- vt.说服;劝说
- 说服
- 被说服
- 劝服
- 使某人相信
- 劝导
- 转托
- 引
- 劝告
- 使信服
- 说服(某人)做某事,尤指劝说
- 引诱
- 恳求
- 催促
- 劝说
- vt. & vi. 说服,劝告 make sb believe or do sth by talking to him
win approval or support for;
"Carry all before one"
"His speech did not sway the voters"
cause somebody to adopt a certain position, belief, or course of action; twist somebody's arm;
"You can't persuade me to buy this ugly vase!"
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity?
我如何能够让你相信我的诚意? - We are persuaded of the justice of her case.
我们确信对她案件的审理是公正的。 - I am not fully persuaded by the evidence.
这证据不足以使我充分信服。 - You try and persuade her (to come out with us).
你去试试劝她(跟我们一起出去)吧。 - He is easily persuaded.
- She persuaded easily.
她容易说服。 - The boy persuades easily.
这孩子听劝。 - Nothing would persuade him.
任何话都说服不了他。 - I tried hard to persuade him.
我尽力劝导他。 - It was difficult to persuade him because he was very stubborn.
他很执拗,所以很难说服他。 - Despite all my efforts to persuade him, he wouldn't agree.
尽管我尽力说服他,可他就是不同意。 - It's easy to persuade them, if you go the right way about it.
如果你劝说得法,说服他们是不难的。 - She soon persuaded her husband.
她很快就说服了她的丈夫。 - She persuaded her several friends.
她说服了她的几个朋友。 - It is easy to persuade oneself.
- I was fully persuaded.
我完全被说服了。 - I shall persuade him to take the medicine.
我将说服他把药吃下去。 - Naturally, we'll do our best to persuade people to buy our products.
我们自然会尽力劝说大家购买我们的产品。 - I was at last able to persuade him to take this job.
最后我总算说服了他做这项工作。 - I persuaded my brother to accept the job.
我说服弟弟接受了这份工作。 - He succeeded in persuading her to give up her part-time job.
他说服她放弃了兼职工作。 - She wanted to persuade her brother to give up smoking, but in vain.
她想说服她的弟弟戒烟,但徒劳无益。 - Who persuaded you to write that letter?
谁说服你写那封信? - I persuaded my friend to go swimming yesterday.
昨天我说服了我的朋友去游泳。 - I want to persuade this little girl to go overseas with me.
我想说服这位小姑娘跟我一起出国。 - I was able at last to persuade my companion to take my advice.
我终于说服我的同伴接受我的建议。 - I'll persuade him to go with you.
我将说服他和你一起去。 - He is persuading his daughter to change her mind.
他正在劝说他的女儿改变主意。 - The young mother persuaded her son to have a cup of milk.
- He was persuaded to try again.
他被说服再试一试。 - She was persuaded to marry John.
- persuade的基本意思是“说服”,指通过晓之以理或动之以情的各种方法如劝说、辩论、恳求等,能使或已使某人相信某事或者接受某建议而做或不做某事。强调不仅“说”,而且使之“服”。假如只表示“说服”这种动作,而不知对方已经或者能否“服”,则不用persuade,应该用try〔want〕 to persuade。
- persuade既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后可接名词或代词作宾语; 作不及物动词时,主动形式常含有被动意义,即主语是被说服的对象,这种用法通常见于一般时态,并带 easily 之类的状语,说明“说服”的难易度。persuade还可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。
- persuade作“使相信,使确信”解时,其后可接of引出相信的内容。当of的宾语是that从句时, of须省略。
- persuade into可表示“说服某人做某事”; persuade out则表示“说服某人不做某事或放弃某想法”。
- persuade可用于被动结构。
- persuade, advice
- 这两个词的区别在于:advice只指“劝”而不表示“服”; 而persuade则不仅“劝”,而且使之“信”或“服”。例如:
- I advised her, but she would not listen to me.
- 我劝她,可她偏不听。
- I persuaded her to give up smoking.
- 我说服她戒了烟。
- persuade, convince
- 这两个词的共同意思是“说服”。其区别是:
- 1.persuade是站在说服方的角度的,多用于主动结构,而convince则是站在被说服方的角度的,多用于被动结构。例如:
- I could not persuade her of his death.
- 我无法使她相信他已经死了。
- She is still not convinced of his death.
