picture show
- 画展; 电影
a form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement;
"they went to a movie every Saturday night"
"the film was shot on location"
- 1. There's a new picture show at the gallery tomorrow.
- 明天在画廊有个新画展。
- 2. I think the picture show us how fruit is necessary to life.
- 我认为这幅画给我们展示了水果对于我们的生活是必需的。
- 3. She gave the money to Dill, who went to the picture show twenty times on it.
- 她把钱给了迪尔,迪尔用这笔钱看了二十场电影。
- 4. My boys ain't goin 'to town tonight, an' I brought DE car over fur you two to go in to DE picture show.
- 我的孩子不是要扔掉今晚到城里,一个'我带来了超越了毛皮你们两个去到德图片展示车。
- 5. On Saturday night the boys always piled into the Ford, took little Josephine, and went to town to the moving-picture show.
- 在星期六晚上到福特的男孩总是堆积,约瑟芬少了,并到镇的移动画面显示。
- 6. "Rocky Horror Picture Show" was certainly one of the films that benefited from that, and it became one of these "word of mouth films".
- 《洛基恐怖秀》显然是其中一部受益的电影,并且后来成为一部“口碑电影”。
- 7. The term originates from the 1975 movie "the Rocky Horror Picture Show," when the cast had an Easter egg hunt but most of the eggs went unfound.
- 该说法起源于1975年的电影《洛基恐怖秀》,当时剧组人员开展了一场复活节找彩蛋游戏,不过大多数彩蛋都没找到。
- 8. As the picture show, install the attached suspension line on the four corners of the light, and then put the light into the place which is original for the ceiling.
- 如图所示,将吊索配套组件装至平板灯四角,将灯吊装于原天花板位置。
- 9. Over the 40 or so years of the story, the theater itself undergoes many transitions, so the gently comic film not only celebrates but eulogizes the community and the picture show.
- 在故事的这四十年间,电影院经历里许多变迁,所以这个温馨有趣的电影是在庆贺更是在颂扬这个社会以及电影。
- 10. Show me which picture you drew.
- 指给我看哪张画是你画的。
- 11. I understand that the picture does not always show the real color, but it should not be that different.
- 我知道这幅画并不总是显示出真正的颜色,但它也不应该有那么大的不同。
- 12. Once you are satisfied, you can click on the picture of a license to show you what the visitors will see.
- 一旦对许可满意后,单击一个许可的图片,将显示访客所能看到的效果。
- 13. The picture was taken at the Miramar Air Show in San Diego, California in 2008.
- 这张图片拍摄于2008年加利福尼亚州圣迭戈的米拉马尔航展。
- 14. The picture has been color-coded to show how the sky looks over the range of frequencies observed by Planck.
- 此图像被经过彩色编码处理以显示天空在普朗克观察频段范围下的样子。
- 15. Again he pulled his leather wallet from his pants pocket; maybe he meant to show me a picture of his daughter, but he again put it away.
- 他又把他的皮制的夹子从他的裤子兜里拽了出来;也许他是想让我瞧瞧他女儿的照片,可他又把那夹子放了回去。
- 16. Figure 11 doesn't show the whole picture.
- 在图11中没有显示整个图片。
- 17. A dirty CSS trick allows you to hide the text and show a picture in the browser.
- 一个复杂的CSS技巧可以在浏览器中隐藏文本显示图像。
- 18. Clubbers will be asked to have their right index finger scanned and show picture identification to register on the system.
- 进入这些场所的人将被要求对其右手食指进行扫描,并且出示照片证明以登陆这一系统。
- 19. No, this picture doesn't show the warehouse where they're keeping the Ark of the Covenant; it's the US Geological Survey National Ice Core Lab.
- 这张照片显示的可不是保存神秘约柜(藏于古犹太圣殿至圣所内、刻有十诫的两块石板)的仓库,而是美国国家地质调查所的冰芯实验室。
- 20. She may smile for the camera, but it will turn to a frown the moment you show her the picture you've taken.
- 对着相机,她可能还面带微笑;不过把刚照的照片拿给她看,她大概就会紧皱眉头了。
- 21. But a director also has to show the other side of the picture in the same story.
- 但一个导演在同一个故事里不得不呈现另一幅画面。
- 22. While the sample application is not using those, you can easily extend the sample application to retrieve the picture from Facebook and show it in the main screen.
- 尽管样例应用程序没有使用这些引用,但是您很容易扩展样例应用程序,以从Facebook检索图片并显示在主屏幕中。
- 23. maybe he meant to show me a picture of his daughter, but he again put it away.
- 也许他是想让我瞧瞧他女儿的照片,可他又把那夹子放了回去。
- 24. maybe he meant to show me a picture of his daughter, but he again put it away.
- 也许他是想让我瞧瞧他女儿的照片,可他又把那夹子放了回去。
- We visited an art show this morning.
今天上午我们参观了一个画展。 - The picture show will be shut for a week.
画展将暂停开放一星期。 - The picture now showing is a new copy.
现在上映的电影是个新拷贝。 - Some cinemas used to be called Picture Palaces.
- picture show 画展
- cinema 电影院
- moving picture 电影
- motion picture 电影
- pic 照片
- flick 快速的轻打
- movie 电影
- film 电影
- picture 照片
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