- n.利润;收益;利益vi.得益;获利vt.有益于
- 利润,收益,盈利,盈余,赚头
- 益处,好处,裨益
- 红利
- 利益
- 利润率
- 有益于
- 有益,有利
- 得益,获利,获益,受益
- 有用,对…有用
- 发...财,赚钱
- 占到便宜
- [C][U]利润,收益,盈利 money gained by trade or business
- [U]益处,得益 advantage gained from some action
- vt. & vi. 获利; 得益于 gain profit from〔by〕
the excess of revenues over outlays in a given period of time (including depreciation and other non-cash expenses)
the advantageous quality of being beneficial
derive a benefit from;
"She profited from his vast experience"
make a profit; gain money or materially;
"The company has not profited from the merger"
- There is very little profit in selling newspapers at present.
现在卖报纸利润很少。 - I want to know the net profit.
我想知道净收益。 - It is well known that fake and inferior commodities do harm to the profit of consumers.
众所周知,假冒伪劣商品损害了消费者的利益。 - We profit from the work of the specialist.
我们从专家的工作中得到益处。 - He learned to profit by his mistakes.
他学会了从自己的错误中获益。 - Knowing what you know and profit from it.
知道自己知道什么,并从中获利。 - All his wealth did not profit him.
- It's profit you're after.
这是你所追求的利润。 - They participate in the profits.
他们分享利润。 - There is soon an excess of commodities; they can't be sold at a profit.
商品很快就过剩了,要不赔钱卖掉这些商品是不可能的。 - What's the profit of doing that?
做那件事有什么好处呢? - Taking these courses profited him.
- You will be profited if you follow my advice.
照我的忠告去做,你会受益的。 - What is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
假使一个人获得了整个世界而失去了自己的灵魂,这对他又有何意义呢? - It will profit you nothing to do that.
- profit作为名词的意思是“利润”“赢利”,转化为动词则表示“从…中获利”“对…有好处”。指获得明显的物质利益,或者增加其财富、知识等的储存。
- profit是及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语,还可接双宾语。可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词,常与介词by, from等连用。
We hoped to sell the goods at a profit.
我们希望卖掉这些产品能有所收益.Part of the profits were devoted to charity.
利润的一部分捐给了慈善会。 - profit(s) tax可表示为“所得税”;
表示“利用,得益于”可用profit from,profit by和profit of三种表达方式,第一种是最常用的,且一般出现在动名词前。
He profited from/by/of) this time to look at the paintings.
He profited from looking at the paintings.
- profit, advantage, benefit, interest
- 这组词的共同意思是“优势”“好处”“利益”。其区别是:
- 1.advantage一般用于指地位上的优势,尤指对立双方中的某一方所具有的有利条件;benefit指个人或社会所获得的利益或好处;profit主要指所获得的物质利益,尤指金钱上的利益;interest常用其复数形式interests表示“利益”。
- 2.advantage一般不用于指所获得的物质利益;interest多限于表示一些抽象的如“投资”这样的权益,或指应付的“利息”;profit通常只用于指具体利益,偶尔用于抽象事物指权力或知识的增长等;benefit则既可指具体利益,也可指抽象事物上的收获或帮助。
- profit, benefit
- 这组词都是“对…有益”“受益”的意思,前者侧重表示改善或优化个人状况,后者强调物质方面的收益。在表示使某人(知识、财富)的贮存和利润增加时,多用profit而少用前者。
- advantage,benefit,interest,favour,profit,gain
- 这些名词均有“利益、好处”之意。
- advantage指因某方面占优势或利用某机会以及对方弱点而获得利益与好处。
- benefit普通用词,指通过正当手段从物质或精神方面得到的任何好处或利益。
- interest作“利益”解时,多用复数形式,既可指集团、群体的利益,又可指个人的利益。
- favour指在竞争中获得的advantage,也可指狭隘的个人利益。
- profit着重收益,尤指从物质、钱财等方面获得的利益。
- gain指获得的物质利益,也暗示不损坏他人利益而得的无形好处。
- avail,benefit,profit
- 这些动词均含有“有益于,有益”之意。
- avail较文雅,常见于历史小说、演说或讲道中,较少用于日常话语,侧重功效或效力。
- benefit通常既可指个人情况(如身体、智力或精神状态等)的好转或改善,又可指对实现某个目标等带来的好处。
- profit着重于物质方面的受益,常用于财富或知识等方面的得益。
- profit by〔from〕 (v.+prep.)
得益于 benefit from or be helped by sth
profit by〔from〕 sth/v-ingA wise man profits by his mistakes.
He obviously hasn't profited by his experiences.
A lucky group of students will profit by an exchange visit overseas.
He profited by this time to look at the paintings.
They profited by putting their money in his business.
He profited greatly from his three years in college.
I have profited from your advice.
He hoped to profit from his investments.
She will never be a professional musician, but I'm sure that she has profited from her lessons.
You could profit from listening to a wise man.
- allot〔divide〕 a profit 分配利润
- bring a profit to 给…带来好处
- earn〔gain, get, obtain〕 a profit 获得利润
- increase a profit 增加利润
- abnormal〔excess〕 profit 超额利润
- actual〔bare〕 profit 实际〔微小〕的利润
- average profit 平均利润
- big〔enormous, fat, great, immense〕 profit 巨额利润
- extra〔legitimate〕 profit 额外〔合法〕利润
- gross profit 利润总额
- negative profit 亏损
- respectable profit 相当多的利润
- book profit 账面利润
- for profit 为了利润
- amount of profit 利润额
- to one's profit 为了个人的利益
- transaction without profit 无利的交易
- profit by state-owned enterprises 国有企业利润
- profit for the term 本期利润
- profit from〔in〕 business 商业利润
- profit of labor 劳动收益
- profit on capital 资本利润
- profit over cost 扣除成本后的利润
- profit to the seller 卖方利润
- profit enormously 巨额利润
- profit greatly 获益匪浅
- profit handsomely 丰厚利润
- profit liberally 利润很大
- profit by one's experiences 吸取以往的教训
- profit by one's mistakes 从错误中受益
- profit from one's advice 从某人的建议中获益
- profit from changes in prices 从物价变动中获利
- profit from one's investments 从投资中获利
- profit from the sale of sth 因卖某物而获利