- 她还不相信他已经死了。
- 2.convince强调“晓之以理”,通过摆事实讲道理的方法使对方“信”“服”,而persuade则方法多样,不仅晓之以理,而且动之以情,如恳求,还可以通过辩论或敦促等方法。例如:
- How can I convince her of its truth?
- 我怎样才能说服她相信其中的真相呢?
- She persuades me to take the medicine.
- 她劝我把药吃下去。
- 3.convince侧重“服”,而persuade不仅表示“服”的结果,也着重“劝”的动作。例如:
- You try and persuade him.
- 你试着劝劝他。
- Is he convinced of your innocence?
- 他相信你是清白的吗?
- persuade, dissuade, lobby
- 这组词都可以表示“使某人相信或同意”。其区别是:
- lobby特指游说议员而使议案得以通过;persuade的意思是“说服”,指通过情感、意愿等办法说服某人从而去做所希望的事。dissuade的意思是“劝阻”,意指通过劝说让某人别干某件冒险、不明智或预计产生不良后果的事。
- 下面两个句子的意思相同:
- I can't be persuaded of his honesty.
- I can't persuade myself of his honesty.
- 我不能说服自己相信他的诚实。
- 下面三个句子的意思不同:
- I never persuade him to do it.
- 我从不劝他去做那件事。
- I always persuaded him not to do such a thing.
- 我总是说服他不做那样的事。
- I will never persuade him to do it.
- 我永远也无法劝服他去做那件事。
- induce,persuade,urge,convince,counsel,coax
- 这些动词均有“劝说、劝导、劝诱”之意。
- induce指用讲道理来使某人做某事。
- persuade普通用词,指通过劝说、感情交流等而使对方做劝说者所希望的事。
- urge语气强,指不断地、热情地规劝诱导。
- convince指凭行动、事实或言语使他人从思想感情上信服。
- counsel较正式用词,指对一些较重大事情所提出的劝告。有时也用于非正式场合,但仍强调严肃的一面。
- coax指用好话善意或耐心劝诱、哄骗某人做某事。
- persuade into (v.+prep.)
劝某人做某事 cause sb to do sth; convince sb to do sth
persuade sb into v-ingYou try and persuade her into coming with us.
He couldn't persuade me into accepting his terms.
Who persuaded you into writing that letter?
I have persuaded him into doing it.
He persuaded her into going to the dinner party.
Her mother persuaded her into staying at home for a whole day.
He is the sort of man that could be persuaded into doing everything.
She was persuaded into doing it against her will.
- persuade (of) (v.+prep.)
使某人确信 cause sb to convince
persuade sb/oneself of sthHow can I persuade you of my sincerity?
They couldn't persuade him of their sincerity.
We had to persuade them of the need to evacuate their house.
We persuaded him of its importance.
I have persuaded him of its truth.
Tom can't persuade himself of my sincerity.
I'm firmly persuaded of the man's innocence.
I'm thoroughly persuaded of his loyalty.
That man was almost persuaded of her honesty.
persuade sb/oneself that-clauseAt last I persuaded him that he was wrong.
They persuaded him that this medicine was excellent for his colds.
She wanted to buy the orange dress, but we persuaded her that the blue one was much fitter.
He persuaded her that he was honest.
We could not persuade him that she was telling the truth.
How can I persuade you that I am grateful to you?
I could not persuade myself that this exciting moment would ever come.
I could not persuade myself that it was good for the health.
I persuaded myself that I could make contributions to the motherland.
He persuaded himself that he could finish the business.
They were persuaded that we would accept the invitation.
I'm almost persuaded that he is honest.
How can I be persuaded that you are sincere?
It was easily persuaded that he must be a very good man.
- persuade out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
劝某人放弃做某事 prevent sb from a course by talking to sb
persuade sb out of sth/v-ingHe persuaded me out of the idea of discontinuing the experiment.
We persuaded him out of lending his money to that untrustworthy man.
- persuade artfully 巧妙地说服
- persuade easily 容易被说服
- persuade eloquently 有力地劝说
- persuade firmly 坚定的说服
- persuade forcibly 有说服力地劝说
- persuade fully 完全说服
- persuade tactfully 巧妙地说服
- persuade thoroughly 彻底说服
- persuade in 劝某人进去
- persuade over here 把某人劝过来
- persuade up 把某人劝起来
- persuade into doing 劝某人做某事
- persuade into writing 劝某人写信
- persuade of 使某人相信
- persuade of its truth 说服某人相信它的真实性
- persuade off idea 劝某人打消念头
- persuade out of doing 劝某人不做某事