsense"
"the unadulterated truth"
precisely accurate or exact;
"perfect timing"
make perfect or complete;
"perfect your French in Paris!"
- Laurel was a perfect girl in every way.
从各方面讲,罗拉都是一个完美的女孩。 - No one expects you to be perfect, but we do expect you to do your best always.
没人指望你完美无缺,但是我们盼望你永远尽最大的努力。 - One day being perfect health is much.
获得一天完全的健康也不算少。 - I insist on perfect sobriety and silence.
我坚决要求完全的肃静。 - The more obedient daughters are, the more often there is no perfect life, especially the marital problems.
越是听话的女儿,往往越没有完满的人生,尤其是婚姻问题。 - Therefore, relatively more perfect steroid withdrawl regimens have been studied by many researchers at home and abroad.
因而国内外众多学者一直在研究相对完满的撤离激素方案。 - She's a perfect angel!
她是真正的好人! - If you could make a wish, what would be your perfect job?
在你的理想中,最好的工作是什么? - She went to France to perfect her French.
她为了学好法语去过法国。 - He endeavored to perfect his ability.
- He is a perfect gentleman.
他是个十足的绅士。 - The shoes are a perfect fit.
这双鞋穿着很合脚。 - They have all been under perfect discipline
他们都受过良好的训练。 - Though he felt his anger mounting, he kept perfect control of himself.
他虽然觉得越来越生气,但还是很好地控制住自己。 - They make a perfect couple.
他们是天生的一对。 - She speaks perfect English.
她英语说得好极了。 - You are behaving like a perfect idiot.
你表现得像个十足的白痴。 - Alice's record of perfect attendance is very creditable to her.
艾丽斯从不缺席的记录真是值得称赞的。 - “I will never talk to him.Ever,”I said with perfect calm.
“我永远不会再跟他讲话,永远不,”我十分平静地说。 - It makes perfect sense to me.
我觉得这非常有道理。 - He is a perfect stranger to me.
我完全不认识他。 - He's only been studying for three years, but already his English is almost perfect.
他只学了三年,而他的英语已近乎完美了。 - The weather during our holiday was perfect.
在我们度假期间天气好极了。 - Practice makes perfect.
熟能生巧。 - The actor was perfect for this part.
这演员非常适合这个角色。 - He would be perfect for the job.
他来做这工作是再合适不过了。 - The weather is perfect for a picnic.
这种天气安排野餐好极了。 - This big house is perfect for our large family.
这座大房子非常适合我们这个大家庭。 - He went to Italy to perfect his singing voice.
他去意大利提高自己的歌唱技巧。 - He practised hard to perfect his technique.
- perfect的基本意思是“完美的,完善的,理想的”,当形容具体事物时,还可表示“完整的,完好无损的,无缺陷的”; 当形容抽象事物时,表示“完全的,绝对的”。perfect引申还可指“正确的,精确的”。
- perfect可以作“十足的,十分的,完全的”解,常用来加强所修饰名词的语气。指人时多用在行为、品德方面,意思是“高雅的,无瑕的”“绝对的”“不折不扣的”。
- perfect是强化形容词,没有程度上的区别,因此,一般不用very等词来修饰,也不用于比较等级。
- perfect作“完美的”解时,在句中可用作定语或表语; 作“完全的”解时,在句中主要用作定语。
- perfect是及物动词,意思是“使…完美,使…熟练〔精通〕”,其宾语多为抽象名词。
- Perfect常表达一种绝对的意思,所以在使用时,不可以在它前面加比较副词,如“more perfect”,“very perfect”;
G. M. Trevelyan on Lady Jane Grey:As learned as any of the Tudor sovereigns,this gentle Grecian had a more perfect character than the best of them.
G.M.特里威廉在《Lady Jane Grey》中写道:在认识到都铎王朝的所有君主之后,优雅的Grecian比其他人具有更加完美的品质。 -
He tries to prefect his English.
他尽力使完美自己的英语水平。 -
He tries to perfect her English.
前后主语不一致,不能清楚表达句子的意思,应该改为He tries to help her to perfect her English.
- perfect, complete
- 这两个词都可表示“完全的”。其区别是:
- complete有完结、无可复加的意思,主要从量上来考虑“完全”; 而perfect有完美无瑕之义,主要从质上来考虑“完全”。例如:
- When will the work be complete?
- 工作何时干完?(指全部结束)
- When will the work be perfect?
- 工作何时干完?(指无毛病)
- perfect, flawless
- 这两个词都可表示“完美无缺的”。其区别是:
- perfect强调的是“完美的”“精确的”,既可表现为褒义,也可表现为贬义,用于后者时强调十足的坏; flawless强调的是“无缺点的”“无瑕的”,通常只用于褒义。例如:
- He is a perfect fool.他是个十足的笨蛋。
- This is a flawless performance.这是一场完美的演出。
- improve,better,perfect,refine
- 这些动词均有“改进、改善”之意。
- improve最常用词,多指状态或性质上的深刻或重要改进,也可指自身能力的提高。
- better多用于口语,指适当地改善原来并非很差的状态或性质,也指社会地位、经济状况的改善。
- perfect语义强,通常指使方法、技术等达到完善美好的境地。
- refine侧重指使语言、仪态等变得文雅、优美,也可指技艺等的提高。
- perfect,ideal
- 这两个形容词均含“完美的、极好的”之意。
- perfect用于褒义指某人或某物等达到理想中的完美无缺;用于贬义,则相反,指十足的坏。
- ideal语气较强,指完美到使人称心如意的地步。
- perfect circle 正圆
- perfect condition 理想的情况
- perfect person 尽善尽美的人
- perfect silence 鸦雀无声
- fairly perfect 相当完美的
- quite perfect 相当完美的
- relatively perfect 相对完美的
- perfect for 对…来说最理想的
- perfect for job 做这个工作最合适
- perfect in form 形式完美
- perfect a surgical technique 使外科技术完善
- perfect condition 完善条件
- perfect picture 使画完美
- perfect singing 提高演唱技巧
- perfect by 利用…使完美
- perfect oneself in 使自己精通某事
- perfect through 通过…使完美